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Routing Your Microservices Architecture To Ease DevOps Enterprise Transformation Devops Gathering 2020 1

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Whoami Manuel Zapf Head of Product Open Source @ Maintainer on Containous Trae k  @mZapfDE  SantoDE 2

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Containous We Believe in Open Source We Deliver Trae k, Trae k Enterprise Edition, Maesh Commercial Support 30 people distributed, 90% tech 3 . 1

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3 . 2

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The Premise Of Microservices… 3 . 3

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… And What Happens 3 . 4

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Where’s My Service? 3 . 5

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Tools Of The Trade 3 . 6

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Source: Twitter[] 3 . 7

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What If I Told You? That You Don’t Have to Write This Con guration File… ? 3 . 8

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Here Comes Traefik! 4 . 1

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Traefik Project 4 . 2

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Traefik 2.0 Quick Overview Revamped Documentation Clari ed Concepts Expressive Routing Rule Syntax Middlewares TCP Support Canary / Mirroring And so Much More… Learn more on the blog post 4 . 3

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Traefik (V2.0) Core Concepts 5 . 1

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Traefik Is An Edge Router 5 . 2

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Dynamically Discovers Services 5 . 3

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Architecture (V2.0) At A Glance 5 . 4

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Entrypoints 5 . 5

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Routers 5 . 6

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Middlewares 5 . 7

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Services 5 . 8

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Architecture (Again) At A Glance 5 . 9

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Static & Dynamic Configuration 5 . 10

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Traefik And Let’s Encrypt 6 . 1

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HTTPS & Let’s Encrypt 6 . 2

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Traefik With ⎈ ⎈ Diagram from 7 . 1

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Ingress Example With ⎈ ⎈ apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: corporate-webapp annotations: 'traefik' spec: rules: - host: localhost http: paths: - backend: serviceName: corporate-webapp servicePort: 80 7 . 2

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⎈ ⎈ CRD - Custom Resources Definition # File "webapp.yaml" apiVersion: kind: IngressRoute metadata: name: simpleingressroute spec: entryPoints: - web routes: - match: Host(`localhost`) && PathPrefix(`/whoami`) kind: Rule services: - name: webapp port: 80 $ kubectl apply -f webapp.yaml $ kubectl get ingressroute 7 . 3

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⎈ ⎈ & TCP (With CRD) apiVersion: kind: IngressRouteTCP metadata: name: ingressroutetcpmongo.crd spec: entryPoints: - mongotcp routes: - match: HostSNI(`mongo-prod`) services: - name: mongo-prod port: 27017 7 . 4

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East / West Traefik 8 . 1

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Say Hello To Maesh 8 . 2

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What Is Maesh? Maesh is a lightweight, easy to con gure, and non-invasive service mesh that allows visibility and management of the traf c ows inside any Kubernetes cluster. 8 . 3

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Maesh Architecture 8 . 4

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More On Maesh Built on top of Trae k, SMI (Service Mesh Interface speci cation) compliant, Opt-in by default. Maesh Website 8 . 5

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Show Me The Code! Install Maesh (Helm Chart): Deploy Applications: Deploy SMI Objects to allow traf c in the mesh: helm repo add maesh helm repo update helm install --name=maesh --namespace=maesh maesh/maesh --values=./maesh/values.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/0-namespace.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/1-svc-accounts.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/2-apps-client.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/3-apps-servers.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/4-ingressroutes.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/5-smi-http-route-groups.yaml kubectl apply -f apps/6-smi-traffic-targets.yaml 8 . 6

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A Closer Look To SMI Objects apiVersion: kind: HTTPRouteGroup metadata: name: app-routes namespace: apps matches: - name: all pathRegex: "/" methods: ["*"] --- apiVersion: kind: TrafficTarget metadata: name: client-apps namespace: apps destination: kind: ServiceAccount name: apps-server namespace: apps specs: - kind: HTTPRouteGroup name: app-routes matches: - all sources: - kind: ServiceAccount name: apps-client namespace: apps 8 . 7

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That’s All Folks! 9 . 1

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We Have Stickers! 9 . 2

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We Are Hiring! docker run -it containous/jobs 9 . 3

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Thank You!  @mZapfDE  SantoDE Slides (HTML): Slides (PDF): Source on : 10