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Envoy as an API Gateway Yuki Ito (@mrno110) DP Engineering Monday

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Kauche Architect Yuki Ito @mrno110

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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What is Envoy Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures. The project was born out of the belief that:ɹ The network should be transparent to applications. When network and application problems do occur it should be easy to determine the source of the problem.

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Envoy Con fi gurations Listener Cluster Endpoint Endpoint Cluster Endpoint Endpoint Route

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Envoy Con fi gurations Service-1 Service-2 Route Path: /service-1 Path: /service-2

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Static Con fi gurations static_resources: listeners: - address: socket_address: protocol: TCP address: port_value: 5000 #... clusters: - name: service-1 connect_timeout: 1s type: STRICT_DNS lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN #... envoy.yaml

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Static Con fi gurations > envoy -c envoy.yaml

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Dynamic Con fi gurations Control Plane xDS API Cluster Route Listener

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x Discovery Service API •Listener Discovery Service •Route Discovery Service •Cluster Discovery Service •Endpoint Discovery Service

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e.g. Cluster Discovery Service service ClusterDiscoveryService { rpc StreamClusters(stream discovery.v3.DiscoveryRequest) returns (stream discovery.v3.DiscoveryResponse) { } rpc DeltaClusters(stream discovery.v3.DeltaDiscoveryRequest) returns (stream discovery.v3.DeltaDiscoveryResponse) { } rpc FetchClusters(discovery.v3.DiscoveryRequest) returns (discovery.v3.DiscoveryResponse) { } } cds.proto

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Control Plane Control Plane xDS API Cluster Route Listener

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Control Plane - e.g. Istio istiod xDS API Cluster Route Listener

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Control Plane - e.g. Istio

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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Architecture Run Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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API Gateway Pattern Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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API Gateway Pattern Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler API Gateway

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O ffl oading Cross-Cutting Concerns to the API Gateway ✓ Authentication / Authorization ✓ Transcoding ✓ Being Internet facing (TLS / Domain / CDN / IP ...) ✓ ...

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Why Envoy? • Extensibility with WebAssembly • Dynamic Con fi gurations • Easy to setup • Widely used in the Cloud Native World

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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Envoy Architecture fi lter-chain-processing

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HTTP Filters JWT Authentication RBAC Modify HTTP Headers Request

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HTTP Filters JWT Authentication RBAC Modify HTTP Headers Request

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Wasm Filter Compile

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proxy-wasm ff 5a8ac7b18a65360fe8ab843a6291b8947682/docs/

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Wasm Filter http_filters: - name: envoy.filters.http.wasm typed_config: '@type': type_url: value: config: vm_config: runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.v8 code: local: filename: /etc/envoy/proxy-wasm-cloud-logging-trace-context.wasm configuration: '@type': value: |- { "project_id": "x-asia-kauche-dev" } - name: envoy.filters.http.router typed_config: '@type':

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e.g. Fetching access tokens from Google Cloud Metadata Server API Gateway Upstream Microservice Metadata Server Access Token Access Token Get Access Token Request

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e.g. Integrating with Google CloudLogging kauche / proxy-wasm-cloud-logging-trace-context

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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Static Con fi gurations static_resources: listeners: - address: socket_address: protocol: TCP address: port_value: 5000 #... clusters: - name: service-1 connect_timeout: 1s type: STRICT_DNS lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN #... envoy.yaml

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Con fi gurations for Various Environments • Local • CI • Lab • Dev • Prod ~ 60% consists of the same con fi gurations for each environment.

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Building Con fi gurations with CUE CUE is an open source language, with a rich set of APIs and tooling, for de fi ning, generating, and validating all kinds of data: con fi guration, APIs, database schemas, code, … you name it.

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Building Con fi gurations with CUE package config #Input: { upstreams: [...#Upstream] // ... } #Upstream: { name: string address: string // ... } #Bootstrap: { input: #Input config: { static_resources: { clusters: [ for upstream in input.upstreams { // ... }, ] // ... } } }

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Building Con fi gurations with CUE package dev import ".../envoy/config" bootstrap: config.#Bootstrap & { input: config.#Input & { upstreams: [ config.#Upstream & { name: "api" address: "" // ... }, config.#Upstream & { name: "partner" address: "" // ... }, ] } } package local import ".../envoy/config" bootstrap: config.#Bootstrap & { input: config.#Input & { upstreams: [ config.#Upstream & { name: "api" address: "localhost" // ... }, config.#Upstream & { name: "partner" address: "localhost" // ... }, ] } } dev/con fi g.cue local/con fi g.cue

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Building Con fi gurations with CUE Generate YAML

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization

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External Authorization Envoy Upstream External Authorization Service OK / NG (+ Token) Token Context / Headers Request

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External Authorization service Authorization { // Performs authorization check based on the attributes associated with the // incoming request, and returns status `OK` or not `OK`. rpc Check(CheckRequest) returns (CheckResponse) { } } message CheckRequest { option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "envoy.service.auth.v2.CheckRequest"; // The request attributes. AttributeContext attributes = 1; } external_auth.proto

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External Authorization Envoy Upstream External Authorization Service OK / NG (+ JWT) JWT Context / Headers Request

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Agenda • What is Envoy • Envoy as an API Gateway @ Kauche • WebAssembly Module • CUE for Con fi guration Management • External Authorization