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Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search with Numba

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What are Nearest Neighbours?

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Given a set of points with A distance measure between them…

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… and a new “query point” …

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Find the closest points to the query point

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Why Nearest Neighbors?

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Nearest Neighbour computations are at the heart of many machine learning algorithms

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KNN-Classi fi ers KNN-Regressors

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Clustering by Chire https://www. fl by Trevor Patt HDBSCAN DBSCAN Single Linkage Clustering Spectral Clustering

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Dimension Reduction t-SNE Isomap Spectral Embedding UMAP

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Recommender Systems Query Expansion

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Why Approximate Nearest Neighbours?

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Finding exact nearest neighbours is hard

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Approximate nearest neighbour search trades accuracy for performance

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How Do You Find Nearest Neighbors?

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Using Trees

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Hierarchically divide up the space into a tree

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Bound the search using the tree structure (And the triangle inequality)

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Ball Tree

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Random Projection Tree

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Using Graphs

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How do you search for nearest neighbours of a query using a graph? Malkov and Yashunin, 2018 Dong, Moses and Li, 2011 Iwasaki and Miyazaki, 2018

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Start with a nearest neighbour graph of the training data Assume we now want to fi nd neighbours of a query point

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Choose a starting node in the graph (potentially randomly) as a candidate node

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Look at all nodes connected by an edge to the best untried candidate node in the graph Add all these nodes to our potential candidate pool

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Sort the candidate pool by closeness to the query point Truncate the pool to the k best candidates

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Return to the Expansion step unless we have already tried all the candidates in the pool

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Stop when there are no untried candidates in the pool

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Looks inef fi cient Scales up well

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Graph adapts to intrinsic dimension of the data

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But how do we build the graph?!

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The algorithm works (badly) even on a bad graph

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Run one iteration of search for every node Update the graph with new better neighbours Search is better on the improved graph

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Perfect accuracy of neighbours is not assured We can get an approximate knn-graph quickly

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How Do You Make it Fast?

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Algorithm tricks

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Query node Expansion node Current neighbour

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Neighbour A Neighbour B Common node

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Hubs have a lot of neighbours!

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Sample neighbours when constructing the graph Prune away edges before performing searches

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Necessary to fi nd green’s nearest neighbour Necessary to fi nd blue’s nearest neighbour Not required since we can traverse through blue

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For search remove the longest edges of any triangles in the graph

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Initialize with Random Projection Trees

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Implementation tricks

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Pro fi le and inspect llvm code for innermost functions Type declarations and code choices can help the compiler a lot!

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@numba.jit def euclidean(x, y): return np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2)) Query benchmark took 12s

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@numba.jit(fastmath=True) def euclidean(x, y): result = 0.0 for i in range(x.shape[0]): result += (x[i] - y[i])**2 return np.sqrt(result) Query benchmark took 8.5s

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@numba.njit( numba.types.float32( numba.types.Array( numba.types.float32, 1, "C", readonly=True ), numba.types.Array( numba.types.float32, 1, "C", readonly=True ), ), fastmath=True, locals={ "result": numba.types.float32, "diff": numba.types.float32, "i": numba.types.uint16, }, ) def squared_euclidean(x, y): result = 0.0 dim = x.shape[0] for i in range(dim): diff = x[i] - y[i] result += diff * diff return result Query benchmark took 7.6s

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Custom data structure implementations to help numba for often called code

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@numba.njit( "i4(f4[ :: 1],i4[ :: 1],f4,i4)", ) def simple_heap_push(priorities, indices, p, n): ...

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Numba has signi fi cant function call overhead with large parameters Use closures over static data instead

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@numba.njit() def frequently_called_function(param, large_readonly_data): ... val = access(large_readonly_data, param) ... def create_frequently_called_function(large_readonly_data): @numba.njit() def closure(param): ... val = access(large_readonly_data, param) ... return closure

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How Does it Compare?

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We can test query performance using ann-benchmarks

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Consider the whole accuracy / performance trade-off space

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Caveats: •Newer algorithms and implementations •Hardware can makes a big difference •No GPU support for pynndescent

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Out of the box support for a wide variety of distance measures: Euclidean Cosine Hamming Manhattan Minkowski Chebyshev Jaccard Haversine Dice Wasserstein Hellinger Spearman Correlation Mahalanobis Canberra Bray-Curtis Angular TSSS +20 more measures By Maarten Grootendorst

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Custom metrics in Python (using numba)

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Support for sparse data

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Drop-in replacement for sklearn KNeighborsTransformer

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pip install pynndescent conda install pynndescent [email protected] @leland_mcinnes

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Questions? [email protected] @leland_mcinnes