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JENKINS@ZT To CI and beyond…

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ABOUTME • Graduated from ITMO University • Big game development background: SignusLabs, Social Quantum, Pragmatix, Creative Mobile • Moved to Estonia in 2013 • DevOps Engineer (XRebel team) • <3 OpenSource (contributor to Groovy, Spring Boot, Jenkins plugins, AWS SDK, and many more) • @bsideup

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ABOUTUS • We develop for Java developers • JRebel / JRebel for Android™ - code reloads without redeploy • XRebel - lightweight profiler aka “OMG do we really have 1000 DB queries?!” • We pay more money for Jenkins machines than production servers @bsideup

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LESSONSLEARNED • One does not simply use single Jenkins for all projects • Plugins conflicts • Try to keep your plugins up to date • Automate nodes configuration (Ansible, Chef, Docker, etc) • Continuous Delivery with Jenkins is challenging @bsideup

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PLAINJENKINS @bsideup • Can be configured only with UI • No job config history and audit • Doesn’t allow templating of jobs • Single Job oriented • Not a good choice for Continuous Delivery

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How to solve?

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CONFIG HISTORY PLUGIN @bsideup • Tracks changes in Job’s configuration by comparing XML representations • Each change is bounded to user who did it • “Must have” for audition • Provides “Rollback” functionality • No configuration required to start

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JOB DSL PLUGIN mavenJob(buildJobName) {
 label 'xr-build'
 scm {
 triggers {
 scm("H/5 * * * *")
 mavenInstallation 'Maven 3.2.x'
 goals("clean package")
 publishers {
 } @bsideup

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PROS @bsideup • Groovy DSL • Reuse job definitions, steps, etc • Could be reviewed as code • A lot of bindings for plugins • Configuration stored in VCS • Want to change job? Send pull request! • Auditable • History and rollbacks

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CONS @bsideup • Groovy DSL :) • Some knowledge about Jenkins config internals is required • No bindings for non-popular plugins (but solvable)

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CUSTOMDSL @bsideup freeStyleJob("xr-sharing-functional-tests-${}") {
 label 'xr-test-integration'
 scm {
 git('') {
 steps {
 steps {
 gradle('clean cucumber', "${environment.url}")
 configure { project ->
 project / publishers << 'net.masterthought.jenkins.CucumberReportPublisher' {
 jsonReportDirectory 'build/reports/'
 pluginUrlPath ''
 fileIncludePattern ''
 fileExcludePattern ''

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DELIVERY PIPELINE PLUGIN @bsideup • Very easy to configure - just specify “first job in pipeline” • Great overview of current release status • Each step is a separate job, steps trigger other steps • Manual steps (i.e. “promote to staging”)

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OURFORK @bsideup • Front-end was completely rewritten from jQuery to ReactJS • Able to handle very complex pipelines • Allow tracking of changes between different stages (i.e. dev, qa, prod) • Most of this changes will be contributed back (a few already are)

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But we miss something…

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ZTTHEME @bsideup • Theme for “Simple Theme” plugin • Fork of “Jenkins Atlassian Theme” • Available at GitHub:

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So Jenkins is cute… Again.

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