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TOWARDS A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO DISTRIBUTED PROGRAMMING Christopher S. Meiklejohn, Peter Van Roy Université catholique de Louvain, Instituto Superior Técnico

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DISTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS Distributed applications are the “new normal”  Rich-web applications, application inside the datacenter  Example: Uber  Ride uses multiple microservices for supply, demand, and incentives Applications typically use several microservices and systems  Potentially using different databases as underlying storage  Potentially written in different programming languages depending on group/organization Application developers write:  Business logic  Code to “glue” services together – using messaging APIs, services APIs, etc

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COMPOSITION PROBLEM API differences  Connecting systems with different guarantees: at-most-once vs. at-least-once messaging  Durability guarantees differ between systems, might not match specification APIs not specified  Mostly defined by implementation  Semantics not well defined, and may differ depend on implementations  Might not actually work according to specification Composition doesn’t preserve isolated semantics  Apache Kafka and Apache Zookeeper experimentally evaluated in isolation  Under composition, Kafka loses data (Kingsbury 2015)

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PROPOSAL Can we build a higher-level programming language for building distributed applications that compiles and executes on existing distributed systems infrastructure? Lasp is our first attempt at this.

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LASP (PPDP ‘15) Declarative programming system that allows for distributed programming with co-designed runtime system  Implemented as an Erlang library Dataflow programming model CRDTs: ADTs for distributed programming  Data types containing a binary merge function for joining two replicas or updates  Used for value convergence under divergence introduced by concurrent modifications Programming model assumes eventual consistency  Updates will be eventually delivered  Updates may be delivered more than once  Updates may be delivered in any order

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Lasp API LASP ARCHITECTURE Multiple backends. Multiple storage. Unified programming model. Lasp KVS Data Types Cluster Management gen_tcp RabbitMQ P2P Full KV Backend Redis Riak ETS/DETS Client/Server Multiple backends to storage, some replicated, some not replicated. Multiple network topologies. Riak Riak

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CRDT IMPLEMENTATIONS State-based (2011)  Bounded join-semilattices with join as merge  Replicas propagate full objects to one another Delta-state based (2015)  Bounded join-semilattices with join as merge  Replicas propagate minimal change representation (join-irreducible) based on knowledge  Requires FIFO ordering between nodes Operation-based (2011)  Concurrent updates are commutative  Propagated updates are generated effectors including causal metadata Pure operation-based (2015)  Sequential data type stored  Operations applied to data type at causal stability (requires causality)  Concurrent updates are commutative  Propagated updates are original update Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types come in a variety of different implementations, depending on the guarantees the system can get from the underlying system and network topology. For our examples, we focus on state-based CRDTs.

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CRDT TAXONOMY Sets  Grow-Only Set (G-Set)  Union as join  Two-Phase Set (2P-Set)  Pair of G-Sets (add and remove G-Sets)  Coordinate-wise union as join  Observed-Remove Set (OR-Set)  Tag updates with unique identifier marking add/remove  Coordinate-wise union of add and remove tokens per item Counters  Grow-Only Counter (G-Counter)  Vector clock  Coordinate-wise maximum  Positive-Negative Counter (PN-Counter)  Pair of vector clocks  Coordinate-wise maximum Others  Maps, Registers, Booleans, Graphs… We will consider only one implementation of CRDTs at the moment: the state-based implementation that are formalized as bounded join-semilattices. As a brief presentation, sets and counters only.

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LASP EXAMPLE %% Create a set A = declare(set) %% Derive a new set B = product(A, filter(P, A)) %% Create concurrent process %% to insert into set process do insert(A, random()) end Creates a join-semilattice representation of a set (formalized as CRDT) Creates a morphism to a join-semilattice B under image of product/filter Concurrent additions produce a ‘join’ with A’s state; triggers update of B Variables are asynchronously replicated across all nodes in the system

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Lasp API LASP ARCHITECTURE Multiple backends. Multiple storage. Unified programming model. Lasp KVS Data Types Cluster Management gen_tcp RabbitMQ P2P Full KV Backend Redis Riak ETS/DETS Client/Server Riak Riak

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TYPE SPECIALIZATION If no set removals:  Can we specialize to a G-Set? If a single set removal:  Can we specialize to a 2P-Set? If we don’t decrement the counter:  Can we specialize to a G-Counter? Can we choose an appropriate CRDT based on some knowledge of the program? Currently, this must be specified manually by the programmer by declaring the type.

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IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALIZATION State-based (2011)  Full semilattice stored and transmitted  Only requires eventual delivery of messages Delta-state based (2015)  Only transmits change representation as join- irreducible element  Requires per-node FIFO delivery  Ideal for partially connected peer-to-peer due to buffering for FIFO delivery Pure operation-based (2015)  Requires causal delivery and protocol for causal stability which may be problematic in certain high- churn environments  Most efficient in transmission and storage Can we choose an appropriate CRDT based on some knowledge of the program? Delta can be enabled at runtime through configuration parameter. Pure operation-based is WIP.

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Lasp API LASP ARCHITECTURE Multiple backends. Multiple storage. Unified programming model. Lasp KVS Data Types Cluster Management gen_tcp RabbitMQ P2P Full KV Backend Redis Riak ETS/DETS Client/Server Riak Riak

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KV BACKEND Storage for variable state Underlying storage can provide any consistency model  Eventual consistency is assumed by the programming model  May be replicated or not, depending on required durability guarantees Supported storage engines  Riak  Redis  Erlang DETS/ETS Lasp KV provides replication between nodes  Full replication assumed  Partial replication provided based on “topics” Underlying storage for the Lasp programming system is pluggable. Topics provide “opt-in” replication for certain variables, grouped by a namespace.

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Lasp API LASP ARCHITECTURE Multiple backends. Multiple storage. Unified programming model. Lasp KVS Data Types Cluster Management gen_tcp RabbitMQ P2P Full KV Backend Redis Riak ETS/DETS Client/Server Riak Riak

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CLUSTER MANAGEMENT Runtime parameter specifies the cluster topology  Static  Full mesh (via Distributed Erlang)  Full mesh (without Distributed Erlang)  Client-server  Peer-to-peer (via HyParView-inspired protocol)  Publish-subscribe (via external AMQP endpoint) Programming model is topology-agnostic  Peer-to-peer topology will forward messages to other nodes on behalf of others to provide point-to- point messaging  Assumes best-effort delivery Underlying storage for the Lasp programming system is pluggable. Standalone system for Erlang (build by our group for Lasp and adopted in industry) Partisan (our library) operates using a simple message forwarding API that Lasp builds on.

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LASP RESTRICTIONS Lasp assumes eventual consistency  Flexibility in the choice of the underlying data store and network topologies  Relies on Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types to deal with inherent issues of EC  Out-ot-order message delivery  Duplicate message delivery  Limits the types of applications that can be written with the programming model Eventual consistency is not strong enough for some operations  Not all operations can have a sensible merge operation (assignment to register)  Atomically changing multiple variables (transactions, etc.)  Causality required for ordering of some operations (secondary indexing, references)  Coordination required for precondition-based operations (check-and-set, etc.)

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Programming Model IDEAL ARCHITECTURE Multiple backends. Multiple storage. Unified programming model. Application State Storage Data Types Distribution Layer TCP RabbitMQ P2P Full Storage Backend Traditional Storage Riak Ephemeral Storage Client/Server Riak Distributed Storage UDP

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Programming Model IDEAL ARCHITECTURE Multiple backends. Multiple storage. Unified programming model. Application State Storage Data Types Distribution Layer TCP RabbitMQ P2P Full Storage Backend Traditional Storage Riak Ephemeral Storage Client/Server Riak Distributed Storage UDP Focus on the programming model and the open problems.

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RELATED WORK Transactional-facility for atomic updates across several objects  Microsoft Orleans, Bernstein et al., MSR-TR-2016-1001  Transactions integrated into an actor language on arbitrary storage  Argus, Liskov, CACM 1988  Transactions via guardians in distributed language on CLU Causal ordering of updates for sequential reasoning about application code  Quelea, Sivaramakrishnan et al., PLDI 2015  Assumes eventually consistent storage, providing causal guarantees on top Analysis to determine where coordination is required for precondition invariants  CISE, Gotsman et al., POPL 2016  Assumes causality in underlying storage engine

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OPEN CHALLENGES: MODEL Leverage CRDTs where possible  Is it possible to determine where sequential data type instances can be replaced with CRDTs?  For example: compatible data types, integer with assignment vs. counter with increment, blind writes Leverage EC where possible  Causal reasoning is important to observe effects immediately  For example: creating a reference to an object, inserting an item into a collection based on a monotonic condition Automatically specialize types  Is it possible to analyze programs to determine the right CRDT implementation or type?  For example: no inserts, use a G-Set; no decrements, use a G-Counter

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OPEN CHALLENGES: COMPILATION Topology-aware compiler  Is it possible to, based on the topology, prevent the compilation of certain programs?  For example, certain network topologies might not be able to provide transactions:  Peer-to-peer, when the network is partially connected  Publish-subscribe topologies, where clients may not receive messages until they come online Storage-aware compiler  When operating on storage that is weaker than causal consistency, what should happen?  For example:  On Riak, causality is not possible. Therefore, what should happen?  Prevent compilation, disallowing operations that require causality?  Allow compilation, but use a middleware layer to ensure causality?

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OPEN CHALLENGES: INFRASTRUCTURE System-awareness  Given a choice of underlying data stores, how do I know which one to pick?  Applications might require different stores: strong consistency, causal consistency, weak consistency?  Desire the most available, weakest consistency model – is this compatible with application invariants?  Given a choice of underlying network / communication layers, which are compatible?  What stores should not be allowed given particular storage engines? What about the inverse? Infrastructure ‘glue’ correctness  How do I know the code used to interact with the underlying data store is correct?  For example:  Am I interacting with the underlying storage system correctly?  How do I designate which consistency levels and/or guarantees the underlying infrastructure provides?

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TAKEAWAYS Challenge of new runtimes, models, and languages  New runtimes for distribution can hardly compete with existing systems solutions  Systems are designed with a particular use case in mind, with an optimized algorithm for that use case  Systems industrialization has higher adoption in industry than new programming models/languages Existing languages are too primitive  Established, proven runtime systems  Mostly concurrent only (even that, is recent)  Lack of primitives for distributed computing with some notable exceptions Can we establish a joint systems-PL research agenda  Find a way to leverage existing systems infrastructure (and/or algorithms)  Build a language (and/or programming model) that can leverage existing systems for large-scale distributed applications