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Community-driven efforts to translate educational materials into Spanish Rayna M. Harris @raynamharrs FORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute (FSCI)

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Community-driven efforts to translate educational materials into Spanish many languages Rayna M. Harris @raynamharrs FORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute (FSCI)

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The Carpentries community is global

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Slide 4 text The Carpentries mission is global

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Slide 5 text TheCarpentries2018AnnualReport.pdf The Carpentries impact is global

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But there are still a lot of gaps TheCarpentries2018AnnualReport.pdf

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Imagina que tienes que aprender UNIX y Python o R y Git en un idioma que no es el tuyo

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Imaginez que vous deviez apprendre UNIX et Python ou R et Git dans une langue qui n'est pas la votre

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あなたが学ばなければならなかったと想像 してくだい UNIXとPythonまたはRとGit ネイティブではない⾔言語で

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Goal: Translate lesson so they can be taught in the learner’s native language and build communities to foster life-long leaning.

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Successes • We have collaboratively translated multiple lessons into Spanish. • We are collaboratively translating lessons into Japanese. • There is wide-spread interest in translating lessons into many more languages and dialects.

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Challenges • Our lessons are collaboratively developed and collaboratively maintained, meaning they… • have many authors who speak different dialects • are constantly evolving and its hard to keep all translations in sync

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Ideas and contributions welcome @thecarpentries