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A Quest for the Ultimate Template Engine Akira Matsuda

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Today's Talk My personal story About Ruby template engines

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me from: Japan name: Akira Matsuda GitHub: amatsuda I Do: Ruby, Rails !

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Template Engines Text Files + Ruby => HTML On Rails (ActionView) app/views/*.html.*

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My first Ruby Template Engine Was Of course, ERB

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ERB: The Default One Included in the Matz Ruby package as a stdlib Still a part of DHH's "omakase"

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The Syntax <% @users.each do |user| %> <%= %> <% end %>

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The syntax looked familiar to me I used to be an ASP programmer I used to be a PHP programmer I used to be a JSP programmer

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The ERB Syntax The spec is called eRuby

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Crated By @shugo Copied ePerl syntax

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Problem ERB sometimes sucks Because HTML sucks

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We are humans <% @users.each do |user| %> <%= %> <% end %>

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We make mistakes <% @users.each do |user| %> <%= %> <% end %>

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Broken HTML Sometimes works Sometimes does not work

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I Was Always Wondering Why doesn't the Framework validate the response HTML?

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Then One Day, I met Haml

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Haml Templating Haiku Beautiful DRY Well-indented Clear markup

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Valid HTML! Parses the markup then compiles it into an HTML Ensures that the output is always valid HTML This was a revolution!

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Syntax %tbody - @users.each do |user| %tr %td=

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I was fascinated No more broken HTML! Since then, I have never looked back on ERB

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Then One Day, A Rails newbie came to me and said, "why is Haml so slow?" My app responds very quickly as an API server, but rendering the same set of data into an HTML is too slow

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His Claim app/views/recipes/ index.???.json #=> fast app/views/recipes/ index.html.haml #=> slow

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The Rails newbie's name was

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@mineroaoki A Ruby committer The author of Net::HTTP, FileUtils, Ripper, Racc, TMail, etc. The author of legendary Ruby book "Ruby Hacking Guide"

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History of Minero Aoki 1999: Became a Ruby Committer 2002: Wrote RHG while he was a student ..2013: Had been doing something else, wearing suit 2013: Came back to the Ruby world as a Rails programmer

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RHG Even @ko1 learned Ruby implementation through this book English version is available online:

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I thought, Yeah, Haml might not be as fast as ERB Because of its syntax, parsing & compiling should be slow, but who cares?

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He is a super hacker But a newbie Maybe his template is slow just because his Haml code sucks Or maybe what he meant was "ActionView is slow"?

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Parsing & compiling Haml might be slow Because Haml is so complex But compiled code will be cached by ActionView

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Parsing & compiling Haml might be slow But who cares?

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A Rails tips If you feel like your view is slow, it might be because of url_for

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Benchmark Let's quickly make sure that Haml is as fast as ERB in production

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generate scaffold % rails g scaffold user name age:integer email phone

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Preparing 1,000 Records (1..1000).each do |i| User.create! name: 'User %05d' % i, age: i, email: '' % i, phone: "#{i}-#{i}" end

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Run it in production mode Make the rst request from the browser

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Make Requests With curl or ab or httperf or whatever

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From the Log File I, [2015-03-09T18:34:26.780189 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 312ms (Views: 307.5ms | ActiveRecord: 3.9ms) I, [2015-03-09T18:34:27.103951 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 319ms (Views: 314.8ms | ActiveRecord: 3.9ms) I, [2015-03-09T18:34:27.366058 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 258ms (Views: 254.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms) I, [2015-03-09T18:34:27.658356 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 289ms (Views: 285.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms) I, [2015-03-09T18:34:27.953852 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 290ms (Views: 287.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.4ms) I, [2015-03-09T18:34:28.216769 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 258ms (Views: 255.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms) I, [2015-03-09T18:34:28.560278 #57017] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 339ms (Views: 334.9ms | ActiveRecord: 3.6ms)

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grep the View Rendering Time And Summarize

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The Result (100 requests) ERB: 27135.9 msec Haml: 29116.8 msec

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Haml is slow! It turned out that Haml is 7% slower in production runtime!

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It's true that Haml is slow So what shall we do?

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What shall we do? 1. Do Nothing

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Do Nothing Let it be slow Who cares? We're Ruby programmers!

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"Premature optimization is the root of all evil" There must be so many other reasons that make your Rails app slow DB network Business logic

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While rendering is 7% slower Throughput from the client will be 1-2% difference

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We're Ruby programmers If you really care about the app's performance, your app should've written in C What we should care is the balance

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The Balance Between Performance And Productivity Maintainability Developers' Sanity

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The Recipe for the ...

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Our Recipe If your application is not fast enough, just add more servers.

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What shall we do? 1. Do Nothing 2. Switch Back to ERB

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2. Switch back to ERB

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Seriously Syntax matters

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The Balance User Experience: Developer Happiness: 㽉

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What shall we do? 1. Do Nothing 2. Switch Back to ERB 3. Find Something Else

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3. Find Something Else

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What would you do to find something?

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We do this.

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google: haml slow

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Google says, "I heard that Slim is faster than Haml, so it must be a good one" "I read someone's blog that shows Slim is faster than Haml, so I switched to Slim"

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Slim? Similar to Haml Built on top of Temple

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Hello, World! | Hello, World!

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Hello, World! h1 Hello, World!

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To Me, Syntax matters And the syntax looks weird

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"Faster than Haml" Seems like a good marketing Some people may choose Python over Ruby Some people may choose JRuby over CRuby because b() runs faster on JRuby

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You can choose Slim If you're OK with the syntax

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What shall we do? 1. Do Nothing 2. Switch Back to ERB 3. Find Something Else 4. Improve Haml

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4. Improve Haml

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Faster Is Better, Of Course Even if speed is not a critical problem

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I don't know why but I had a commit bit When I PRed one line of code

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No content

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The diff

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I Had to Do This Because, Our super large legacy Rails app was still on Ruby 1.8 at that moment...

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Maybe They Didn't Want to Work on 1.8.7 Anymore So they gave me the commit right

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Then I got a mail

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Looks like I'm responsible

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So, I started reading Haml

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Pushed some nitpicks

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The real problem Compiled ruby code

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Hello! in ERB"<% 'Hello!' %>").src

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Hello! in ERB #=> "#coding:UTF-8\n_erbout = ''; 'Hello!' ; _erbout.force_encoding(__EN CODING__)"

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Hello! in Haml"= 'Hello!'").compiler.precompile d_with_ambles([])

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Hello! in Haml begin;extend Haml::Helpers;_hamlout = @haml_buffer =, {:autoclose=>["area", "base", "basefont", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "frame", "hr", "img", "input", "isindex", "keygen", "link", "menuitem", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"], :preserve=>["textarea", "pre", "code"], :attr_wrapper=>"'", :ugly=>false, :format=>:html5, :encoding=>"UTF-8", :escape_html=>false, :escape_attrs=>true, :hyphenate_data_attrs=>true, :cdata=>false});_erbout = _hamlout.buffer;@output_buffer = output_buffer ||= rescue nil;;_hamlout.push_text("#{_hamlout.format_script_false_false_ false_false_false_true_false(( 'Hello!' ));}\n", 0, false);_erbout;ensure;@haml_buffer = @haml_buffer.upper if @haml_buffer;end;

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Lovely Haiku!

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Let's see how we can improve this the Ruby code

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What shall we do? 1. Do Nothing 2. Switch Back to ERB 3. Find Something Else 4. Improve Haml 5. Fork Haml

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5. Fork Haml

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We need to care about compatibility

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I concluded that I can not make Haml as fast as ERB without breaking compatibility

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So, I made a fork

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HamlX As I announced at RubyConf 2014

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Current Status of HamlX Still not done

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The Result (100 requests) ERB: 27135.9 msec Haml: 29116.8 msec HamlX: 27407.7 msec

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What shall we do? 1. Do Nothing 2. Switch Back to ERB 3. Find Something Else 4. Improve Haml 5. Fork Haml 6. Create a New Haml Implementation

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6. Create a new Haml implementation

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My co-worker at Cookpad

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@eagletmt eagle? tomato?

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After my presentation at RubyConf

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He started creating his own version

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My Approach Haml minus slow parts

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His Approach From the bottom up!

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His Concept Slim is faster than Haml because Slim is built on Temple Slim and Haml's syntax is similar Why don't we make a Haml compiler on top of Temple?

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The Creator of Temple Says, Nathan Weizenbaum (the maintainer of Haml) told me targeting Haml could be difficult, but I’m quite optimistic. It’s better to try, fail and learn, than not try at all.

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I actually tried! But gave up.

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But @egletmt did it. Because he is a better hacker than me Or maybe because he is young and brave

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Already gemified % gem i fast_haml

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The Result (100 requests) ERB: 27135.9 msec Haml: 29116.8 msec HamlX: 27407.7 msec FastHaml: 23769.8 msec

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Possibly Faster Than Slim

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Still an Experimental Project Nobody uses this in production, I guess

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I know that the name is terrible "Naming matters."

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Worth Trying This If you're really sure that your system's bottleneck lies in the template engine If you want to experience the world's fastest Template engine

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A Quest for the Ultimate Template Engine

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The Ultimate Template Engine Developer Experience Sane Syntax End User Experience Runtime Performance

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We're getting close! Stay tuned!

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Or, YOU can do it, of course.

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YOU can do it! YOU can patch YOU can create your own engine Rather than just sitting and waiting and complaining