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Shadow variables Shadow variables for VRP for VRP and task assignment and task assignment by Geoffrey De Smet OptaPlanner lead

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What is a shadow variable? What is a shadow variable? (Genuine) planning variable Integer a with a value range of 1-10

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What is a shadow variable? What is a shadow variable? (Genuine) planning variable Integer a with a value range of 1-10 Shadow variable Integer b = a + 100

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What is a shadow variable? What is a shadow variable? (Genuine) planning variable Integer a with a value range of 1-10 Shadow variable Integer b = a + 100 Behavior: If a = 1 then b = 101

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What is a shadow variable? What is a shadow variable? (Genuine) planning variable Integer a with a value range of 1-10 Shadow variable Integer b = a + 100 Behavior: If a = 1 then b = 101 If a = 2 then b = 102

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What is a shadow variable? What is a shadow variable? (Genuine) planning variable Integer a with a value range of 1-10 Shadow variable Integer b = a + 100 Behavior: If a = 1 then b = 101 If a = 2 then b = 102 If a = 7 then b = 107

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Why are shadow variables useful? Why are shadow variables useful? int a; int getA() { return a; } // This is NOT a shadow variable, it's non-simple getter int getB() { return a + 100; }

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Build-in shadow variables Build-in shadow variables

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Add Room.lessonList demo

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Build-in shadow variables Build-in shadow variables @InverseRelationShadowVariable @AnchorShadowVariable Coming soon... @IndexInChainShadowVariable (name undecided)

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Custom shadow variable Custom shadow variable DEMO DEMO

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Don't overuse shadow variables Don't overuse shadow variables Shadow vars are de-normalization information duplication

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Don't overuse shadow variables Don't overuse shadow variables Shadow vars are de-normalization information duplication Shadow vars work incrementally Shadow variable corruption is possible!

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Don't overuse shadow variables Don't overuse shadow variables Shadow vars are de-normalization information duplication Shadow vars work incrementally Shadow variable corruption is possible! Shadow var Room.getLessonCount() is probably not worth it.

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Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)

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Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) Windows (VRPTW) Swing demo!

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VRPTW Customer visit properties VRPTW Customer visit properties Input: readyTime: Time window start dueTime: Time window end serviceTime Change during planning:

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VRPTW Customer visit properties VRPTW Customer visit properties Input: readyTime: Time window start dueTime: Time window end serviceTime Change during planning: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim

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VRPTW Customer visit properties VRPTW Customer visit properties Input: readyTime: Time window start dueTime: Time window end serviceTime Change during planning: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim startTime = max(readyTime, arrivalTime

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VRPTW Customer visit properties VRPTW Customer visit properties Input: readyTime: Time window start dueTime: Time window end serviceTime Change during planning: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim startTime = max(readyTime, arrivalTime departureTime = startTime + serviceTim

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VRPTW Customer visit properties VRPTW Customer visit properties Input: readyTime: Time window start dueTime: Time window end serviceTime Change during planning: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim startTime = max(readyTime, arrivalTime departureTime = startTime + serviceTim Hard constraint: departureTime <= dueTime

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VRPTW with lunches VRPTW with lunches Original: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim startTime = max(readyTime, arrivalTime

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VRPTW with lunches VRPTW with lunches Original: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim startTime = max(readyTime, arrivalTime Extra logic to allow for lunch: If travelTime contains 12:00, add 1 hour to transitTime for lunch. Else serviceTime contains 12:00, add 1 hour to serviceTime for lunch.

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VRPTW with lunches VRPTW with lunches Original: arrivalTime = previousDepartureTime + travelTim startTime = max(readyTime, arrivalTime Extra logic to allow for lunch: If travelTime contains 12:00, add 1 hour to transitTime for lunch. Else serviceTime contains 12:00, add 1 hour to serviceTime for lunch. All this logic ends up in the VariableListener.

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Task assignment Task assignment

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Task assignment Task assignment DEMO DEMO

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Advanced design patterns Advanced design patterns

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Getting started Getting started

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Quick starts Quick starts ( quickstarts) $ git clone ... $ cd optaplanner-quickstarts $ cd quarkus-school-timetabling $ mvn quarkus:dev ...

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