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React: 5 Years Later Santa Cruz JS 14th May 2020

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When I came here five years ago... React was new and radically different from other frameworks of the time. I tried to convince you that React is a game changer.. "it will not just change the way you build user interfaces, but change the way you think about UI."

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Since then, React has become the de-facto standard in frontend development and has impacted the career of almost every JavaScript developer. Even the people in this room who are not using React today are likely using a framework that has been influenced by React in fundamental ways.

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I'm Simon I’m a software engineer, a founder, dad, consultant and trainer. I help companies build cool stuff with React. I worked at Facebook, I’ve been at Google/YouTube, I’ve hired and trained engineers and founded a consultancy and I’ve built a whole lot of React stuff. /sstur_

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What I’d like you to take away from this talk today.

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Takeaways: ● What's the journey been like so far ● What have we learned ● Why is React still #1 ● What is new and exciting in React world 💯

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Let's take a look at how far we’ve come in the past few years ...but first, come with me on this journey back to May, 2015.

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● The Apple Watch has just been released; Airpods don’t exist yet ● The first Macbook with USB-C just announced ● Windows 10 not yet released ● IE is the #2 browser w/ 10-20% market share; Edge does not exist yet ● Barack Obama is president ● InstaStories doesn’t exist yet (you have to use Snapchat) ● Periscope and Meerkat just started the live-streaming trend ● California is totally in a drought ● Human contact is still a thing

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But in development world...

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● ES6 still called "Harmony” ● We’re mostly using Gulp and Browserify (Webpack is just getting popular) ● AngularJS is the most popular web framework by huge margin ● CSS in JS is not really a thing ● The Node.js community is split in two: io.js / original Node ● GraphQL just announced ● React is starting to gain popularity ● React Native has just been open sourced (iOS only) ● Flux is hot! Redux doesn’t exist ● Rust 1.0 just got announced

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Now that I think about it.. 2015 was a HUGE year for developers!

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Remember “JavaScript Fatigue”?

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Remember Meteor and Ember. Remember Firefox OS? Remember Aurelia? (me neither)

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The ecosystem got kinda messy for a while.

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Really though, React was in its infancy.

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Let’s talk about interesting stuff that's happened in React world since then.

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Redux came and went

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Flow came and went

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Higher Order Components was a thing

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Render props kinda replaced HoC (for a bit...)

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Do you remember Thunks and Redux-Saga?

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React kicked off the "CSS in JS" revolution

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The rise of TypeScript! ...and it's subsequent world domination

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ESLint. Prettier! ...the state of excellent tooling

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Server-side rendering and static site generators (Gatsby, Next)

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How 'bout that async/await stuff!

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Oh yea… and Hooks!

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Hooks: ● Cleaner code; less code ● No classes or `this` ● Composable! ● Excellent set of built-in hooks ● No more HoC mess ● Strongly typed

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Naturally, we rewrote everything...

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React on other Platforms

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One of the most exciting things to happen in the React ecosystem since we last talked is React Native.

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React Native: ● Probably the most influential x-plat mobile solution to date. ● Any web developer can jump into being a mobile dev ● Fully immersive native experiences ● Incredible ecosystem of packages ● World-class companies are pushing this forward

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It's like the missing tooling for React Native ● Tooling, libraries, SDK ● Online playground ● Build pipeline ● Automation tools

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Expo Web

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Expo Web also supports Electron for Mac and Windows applications

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And on top of that...

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Microsoft has announced real React Native support for Windows and Mac

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React: Looking forward...

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Hooks paved the way for “Fast refresh” a hot reloading reboot

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React as been completely rewritten as part of the “React Fibers” initiative

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That rewrite unlocks two important future features: ● Concurrent Mode - 3 years in the making! ● Suspense

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Concurrent Mode: ● Huge shift in the way React internals work (demo) ● React.lazy for granular control over code splitting ● Enables Suspense for more granular control over loading states

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The future of React Native ● Re-architecture of RN including new render engine (Fabric) ● Hermes JS engine for fast perf on low-powered devices

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This is exciting stuff. Why is React still innovative after all these years?

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That's my talk! @sstur_ Thanks for listening. Ask me questions!

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