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Hello, Style Guides.

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Coding Styles

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How your code looks

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Extremely personal

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Everyone has their own style.

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by Michael Jackson You are not alone.

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We are a team.

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Communicating each other through code

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Code Conventions

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Style Guides

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•achieve a code that’s easier to understand; ! ! ! Style Guides

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Style Guides •achieve a code that’s easier to understand; •detect errors and potential problems ! !

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Style Guides •achieve a code that’s easier to understand; •detect errors and potential problems •easily identify what code can be reused; !

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Style Guides •achieve a code that’s easier to understand; •detect errors and potential problems •easily identify what code can be reused; •build or update any functionality;

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Style Guides •achieve a code that’s easier to understand; •detect errors and potential problems •easily identify what code can be reused; •build or update any functionality; •work on any file regardless of who wrote it.

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We have been working…

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No content

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by Emilio Disi Code is read by humans, and excuted by computers.

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