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SwiftSyntax UIKit SwiftUI 用 202 4 . 1 0 . 23 @dsxsxsxs © LINE Digital Frontier Corporation

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自己 人 日 LINE Digital Frontier VTuber

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SwiftUI 行 子

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⾒ UIKit 250/266 percentage: 98.5% SwiftUI 16/266 percentage: 1.5%

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No content

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import 文 View

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import 文 🤔 水 ❌ ❌ import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUI

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UI SwiftUI UIKit 文

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class HogeView: UIView { struct FugaView: View {

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文 行 白 where 文 🤯

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CView BView AView UIView

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n 目 見 SwiftUI, UIKit

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func getSwiftFiles(in directory: URL) -> [URL] { var fileURLs: [URL] = [] let fileManager = FileManager.default if let enumerator = fileManager.enumerator(at: directory, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) { for case let fileURL as URL in enumerator { if fileURL.pathExtension == "swift" { fileURLs.append(fileURL) } } } return fileURLs } .swift AI 生 👍

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func declSyntaxs(of fileURL: URL) async throws -> [DeclSyntaxProtocol] { var decls: [DeclSyntaxProtocol] = [] let data = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL) let sourceFile = Parser.parse(source: String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!) for statement in sourceFile.statements { if let classDecl = { decls.append(classDecl) } else if let structDecl = { decls.append(structDecl) } } return decls } SwiftSyntaxParser 文

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let initialUIKitTypes: Set = [ "UIView", "UIButton", "UILabel", "UITableView", "UICollectionView", "UIScrollView", "UIImageView", "UIStackView", "UITextField", "UITextView", "UIBarButtonItem", "UINavigationBar", "UIViewController", "UINavigationBar", "UINavigationController", "UITabBarItem", "UITabBar", "UITabBarController", "UIHostingController", "UICollectionViewController", "UITableViewController", "UIControl", "UIPickerView", "UIDatePicker", "UISwitch", "UIProgressView", "UIActivityIndicatorView", "UIStepper", “UISegmentedControl" ] let initialSwiftUITypes: Set = [ "View", "Text", "Button", "Image", "List", "VStack", "HStack", "ZStack", "LazyVStack", "LazyHStack", "LazyZStack", "ScrollView", "NavigationView", "Form", "Group", "Section", "Spacer", "Divider", "Picker", "Slider", "Stepper", "Toggle", "TextField", "TextEditor", "Shape", "Path", "Rectangle", "RoundedRectangle", "Circle", "Ellipse", "Capsule", "GeometryReader", "Color", "ClipShape", "Mask" ] AI 生 👍

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if let classDecl =, let inheritanceClause = classDecl.inheritanceClause { let className = let typeThatHit = inheritanceClause { $0.type.trimmed.description } .first { uiKit.contains($0) } if typeThatHit != nil { uiKitTypes.insert(className) print("🔴 run \(run), found \(className) in \(fileURL.lastPathComponent)") } } UIKit

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if let structDecl =, let inheritanceClause = structDecl.inheritanceClause { let structName = let typeThatHit = inheritanceClause { $0.type.trimmed.description } .first { swiftUI.contains($0) } if typeThatHit != nil { swiftUITypes.insert(structName) print("🟢 run \(run), found \(structName) in \(fileURL.lastPathComponent)") } } SwiftUI ⾒

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func analyzeFiles(swiftFiles: [URL], uiKit: Set, swiftUI: Set, run: Int) -> (uiKitTypes: Set, swiftUITypes: Set) { var uiKitTypes: Set = [] var swiftUITypes: Set = [] for fileURL in swiftFiles { do { let decls = try await declSyntaxs(of: fileURL) for decl in decls { if /* লུ */ { uiKitTypes.insert(className) print("🔴 run \(run), found \(className) in \(fileURL.lastPathComponent)") } else if /* লུ */ { swiftUITypes.insert(structName) print("🟢 run \(run), found \(structName) in \(fileURL.lastPathComponent)") } } } catch { print("Failed to parse \(fileURL): \(error)") } } return (uiKitTypes, swiftUITypes) }

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func analyzeProject(at directory: URL) { let start = Date().timeIntervalSince1970 let swiftFiles = getSwiftFiles(in: directory) var uiKitTypes: Set = [] var swiftUITypes: Set = [] print(“😡 \(swiftFiles.count) files") var run = 0 var uikit: Set = initialUIKitTypes var swiftUI: Set = initialSwiftUITypes while !uikit.isEmpty || !swiftUI.isEmpty { run += 1 let (foundUIKit, foundSwiftUI) = analyzeFiles(swiftFiles: swiftFiles, uiKit: uikit, swiftUI: swiftUI, run: run) uiKitTypes.formUnion(foundUIKit) swiftUITypes.formUnion(foundSwiftUI) uikit = foundUIKit swiftUI = foundSwiftUI } print("✅ no more childs found. finish.") 見

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let totalCount = uiKitTypes.count + swiftUITypes.count let uiKitPercentage = totalCount > 0 ? (Double(uiKitTypes.count) / Double(totalCount)) * 100 : 0 let swiftUIPercentage = totalCount > 0 ? (Double(swiftUITypes.count) / Double(totalCount)) * 100 : 0 print("UIKit: \(uiKitTypes.sorted())") print("SwiftUI: \(swiftUITypes.sorted())") print("UIKit \(uiKitTypes.count)/\(totalCount) percentage: \(uiKitPercentage)%") print("SwiftUI \(swiftUITypes.count)/\(totalCount) percentage: \(swiftUIPercentage)%") let end = Date().timeIntervalSince1970 print("🕒 Time taken: \(end - start) seconds") 力

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UIKit 316/390 percentage: 81.02564102564102% SwiftUI 74/390 percentage: 18.974358974358974% 🕒Time taken: 116.3344030380249 seconds

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Cache Concurrency 高

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UIKit 316/390 percentage: 81.02564102564102% SwiftUI 74/390 percentage: 18.974358974358974% 🕒Time taken: 8.271837711334229 seconds

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SwiftSyntax 文 UI AI 手 高 CI Slack

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End Of doc.