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L&D and Marketing share a common goal @tmiket

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How to get people's attention and help them think and act in new ways. @tmiket

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How L&D sells hamburgers @tmiket

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Why You Should Buy Our Hamburgers: • They taste really good • We make them any way you want • We make them fresh • They are inexpensive • We have free kids toys • We have restaurants in lots of places @tmiket

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How marketers sell hamburgers @tmiket

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What is the difference? Why do we do it differently? @tmiket

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Things Worth Stealing from Marketing

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Marketers speak to the Lizard Brain @tmiket 1

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CONSCIOUS ______________________________ LOGICAL 2 Types of Thinking @tmiket

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CONSCIOUS ______________________________ LOGICAL SUBCONSCIOUS _______________________________________ EMOTIONAL 2 Types of Thinking

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How much human behavior is driven by the LOGICAL MIND? CHAT @tmiket 0-100%

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@tmiket >95% of brain activity is SUBCONCIOUS

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Neocortex Higher-order thinking Limbic System Emotions Brain Stem Survival @tmiket

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Limbic System Emotions Brain Stem Survival LIZARD BRAIN + subconscious @tmiket

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CONSCIOUS ______________________________ LOGICAL Newer Weaker Tires easily Not automatic 40 bits of data per second @tmiket

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@tmiket CONSCIOUS ______________________________ LOGICAL SUBCONSCIOUS _______________________________________ EMOTIONAL 11,000,000 bits of data per second 40 bits of data per second Newer Weaker Tires easily Not automatic Older (Lizard Brain) Most dominant Always on Automatic The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size by Tor Norretranders

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11,000,000 bits of data per second Wow!

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SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Supercomputer loaded with a database of programmed behaviors @tmiket

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most are acquired by time we are 6 YEARS OLD @tmiket

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WHOA! @tmiket

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How would you design differently for a 6-year-old? CHAT Question @tmiket

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Which of those things do you NOT like?

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Marketers leverage the way our brains operate

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Living in this world… @tmiket

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…with this brain @tmiket

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Marketers know the importance of first impressions 2 @tmiket

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@tmiket What we see, hear, feel, or experience in our first encounter with something colors how we process the rest of it.

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@tmiket Our automatic, subconscious reaction to a design influences how we perceive its relevance, credibility, and even usability.

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Our unconscious mind can form likes or dislikes before the conscious mind even knows what is being responded to. @tmiket

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LOOKS matter! @tmiket

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First impressions… 94%DESIGN RELATED @tmiket

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< MILLISECONDS @tmiket @tmiket

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There is no such thing as no design. Adam Judge

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The alternative to good design is always bad design. Adam Judge

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is a smart investment

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Marketers know that nobody pays attention. 3 @tmiket

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Did you catch all those changes? CHAT Question

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No content

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Inattentional blindness: Our intuition is that we will notice something that's that visible, that's that distinctive, and that intuition is consistently wrong. – Daniel Simons Invisible Gorilla @tmiket

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Important visual information can get overlooked. That’s a gorilla! @tmiket

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What does the lizard brain notice? @tmiket

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Can I eat it? Can I have sex with it? Will it kill me? @tmiket

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Benefits? Enjoyable? Consequences? @tmiket

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NEWS FLASH!!!! @tmiket

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Nobody wants to read your sh*t! @tmiket

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Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take it personally… nobody wants to read anything. @tmiket

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1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. @tmiket

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Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a person would have to be crazy NOT to read it. @tmiket

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Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a to it. Apply that to everything you do. @tmiket

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Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a to it. Apply that to everything you do. 3. Make it Visual! @tmiket

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Things To Steal from Marketing

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Speak to the Lizard Brain

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The human mind does not run on logic any more than a horse runs on petrol. Rory Sutherland Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK @rorysutherland @tmiket

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Make a great 1st impression

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The first second with your content might matter more than all the seconds that follow. (if there are any) @tmiket

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Grab & hold their attention! (never assume you have it)

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Anything that doesn’t capture our attention, does not exist. @tmiket

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THANK YOU! Get my contact info, slides and links here: @tmiket