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Security Rules Unit Testing Pipeline Integration for Firestore Google Developer Expert in Firebase Surahutomo Aziz Pradana Firebase Dev Day 2023 GDG Bangkok Firebase Thailand Organized by

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Let’s get to know each other! Now Web Mentor Lead Co-Lead 2015 2022 2019 2017

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Sensitive resources Realtime Database Firestore Storage

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Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Sensitive resources

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Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Sensitive resources ? Anonymous

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Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Sensitive resources ? Anonymous Admin

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Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Sensitive resources ? Anonymous Admin Developer

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What kind of protection that security rules can protect ?

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? Anonymous Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Prebuilt public and private key to prevent anomaly access X

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? Anonymous Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Prebuilt public and private key to prevent anomaly access - Prebuilt protect from any malicious attack X

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Admin Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Updating the wrong record accidentally X

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Admin Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Updating the wrong record accidentally - Manipulating the data or fraud X

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Admin Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Updating the wrong record accidentally - Manipulating the data or fraud - Hacked admin account for suspicious action X

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Developer Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Prevent bugs by protecting code payload consistency X

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rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /members/{memberId} { allow write: if hasKey(["uid"]) } } } firestore.rules

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Developer Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Prevent bugs by protecting code payload consistency - Prevent bugs when dev forget the specific rule in user flow journey X

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rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { function withSpecialCondition(role) { // return some special condition } match /members/{memberId} { allow write: if withSpecialCondition("special_role") } } } firestore.rules

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Developer Security Rules Realtime Database Firestore Storage Google Server - Prevent bugs by protecting code payload consistency - Prevent bugs when dev forget the specific rule in user flow journey - Increase code quality by using strong and centralized data flow and its operation X

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rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { function someFunction(role) { // return some function logic } match // collection name 1 { allow write: if // some condition 1 } match // collection name 2 { allow read: if // some condition 2 } } } firestore.rules

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Now, question is Is that protection enough ?

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Technically … YES

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But actually operationally … Nope

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There is a story, lemme introduce you to them !

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His name is Pyro-chan~ He is new fresh graduate engineer

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His name is Mr.Dart He is Senior Software Engineer

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They are childhood friends that has the same interest into tech!

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So, “Operationally … Nope” What might be missing i wonder ?

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Well, the factor is actually “Human Error”

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Oh yeahh, i remember! I think i had those mistakes ehehe

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Oh nooo! I have a product demo in a minute, I need to rush and finish this code ! Long time ago …

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Oh my, it breaks my old code :( I didn’t realize it! Then …

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Alright easy tasks, done! Let’s go home! Long time ago …

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Oh my, it breaks my old code :( I didn’t realize it! Then …

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OKAY! This time i concentrated and not underestimate the code changes, looks fine! Long time ago …

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Oh my, it breaks my code, the library has changed its implementation and i didn’t realize it :( Then …

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See, because of those ..

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It might causing us : - Money Loss - Data breached - Anomaly data

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It’s okay, learning is what’s really important!

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Let me tell you something

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At least there are 3 levels Tech Testing Auto Building the security Testing the security level Automate the testing process Minimize human error by building this! So ..

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In that case what we can do is

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Steps : ● Build our testing for security rules ● Automate running the security rules testing ● Protect the branch with the automation !

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Ahh.. Interesting ? ?

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So, Dana can you show us how ?

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in/retzd @retzd_ Thank you! Don’t forget to contact Dana, he is super helpful about Firebase!