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1. The Jumbo Wedges: A Fasta Pizza Classic
Fasta Pizza is famous for its "pizza wedges," which are oversized, triangular slices of pizza
loaded to the brim with flavor. You will never taste anything like this type of pizza, and it
comes in an assortment of top settings to please anyone.
Indian Chilli Express is one of the highly recommended options, which boasts
mozzarella cheese, hot chili sauce, jalapeños, green chilies, black olives, and red paprika
to give you the pungent punch in every bite. For those who enjoy a little heat, this
should be the chosen option when opening up an experience at Fasta Pizza.
For a more subtle yet equally scrumptious alternative, try the Cheesy Jain. As the name
itself depicts, this dish is elaborated with an immaculately prepared Jain pizza sauce,
marinated paneer, zucchini, green capsicum, black olives, and red paprika. This cheesy
delight suits all crowds as it combines old flavors with a new twist.