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From Sketch to App: A Design to Development Workflow David Ortinau
 Xamarin MVP @davidortinau

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photo: @nvega

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“Ultimately, we are deluding ourselves if we think that the products that we design are the ‘things’ that we sell, rather than the individual, social and cultural experience that they engender, and the value and impact that they have. Design that ignores this is not worthy of the name.”

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Bill Buxton Principal Researcher Microsoft Research

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Rendr Workflow What comes before Develop

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What we want Rendr Workflow

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“The fundamental thing about sketching is that it is about asking not telling.” Bill Buxton

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“If you want to get the most out of a sketch, you need to leave big enough holes for the imagination to fit in.“ yep…Bill Buxton

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How You Say

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Tips For Useful Sketching • Don’t sweat the implementation. Dream a little. • Go through the exercise of multiple variations to see surprises appear. • At the end of the sketching process, expect to have a number of questions that need answering and assumptions that need validating.

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Rendr Favorite Tools

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Code Sketching with Sketches & Workbooks

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Quick. To the point. 5 minutes or less. Xamarin, Xamarin Forms, Obj-C, Swift, and Java 3 Months FREE

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Wireframing: Implementation

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Wireframing: Information Architecture

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Wireframing: Activity Flows

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Rendr Favorite Tool: Balsamiq Mockups Lots to Like • Good selection of templates and standard controls • Low fidelity design • Presentation Mode • Clickable PDF • Mac & PC • It’s EASY!

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Other Tools

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Sketch App Tour

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InVisionApp Tour

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SketchApp: Plugins

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Rendr’s Favorite Sketch Plugins Asset Export for iOS and Android Magic Mirror FontAwesome Icon Font Content Generator Sketch Notebook Zeplin Export

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Sketch Alternatives for Windows? a) b) Adobe Experience Design CC c) Adobe Photoshop d) Adobe Illustrator e) None of the Above

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Sketch Alternatives for Windows? a) b) Adobe Experience Design CC c) Adobe Photoshop d) Adobe Illustrator e) None of the Above

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Production Goals Maintain design parity between platforms Easily generate styles, style guide Quickly access layout details, fonts, and visual assets Reduce the pain of multiple resolutions, pixel densities Communicate interactions

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SketchApp: Exporting

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SketchApp: Exporting

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Placing Android Assets in Folders cd Desktop/res/ mkdir drawable-xxhdpi; mkdir drawable-xhdpi; mkdir drawable-hdpi; mkdir drawable-mdpi done for file in $(find . -type f -iname '*-xxhdpi*'); do mv "$file" "drawable-xxhdpi/${file/-xxhdpi/}" done for file in $(find . -type f -iname '*-xhdpi*'); do mv "$file" "drawable-xhdpi/${file/-xhdpi/}" done for file in $(find . -type f -iname '*-hdpi*'); do mv "$file" "drawable-hdpi/${file/-hdpi/}" done for file in $(find . -type f -iname '*-mdpi*'); do mv "$file" "drawable-mdpi/${file/-mdpi/}" done

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Zeplin Collaboration tool between designers and developers

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Zeplin Tour

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What are some of your tools and pro-tips?

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Thank You! Please take a minute to rate the session in the mobile app! David Ortinau
 Xamarin MVP @davidortinau