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Rapid Application Development with Symfony Framework Mihai Nica / @redecs Photo: Dan Mihai Balanescu

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1. What we take for granted

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1.1 Security

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1.2 Forms and Validation

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1.3 Doctrine generators

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1.4 Translations It can’t get easier than that

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2. Community to the rescue: bundles

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2.1 KNP Labs Bundles KnpMenuBundle KnpPaginatorBundle

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2.2 FriendsOfSymfony FOSRestBundle FOSUserBundle

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2.3 Sonata Admin Bundle

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EasyAdminBundle LiipImagineBundle StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle SncRedisBundle KnpGaufretteBundle KnpSnappyBundle NelmioCorsBundle HwiOauthBundle

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3. Honorary Mention UNMAINTAINED: Symfony2 RAD Edition based on KnpRadBundle Atomic, flexible components - mix and match

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No content

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4. The future: Symfony Flex Symfony Flex composer plugin composer.json Recipe on Symfony Flex server ( Component dependencies and autoconfiguration

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Symfony Skeleton composer.json

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Recipe manifest.json for FrameworkBundle

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Questions? Mihai Nica @redecs