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GopinathLangote Confidently Releasing Microservices With Consumer Driven Contract Testing Gopinath Langote

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Confidently Releasing Microservices With Consumer Driven Contract Testing @GopinathLangote Confidence has a common meaning of a certainty about handling something, such as work, family, social events, or relationships. - Wikipedia

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Confidently Releasing Microservices With Consumer Driven Contract Testing @GopinathLangote Ability of going to production

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Confidently Releasing Microservices With Consumer Driven Contract Testing @GopinathLangote A particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. - Martin Fowler

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Confidently Releasing Microservices With Consumer Driven Contract testing Client / Consumer Server / Provider @GopinathLangote Offerings, plans, or strategies motivated by customer demand or expectations.

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Confidently Releasing Microservices With Consumer Driven Contracts testing @GopinathLangote A contract is a legally binding agreement which recognises and governs the rights and duties of the parties to the agreement. - Wikipedia

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Payments Team Growth Team Problem Statement @GopinathLangote

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Refactoring @GopinathLangote

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Unit Tests Mocked Integration Tests Functional Tests Manual Tests Test Pyramid @GopinathLangote

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Unit Test Limited to method level Not aware of other service Trustworthy @GopinathLangote

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Mocked Integratio n Test @GopinathLangote

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Mocked User Service Not aware of other service Changes No Feedback Loop Trustworthy Mocked Integration Test @GopinathLangote

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Real User Service Time Consuming Longer Feedback Loop Trustworthy Functional Test @GopinathLangote

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Manual Test @GopinathLangote

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Unit Tests Contract Test Functional Manual Tests Test Pyramid @GopinathLangote

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Account Service Consumer Service Contract Test User Service Producer Service Payments Team Growth Team @GopinathLangote

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Consumer Contract Test Register expectation Request Account Service User Service Mock Contract Server TEST Response Contract File @GopinathLangote

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User Service Get the contracts Assert the expectations from consumer Consumer Provider Mock Contract Server Account Service Provider Verification @GopinathLangote

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1. Setup Expectations @GopinathLangote

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Contract @GopinathLangote

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2. Running Test @GopinathLangote

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3. Provider Verification @GopinathLangote

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Demo Consumer Contract Test @GopinathLangote

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CDC In Action @GopinathLangote

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Cloud Storage Contract Brokers Contract Sharing @GopinathLangote

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Against Current Build Provider Verification In CI Against Stable Build @GopinathLangote

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Microservices Architecture When services are handled by multiple teams/companies When to do CDC? @GopinathLangote

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Manually talk to concerned team/partner What if contract fails - Communication Automate communication 1. Automatic email 2. Automatic Jira tickets 3. Send alerts to slack @GopinathLangote

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Tools @GopinathLangote

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1. JVM 2. .Net 3. Ruby 4. Go 5. JavaScript 6. Python 7. Php 8. Swift You can implement you own Pact @GopinathLangote

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Other Tool janus VCR PACTO @GopinathLangote

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Convince Me @GopinathLangote

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Resources @GopinathLangote

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Thank You GopinathLangote