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Julien Landuré @jlandure 👋 Bienvenue à la Green Software Foundation

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Julien Landuré CTO Zenika Google Cloud 4x certified Official Trainer GDE Cloud GDG & DevFest Nantes Organizer @jlandure | Merci à Zenika :p de m’accueillir 🎉

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5 ⭐ Introduction

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“ Calculating software-driven emissions using the GHG protocol is possible but can be difficult for open-source software. – Green Software Foundation

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15 🚀 Projects

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24 💚 Community Impact

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32 󰏃 Other communities

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39 ⚡ One more thing…

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Julien Landuré @jlandure 👋 Bienvenue à la Green Software Foundation Merci ! 🙌