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Con f igure cross-account deployment using CDK Takuya Hashimoto / @hassaku_63 CDK Day 2023 29th September 2023

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Speaker Developer, IT system admin X(Twitter): @hassaku_63 GitHub: hassaku63 SpeakerDeck: hassaku63 Takuya Hashimoto (Serverworks Co., Ltd.) Serverworks is; System Integrator & AWS Premier Tier Service Partner (since 2014) 1st Japanese Company to acquire MSP Competency in AWS Partner Network (APN)

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Contents 1. Overview of the “CDK Security and Safety Dev Guide” 2. What “cdk bootstrap” command actually doing 3. Con f igure cross-account deployment for CDK project This is my f irst time outputting in English. I'm looking forward to discussing with all of you today, but I apologize if my English is hard to understand.

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Goal The architecture we are assuming for this session Actor (pipeline account) Target account(s) Trigger on push cdk deploy

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Overview of the “CDK Security and Safety Dev Guide”

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(QUESTION) What should CDK beginner to learn after going through the tutorial?

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Fundamental documents about CDK 1. CDK Concepts 2. Security And Safety Dev Guide

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CDK deployments and IAM permission #Controlling the permissions used by CDK deployments [2] DefaultStackSynthesizer CDK’s default approach Fewer permissions are required for the principal who is initiating CDK deployment action than [1] [1] CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer Simple deployment pattern Do not use AssumeRole for deployment

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer The principal who starts CDK Deployment action (It invokes cfn ExecuteChangeSet or Deploy API internally)

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer IAM Roles and Permissions actually used during CDK deployment

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer “Assets” publishing (Container images) “Assets” publishing (static f iles like such as Lambda function’s packages)

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer Executes cfn deployment

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer Executes cfn deployment IAM Role for Invoke cfn deploy API IAM Role for used when constructs resources

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer AssumeRole permission are required for the principal (do not need other)

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Permissions and Roles in DefaultStackSynthesizer Account for starting deployment action Deployment target account(s) (1) CDK’s default approach makes it easier to migrate to cross-account architecture because deployment are based on AssumeRole & PassRole (2) These resources (in orange box) are constructed ”cdk bootstrap” (3) Need to con f igure IAM Roles to “trust” the principals in another account if con f igure cross-account deployment (by execute “cdk bootstrap” command)

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What “cdk bootstrap” command actually doing

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CDK bootstrap (revision) Deploy a cfn stack which is called “bootstrap stack” CDK Developer Guide - Concepts; Bootstraping

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CDK bootstrap $ cdk bootstrap —show-template > bootstrap-template.yml De f ined resources are; (only covering those relevant to my talk theme) Allow AssumeRole to AWS Account principal if “TrustedAccouts” given IAM Role resource de f ined in bootstrap template 1. S3 Bucket for storing f ile assets 2. ECR Repository for upload container assets 3. IAM Role for Upload f ile assets 4. IAM Role for push container assets 5. IAM Role for lookup resources

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Con f igure cross-account deployment for CDK project

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Con f iguration for cross-account deployment Overview hassaku63/cdk-cross-account-deployment-example 1. bootstrap on Pipeline account 2. bootstrap on Target account 
 (trust “pipeline account” principal) 3. Deploy pipeline stack 4. Deploy to target (by git push) Pipeline account Target account(s)

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Con f iguration for cross-account deployment Overview hassaku63/cdk-cross-account-deployment-example Pipeline account Target account(s) 1. bootstrap on Pipeline account 2. bootstrap on Target account 
 (trust “pipeline account” principal) 3. Deploy pipeline stack 4. Deploy to target (by git push)

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Con f iguration for cross-account deployment Bootstrap on target account with “trust” option Execute on the all target accounts $ npx cdk bootstrap \ —trust “” \ —cloudformation-execution-policies \ ‘arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess’ Pipeline account Target account(s)

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Con f iguration for cross-account deployment Con f igure service role for CodeBuild Allow AssumeRole action to the Roles that are constructed by bootstrap Pipeline account Target account(s)

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Conclusion Learn about … 1. What resources are constructed by “cdk bootstrap” command 2. Use “trust” option with bootstrap command to con f igure cross-account deployment 3. Allow the actor that starts deployment (such as CodeBuild Project) to execute 
 the AssumeRole action to the Roles that are constructed by bootstrap

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