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Building an ML-powered Android Livestreaming App

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Building an ML-powered (Android) Livestreaming App

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Etienne Caron Technical Founder Kanastruk Consulting Services

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Hardware prototyping Yolo v8 Digital Twin Model Training Realtime Leaderboard / Out of Bounds Detection

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PRODUCE DETECTION EXPLAINED A high level explanation of past Kanastruk customer work. AUTHOR: @kanawish DATE: 24/04/20 Image Classi fi er BackgroundSubstractor 15fps (...) (f3) (f2) (f1)

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Kanastruk Consulting Services

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Kanastruk Consulting Services Kanastruk Innovation Lab

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Design Thinking

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Empathize De fi ne Ideate Prototype Test 🧪 📝 💡 ❤ 🛠

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💡 ❤ 🛠 Put yourself in the user's shoes Imagine the future Make it real Design Thinking Workshops

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Prototype 🛠

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Participant Track Room Room illustration sourced from:

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➜ ~ ➜ ~ ➜ ~ brew install livekit OK livekit-server one of key-file or keys must be provided livekit-server --dev INFO livekit starting in development mode INFO livekit no keys provided, using placeholder keys {"API Key": "devkey", "API Secret": "secret"} INFO livekit starting LiveKit server {"portHttp": 7880, "nodeID": "ND_SUoZgzemKouv", "nodeIP": "", "version": "1.7.2", "bindAddresses": ["", "::1"], "rtc.portTCP": 7881, "rtc.portUDP": {"Start":7882,"End":0}} Installing and spinning up a local LiveKit Server LiveKit Server

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LiveKit Server Client App Client App Client App Auth Services Official Blob ID Name: Face Listening to You Status: Not an Emoji yet Cuteness: Yes Auth Tokens

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LiveKit Server Client App Client App Client App Auth Services Official Blob ID Name: Face Listening to You Status: Not an Emoji yet Cuteness: Yes Room, track and participant services Auth Tokens

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➜ livekit git clone Cloning into 'livestream'... remote: Enumerating objects: 379, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (97/97), done. remote: Total 379 (delta 76), reused 93 (delta 51), pack-reused 222 (from 1) Receiving objects: 100% (379/379), 537.75 KiB | 3.11 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (154/154), done. ➜ livekit cd livestream ➜ livestream git:(main) npm install added 511 packages, and audited 512 packages in 20s ➜ livestream git:(main) ✗ cp .env.example .env.development ➜ livestream git:(main) ✗ vi .env.development Installing the Livestream REST / Web App Sample.

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➜ livestream git:(main) npm run dev > nextjs-livestream@0.1.0 dev > next dev ▲ Next.js 14.0.1 - Local: http://localhost:3000 - Environments: .env.development /bin/sh: pnpm: command not found ✓ Ready in 2.7s ○ Compiling /page ... ✓ Compiled /page in 2.8s (1025 modules) ✓ Compiled in 481ms (446 modules) ○ Compiling /favicon.ico/route ... ✓ Compiled /favicon.ico/route in 535ms (1030 modules) Running the Livestream REST / Web App Sample.

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➜ livestream git:(main) ✗ open http://localhost:3000/ Jumping to Chrome to Show Off the Web Client.

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References Source Code and Documentation • • • • Of fi cial LiveKit Content Upgraded Android Client

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Start Screen Join Screen Stream Options Screen Participant Info Screen Participant List Screen Room Screen Invited Screen Start Screen Room Container Screen

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var userName by rememberSaveable(stateSaver = TextFieldValue.Saver) { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue(preferencesManager.getUsername())) } var chatEnabled by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(true) } var viewerJoinRequestEnabled by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(true) } var cameraPosition by remember { mutableStateOf(CameraPosition.FRONT) }

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var response: CreateStreamResponse? = null try { response = livestreamApi.createStream( CreateStreamRequest( metadata = RoomMetadata( creatorIdentity = Participant.Identity(userName.text), enableChat = chatEnabled, allowParticipation = viewerJoinRequestEnabled, ) ) ).body() } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e) { "error" } }

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if (response != null) { Timber.e { "response received: $response" } { connected( authToken = response.authToken, connectionDetails = response.connectionDetails, isHost = true, initialCamPos = cameraPosition ) mainNav.mainNavigate(RoomContainerRoute) } } else { Timber.e { "response failed!" } }

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/** * Apis used for the Livestream example. */ interface LivestreamApi { @POST("/api/create_stream") suspend fun createStream( @Body body: CreateStreamRequest ): Response @POST("/api/join_stream") suspend fun joinStream( @Body body: JoinStreamRequest ): Response } Auth + Livestream Back-end & Front-end Official Blob ID Name: Face Listening to You Status: Not an Emoji yet Cuteness: Yes

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/** * Apis that require an Authentication: Token header */ interface AuthenticatedLivestreamApi { @POST("/api/invite_to_stage") suspend fun inviteToStage( @Body body: IdentityRequest ): Response @POST("/api/remove_from_stage") suspend fun removeFromStage( @Body body: IdentityRequest ): Response @POST("/api/raise_hand") suspend fun requestToJoin(): Response @POST("/api/stop_stream") suspend fun stopStream(): Response } Auth + Livestream Back-end & Front-end Official Blob ID Name: Face Listening to You Status: Not an Emoji yet Cuteness: Yes

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Auth + Livestream Back-end & Front-end Official Blob ID Name: Face Listening to You Status: Not an Emoji yet Cuteness: Yes Client App Client App Web App http://localhost:3000 Auth and Livestream APIs LiveKit Server LiveKit APIs (Room, participants, tracks, etc)

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// NOTE: After we successfully authenticated... mainNav.mainNavigate(RoomContainerRoute)

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RoomScope( url = connectionDetails.wsUrl, token = connectionDetails.token, audio = rememberEnableMic(enableAudio), video = rememberEnableCamera(enableVideo), roomOptions = DefaultRoomOptions { options -> options.copy( videoTrackCaptureDefaults = LocalVideoTrackOptions( position = initialCamPos ) ) }, liveKitOverrides = DefaultLKOverrides(context), onConnected = { Timber.d("RoomScreenContainer -> onConnected") }, onDisconnected = { Toast.makeText(context, "Disconnected from livestream.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() mainNav.mainPopBackstack(if (isHost) StartRoute else JoinRoute,false) }, onError = { _, error -> if (error is RoomException.ConnectException) { Toast.makeText( context, "Error while joining. Check the code and try again.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() mainNav.mainPopBackstack(if (isHost) StartRoute else JoinRoute,false) } } ) { room ->

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RoomScope( // ... ) { room -> RoomNavHost(cameraPosition, showOptionsDialogOnce) }

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fun RoomNavHost( cameraPosition: MutableState, showOptionsDialogOnce: MutableState, roomNav: RoomNav = koinInject() ) { // ... NavHost( navController = roomNavHostController, startDestination = RoomRoute ) { composable { // Pass in 'view state' that belongs to container. RoomScreen( cameraPosition = cameraPosition, showOptionsDialogOnce = showOptionsDialogOnce ) } bottomSheet( { StreamOptionsScreen() } bottomSheet( { ParticipantListScreen() } // FIXME - bottomSheet( + "/{sid}") { val sid = it.arguments?.getString("sid") ParticipantInfoScreen(participantSid = sid) } bottomSheet( { InvitedToStageScreen() } } }

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val tracks = rememberTracks(usePlaceholders = setOf(Track.Source.CAMERA)) val hostParticipant = rememberHostParticipant(roomMetadata.creatorIdentity) val hostTrack = tracks.firstOrNull { track -> track.participant == hostParticipant } // Get all the tracks for all the other participants. val stageParticipants = rememberOnStageParticipants(roomMetadata.creatorIdentity) val stageTracks = { p -> tracks.firstOrNull { track -> track.participant == p } } // Prioritize the host to the top. val videoTracks = listOf(hostTrack).plus(stageTracks) val metadatas = rememberParticipantMetadatas()

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ParticipantGrid( videoTracks = videoTracks, isHost = isHost, modifier = Modifier .constrainAs(hostScreen) { width = Dimension.matchParent height = Dimension.fillToConstraints top.linkTo( bottom.linkTo( } )

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VideoTrackView( room = RoomLocal.current, trackReference = trackReference, mirror = isHost, scaleType = ScaleType.Fill, modifier = Modifier .clip(RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)) .then(modifier) )

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References Source Code and Documentation • • • • Of fi cial LiveKit Content Upgraded Android Client

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Wut? In order of preference •ICE over UDP: ideal connection type, used in majority of conditions •TURN with UDP (3478): used when ICE/UDP is unreachable •ICE over TCP: used when network disallows UDP (i.e. over VPN or corporate fi rewalls) •TURN with TLS: used when fi rewall only allows outbound TLS connections Connectivity

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ICE Interactive Connectivity Establishment

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STUN Session Traversal Utilities for NAT

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TURN Traversal Using Relays around NAT

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In order of preference •ICE over UDP: ideal connection type, used in majority of conditions •TURN with UDP (3478): used when ICE/UDP is unreachable •ICE over TCP: used when network disallows UDP (i.e. over VPN or corporate fi rewalls) •TURN with TLS: used when fi rewall only allows outbound TLS connections Connectivity

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Auth Tokens

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async def draw_color_cycle(output_source: rtc.VideoSource, width, height): argb_frame = bytearray(width * height * 4) arr = np.frombuffer(argb_frame, dtype=np.uint8) framerate = 1 / 30 hue = 0.0 while True: start_time = asyncio.get_event_loop().time() rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1.0, 1.0) rgb = [(x * 255) for x in rgb] # type: ignore argb_color = np.array(rgb + [255], dtype=np.uint8) arr.flat[::4] = argb_color[0] arr.flat[1::4] = argb_color[1] arr.flat[2::4] = argb_color[2] arr.flat[3::4] = argb_color[3] frame = rtc.VideoFrame(width, height, rtc.VideoBufferType.RGBA, argb_frame) output_source.capture_frame(frame) hue = (hue + framerate / 3) % 1.0 code_duration = asyncio.get_event_loop().time() - start_time await asyncio.sleep(1 / 30 - code_duration)

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async def draw_face_mask_to_video_loop( input_stream: rtc.VideoStream, output_source: rtc.VideoSource, show_window=True ): landmarker = FaceLandmarker.create_from_options(options) # cv2 commands are only for _local_ window/preview if show_window: cv2.namedWindow("livekit_video", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.startWindowThread() async for frame_event in input_stream: buffer: VideoFrame = frame_event.frame arr = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8) arr = arr.reshape((buffer.height, buffer.width, 3)) mp_image = mp.Image(image_format=mp.ImageFormat.SRGB, data=arr) detection_result = landmarker.detect_for_video( mp_image, frame_event.timestamp_us ) draw_landmarks_on_image(arr, detection_result) frame = rtc.VideoFrame(buffer.width, buffer.height, rtc.VideoBufferType.RGB24, output_source.capture_frame(frame) if show_window: arr = cv2.cvtColor(arr, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imshow("livekit_video", arr) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"): break landmarker.close() if show_window: cv2.destroyAllWindows()

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async def handle_frame_event(frame_event: VideoFrameEvent, output_source: rtc.VideoSource): buffer: VideoFrame = frame_event.frame arr = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8) arr = arr.reshape((buffer.height, buffer.width, 3)) src_image = cv2.cvtColor(arr, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) gray = cv2.cvtColor(src_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow(windows[0], gray) blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7, 7), 0) cv2.imshow(windows[1], blurred) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(blurred, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) cv2.imshow(windows[2], thresh) contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) dest_image = src_image for contour in contours: cv2.drawContours(dest_image, [contour], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow(windows[4], dest_image) frame = rtc.VideoFrame( buffer.width, buffer.height, rtc.VideoBufferType.RGB24, cv2.cvtColor(dest_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).data ) output_source.capture_frame(frame) cv2.waitKey(1)

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