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Static Site Generators with JavaScript

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Hello I'm Nikas @nikaspran Tech Lead @ Hostmaker

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Slide 3 text - 6 months ago ● Slow-ish ● Legacy stack ○ Slow builds (25+ min) ○ Difficult deployment ● Needed a brand refresh It was time for a rewrite

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Challenges ● Tons of unique content ○ 9 cities + 6 country hubs ○ 2+ languages each ○ 15+ "templates" ● Dynamically generated content ○ PhraseApp ○ Cosmic JS ○ Greenhouse ○ Our own API ● Search Engine Optimisation ● Page Speed 1500+ unique pages

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Your regular client side application User Website API

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What if we could do this instead? User Website API

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Why? ● Blazing fast ○ No waiting for content, no loading screens ● Once it's up, it's up ○ No moving parts ● Easy deployment ○ Just upload everything to a CDN (i.e. AWS S3) ○ Scaling -> just "add more CDN" ● Great dev experience ○ Reproducible builds -> easy debugging User Website API

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No content

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Why not use a static site generator?

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React Static Site Generators - two clear options

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Static Site Generators - React Static Why did we pick this then?

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Gatsby - "Dynamically create pages from data"

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React Static - just like, getRoutes(), lol

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"React-Static is a fast, lightweight, and powerful framework for building static-progressive React applications and websites." ● The promise of the power of Gatsby without the complexity ● It's just React, which means it's just JavaScript

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yarn build /src/ /dist/

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How it works /src App.js package.json static.config.js index.js /components

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How it works - static.config.js Routes

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It's just JavaScript Generate a route for each locale

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What about pagination?

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It's just JavaScript

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What about dynamic content? User Website API What if content changes here? No problem!

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What about dynamic content? What if content changes here? User Website API ???

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Webhooks! POST /builds ... ...

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No content

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What went well

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What went well - Very customisable ● CSS modules ● Imgix ● Translations and localized content ● Dynamic signup flow ● User sessions ● Custom webpack config

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What went well - Did everything it had to ● Great performance out of the box ○ Code splitting ○ Lazy loading ● Great developer experience ● Started with 500 pre-built pages, now up to 1500+ ● Loading data from 12+ endpoints at build time ● Around 4 minutes to build and deploy everything ● Can scale long term

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What did not go well

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What did not go well - It's different ● Even though there's no "server", there's still a build step run via Node ● Can't always use the obvious solution ● Make sure to read the docs

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Main Takeaway Don't be afraid to experiment!

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JAMstack "Modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup." JS API .html build .css .js Markup -

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Other people are doing it too " is now much faster, they went from 800 ms time to first load to 80ms." -

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What this means for you

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Coming to a framework near you

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And best of all - it's free ...

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Slide 36 text @nikaspran Let's keep in touch: Thank you! Live Demo @