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Serverless Peanut Butter & Jelly & : Sandeep Dinesh @sandeepdinesh

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Who are we? Firebase Google Cloud Platform

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@sandeepdinesh Covering our *aaS

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@sandeepdinesh What is #Serverless

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@sandeepdinesh Google Cloud Functions A serverless environment to build and connect cloud services with code

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@sandeepdinesh Google Cloud Functions Automatic scaling No server management Only pay for what you use $

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@sandeepdinesh Cloud Functions Triggers Cloud Storage Cloud Pub/Sub HTTPS Stackdriver Logs

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@sandeepdinesh Deploy from... Cloud Console UI $ gcloud functions deploy myFunc \ --stage-bucket functions-src \ --trigger-http Command line ○ ○

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@sandeepdinesh Hello, HTTP! Write a serverless backend with just a few lines of code: ● ● ● ● // This should look familiar... exports.hello = functions((req, res) => { res.status(200).send(‘Howdy Serverless fans!’); }); Howdy, Serverless fans!

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@sandeepdinesh Logging ● ⇒ ● ⇒ ● ○ ○ ○ Monitoring ● ○ ○ ○

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@sandeepdinesh Tracing ● ● ● require('@google-cloud/trace-agent').start(); Debugging ● ● ● require('@google-cloud/debug-agent').start();

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@sandeepdinesh Environment & native binaries ● ● ● ● ● ●

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@sandeepdinesh Local development ● ● ●

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@sandeepdinesh Firebase The fastest way to build an app, grow your user base, and earn more money

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@sandeepdinesh Function better with Firebase... Cloud Storage (incl. Firebase) Cloud Pub/Sub HTTPS Stackdriver Logs Firebase Realtime Database Firebase Authentication Firebase Analytics Firebase Hosting

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@sandeepdinesh ● Store and serve user-generated content like images, audio, and video directly in your mobile app, using the Firebase SDKs. ● Resumable uploads and downloads are resilient to changes in network connectivity. ● All data is accessible from the Cloud Storage APIs.

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@sandeepdinesh Upload image Get download URL Write URL to Realtime Database

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@sandeepdinesh ● Enables synced data across connected devices in milliseconds to power realtime experiences in your app. ● Available when your app goes offline. ● Built on a cloud-hosted NoSQL JSON data structure.

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@sandeepdinesh Image URL Listen for changes on /images/{imageId} New message!

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@sandeepdinesh ● Use FCM APIs to build powerful programmatic messaging systems across Android, iOS, and the web. ● Easily manage notification campaigns. Schedule and send messages to engage the right users at the most relevant time. ● Target your users with Firebase Analytics audiences.

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@sandeepdinesh ● CDN-backed and SSL-enabled static hosting, optimized for SPAs and PWAs ● Add your own custom domain for the low price of $0 ● Dynamic content with the help of Cloud Functions

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24 # deploy your whole app: website, functions, db/storage rules $ firebase deploy ... # yeah, seriously, that's it Deploying your app with Firebase

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@sandeepdinesh DEMO

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@sandeepdinesh Thank you! Questions? Sandeep Dinesh @sandeepdinesh &