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When Vue Meet Graham @VueJsAustralia

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@maoosi @_maoosi Sylvain Simao Lead Developer | Meet Graham @ Clemenger BBDO

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Meet Who?

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Hot Fact #1 The website is completely functional for blind users.

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Hot Fact #2 Graham skin is made from silicone and his hair is real – some of which was ‘donated’ by our own team.

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Hot Fact #3 9 million page views in the first 8 days – with no paid media spend.

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The (vue.js) Stack

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# vue.js core [email protected] vue-webpack-boilerplate vue-router vuex vuex-router-sync prerender-spa-plugin # dev eslint Babel webpack gulp phantomjs # libs gridle normalize.css particles.js spritz.js perfect-scrollbar swiper hammerjs Package.json

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Challenge #1: Accessibility

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Accessibility requirements ● IE8+ browser support ● WCGA 2.0 AA compliant ● Still accessible if Javascript Disabled Problems ● Vue.js 1.x does not support IE8 and below (ES5) ● Vue.js does not work without Javascript enabled ?

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End User Main Website Browser <=IE9 ? JS Enabled? Fallback Website yes no no yes User flow

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Fallback Version ● Static HTML files / No Javascript ● Lighter version focused on content ● Designed for IE8 ● Shared content

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Home.json > Home.vue > Json + Vue + Gulp = Shared content >

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# Keyboard navigation + Screen-reader compatibility = Accessible for blind users v-on:keyup.enter v-bind:aria-hidden v-bind:tabindex

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Challenge #2: SEO

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SEO requirements ● Crawlable by search engines Problems ● Ajax + Preloader + Javascript = Troubles for most search engines ● Vue.js 1.x does not include SSR support ?

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Prerender ● PhantomJS (Headless browser) ● Static HTML Snapshots ● Rules for Robots

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index.html > nginx.conf > Ajax Fragment Meta Tag /?_escaped_fragment_=home

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webpack.conf.js > Prerender Spa Plugin

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Challenge #3: 360 viewer

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Viewer requirements ● 360 viewer with hotspots ● Hotspots must follow the 360 rotation ● Entrance animation ?

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Sprite Test #1 What is the most efficient sprite-sheet layout? VS VS ? Horizontal Vertical Square Grid

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Sprite Test #2 What is the most efficient file format? VS ? + Flat JPG PNG 8 Alpha Mask Transparent PNG 24

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Sprite Test #3 What is the most efficient animation method? VS ? CSS Canvas

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Spritz.js A small, modern, responsive, sprites animation library. maoosi/spritz.js

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Sprite Hotspotter Handmade with Vue.js ● Load Sprite ● Add new hotspot ● Delete hotspot ● Positionate ● Hide/Show ● Export in JSON

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Global States with VueX ● Preloading ● Keep-alive once loaded ● Sound management ● Component communication and two ways data-binding

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Challenge #4: X-Ray

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X-Ray requirements ● Needs to be responsive ● Circle automatically goes back to its initial position after a certain time ?

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SKIN X-RAY X-RAY SKIN SVG VS Expectation vs Reality MASK

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SVG Clipping & Masking + Vue.js data-binding

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Why was Vue.js a good pick ? ● Simplicity and ease of use ● Flexibility (Sass / ES6 / Json Content / ...) ● Stability and speed, even for high traffic websites

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The FWA SOTD 28 August 2016 Score: 84 / Day: 3 Awwwards SOTD & Developer Award 7 September 2016 Score: 7.62 / Developer Award CSSDesignAwards WOTD 31 August 2016 Score: 7.70 / Code: 7.73 Honors & Awards

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There’s no magic to Vue.js – it just provides an elegant codebase to help you getting things done right

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QA (tech related) ?

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#8 ranked Agency Globally and #1 Australian Creative Agency.

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Modern invoicing and subscription billing

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Thanks! @VueJsAustralia Want to give a talk? Please contact us on @VueJsAustralia