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Productivity++ A talk by @erikaheidi

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whoami • Brazilian, PHP / Web Developer living in Amsterdam • Working from home with independent projects • Started as sysadmin and moved to development • Degree in Advertisement • Loves to write 2

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Do you believe "Time is Money"?

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What is productivity? Productivity is the ratio of output to inputs in production; it is a measure of the efficiency of production. - Wikipedia (Economy) Having more time would make you more productive? “ 5

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don't be ridiculous.

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How do we maximize our productivity? 1. Diagnose your time problems 2. Keep your focus 3. ???? 4. PROFIT! 7

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1. Diagnose your time problems

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1. Time Diagnosis with Self-Tracking • A movement getting mainstream with the new technologies • It's all about numbers! - numbers don't lie • Pushes you to make changes, because make you conscious • Applications: • For productivity, tracks browsing time: RescueTime, Slife 9

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3. Keep your focus

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3.1 The Concentration Issue • Excess of Information • Distractions: stuff that could wait • Scumbag Brain • Doesn't like "boring" activities • Normally, can't keep concentration for more than 45 to 60 minutes • Brain Hacks: "Task Gamification" and Relaxing intervals • Practice makes better, meditation can help

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3.2 The Pomodoro Technique • A block (one pomodoro) with no space for distractions (25 min) • Followed by a "free" interval (5 min) • Repeat 4 times - you have a set • After 4 pomodoros, the interval need to be bigger (25 min) • Pomodoros and intervals minutes are flexible • Awesome Google Chrome extension: Strict Workflow 14

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Strict Workflow

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