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Takeaway of This Session - Why the migration is inevitable - Migration plan plays a big role to protect user experience - Our learning when migrating from Anko to Jetpack Compose

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Agenda - About LINE Sticker Maker - Tech Stack and Debt - Migration Plan - Obstacles and Resolution - Release Strategy

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About Me Po-Hao Chen (Po) - Android Engineer at LINE Fukuoka - Project - LINE Wallet - LINE Sticker Maker

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LINE Sticker Maker - Creating LINE Stickers on smartphone with simple edit flow - Create for scratch, existing image or LINE Avatar - Various image editing tools - Concluding the flow of creating sticker to requesting for sale all on one device/app

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LINE Sticker Maker History 2021.05 Rebranding to LINE Sticker Maker 2018.10 Image Auto Trimming Feature with OpenCV 2021.12 LINE Avatar Sticker Creation 2018.11 Sticker Campaign Frame Feature 2017.06 Service Launched as LINE Creators Studio

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Tech Stack - Kotlin - Anko Layout - RxJava - Coroutine - Realm - Retrofit - OkHttp - Hilt

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Tech Stack - Kotlin; - Anko Layout - RxJava - Coroutine - Realm - Retrofit - OkHttp - Hilt !!

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What is Anko Layout A fast and type-safe way to write dynamic Android layouts with KotlinaDSL, by JetBrains

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Anko Layout linearLayout { }

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Anko Layout linearLayout { id = gravity = Gravity.CENTER backgroundColor = R.color.background }

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Anko Layout linearLayout { id = gravity = Gravity.CENTER backgroundColor = R.color.background themedTextView( { textResource = R.string.common_done } }

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Anko Layout linearLayout { id = gravity = Gravity.CENTER backgroundColor = R.color.background themedTextView( { textResource = R.string.common_done onClick { actionA() } } }

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Anko Layout linearLayout { id = gravity = Gravity.CENTER backgroundColor = R.color.background themedTextView( { textResource = R.string.common_done onClick { if (isFirstVisit) { actionA() } else { actionB() } } } }

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Write UI with Anko - Fast Performance

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- Presentation Logic in UI code - Fast Performance Write UI with Anko

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- Presentation Logic in UI code - More Flexible than XML - Fast Performance Write UI with Anko

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However, in 2019…

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The Team Decided to Keep Using it

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The Team Decided to Keep Using it 2 Years Later…

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The Team Decided to Keep Using it 2 Years Later… The Technical Debt

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The Technical Debt As we decided to continue to self-maintain Anko Layout - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature

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The Technical Debt As we decided to continue to self-maintain Anko Layout - diff Anko-Layout Android-Support-Library - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature

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The Technical Debt As we decided to continue to self-maintain Anko Layout - diff Anko-Layout Android-Support-Library - Bottleneck for introducing new-comers - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature

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To Jetpack Compose The Declarative UI Framework for Android - Migration was considered soon after the deprecation of Anko Layout - Jetpack Compose stable-release in July 2021 - The Team proceed to migrate in March 2022

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Migration is Inevitable

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Migration is Inevitable Migration Started for Developer Needs

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Migration is Inevitable What if…? Migration Started for Developer Needs User get Affected " Migration Side Effect

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Migration is Inevitable What if…? User get Affected " Migration Side Effect ❌ Migration Started for Developer Needs Developer Experience x User Experience

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Developer Experience x User Experience Migration is Inevitable What if…? User get Affected " Migration Side Effect ❌ Migration Started for Developer Needs A Proper Migration Plan is Important

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Strategy for Continuous Migration Let the Migration Begins

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Migration Goal Keep in mind what the most important goal is For Maintainability Replace Anko

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Migration Goal Keep in mind what the most important goal is Refactor Legacy Code For Maintainability 1st Priority Replace Anko UI Performance Keep minimal Avoid over-tuning

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Migration Goal Keep in mind what the most important goal is Refactor Legacy Code For Maintainability 1st Priority Replace Anko UI Performance Keep minimal Avoid over-tuning Keep in Sync, Aiming for the Same Goal

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Migration Plan Release Remove Improve Implement

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Migration Plan Refactor and recreate the same UI in Compose After QA, enable Compose in release build Release Remove Improve Implement Remove Anko completely Replace Fragment-based structure

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Migration Plan Current Phase Refactor and recreate the same UI in Compose After QA, enable Compose in release build Release Remove Improve Implement

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LINE Sticker Maker Code Structure Feature-based Multi-Module - Features are independent from each other :app :feature:a :feature:b :feature:c :core

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LINE Sticker Maker Code Structure Feature-based Multi-Module - Features are independent from each other - Create a `common-ui` module with no other dependency for common UI components :app :feature:a :feature:b :feature:c :core :common-ui

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Obstacles for Migration - Mixing Layer between data and UI in older features - Massive Usage of Custom Android View - Fragment Based Navigation

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Yes or No Fragments?

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Keep Most of the Fragments For now - Migrate to Navigation Compose at one go is risky - Speedy iteration of screen-based migration and quality assurance - Have the Screen Composable ready for future improvement

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Mixing of Layers

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- Presentation Logic in UI code - More Flexible than XML - Fast Performance Write UI with Anko

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- Presentation Logic in UI code - More Flexible than XML - Fast Performance Write UI with Anko

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Current Situation UI Anko Data Provider Data Provider . . .

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Refactor for Clean Architecture Data Layer UI Layer UI Elements StateHolder/ViewModel App Data UI State (Processed Data) UI Event

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Current Situation UI Anko Data Provider Data Provider . . .

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Refactor Result UI Anko Data Provider Data Provider . . . ViewModel UI Implementation

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.uiState Isolated Ui Data class SampleViewModel() { val uiState: StateFlow }

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Isolated Ui Data class SampleScreenFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView(): View = SampleScreenUi().createView(AnkoContext.create(requireContext(), this)) .also { viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch { sampleViewModel .uiState .flowWithLifecycle(lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED) .collect { // update UI } } } }

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Next Step: Migrate to Compose UI Anko ViewModel Compose Swap UI Implementation

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Feature Flag in UI Layer UI Anko Compose ViewModel FeatureFlag

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Same Data, Different UI Implementation class SampleScreenFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView(): View = SampleScreenUi().createView(AnkoContext.create(requireContext(), this)) .also { viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch { sampleViewModel .uiState .flowWithLifecycle(lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED) .collect { // update UI } } } }

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Same Data, Different UI Implementation class SampleScreenFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView(): View = if (FeatureFlag.FEATURE_SAMPLE_USE_COMPOSE) { } else { SampleScreenUi().createView(AnkoContext.create(requireContext(), this)) } }

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Same Data, Different UI Implementation class SampleScreenFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView(): View = if (FeatureFlag.FEATURE_SAMPLE_USE_COMPOSE) { // Compose View Creation ComposeView(requireContext()).apply { // ... } } } else { // Anko View Creation SampleScreenUi().createView(AnkoContext.create(requireContext(), this)) } }

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Same Data, Different UI Implementation class SampleScreenFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreateView(): View = if (FeatureFlag.FEATURE_SAMPLE_USE_COMPOSE) { // Compose View Creation ComposeView(requireContext()).apply { // ... setContent { val uiState by sampleViewModel .uiState .collectAsLifecycleAwareState(SampleViewModel.UiState()) } } } else { // Anko View Creation SampleScreenUi().createView(AnkoContext.create(requireContext(), this)) } }

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AS IS Activity Fragment AnkoView Fragment Fragment AnkoView AnkoView

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TO BE Activity Fragment AnkoView Fragment Fragment AnkoView AnkoView ComposeView ComposeView ComposeView FeatureFlag FeatureFlag FeatureFlag

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- With Clear Layering, switching UI at runtime become possible - Allow Developers to easily validate implementation - Simplify QA process without several build configs Runtime UI switching

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Custom AndroidViews

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Custom Android Views - Utilized Interoperability API for fast migration - Large amount of custom Android Views are used (for image editing)

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { }

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) }

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) }

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) }

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) }

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) } Simple?

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Custom Android Views @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) } Actually Not So Simple… $

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix = Matrix() };

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix = Matrix() }; private fun loadImageAndBaseMatrixFromViewModel() { ui.trimmingView.imageBitmap = editImageViewModel.loadImage() ui.trimmingView.baseMatrix = editImageViewModel.baseMatrix }

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix = Matrix() }; private fun loadImageAndBaseMatrixFromViewModel() { ui.trimmingView.imageBitmap = editImageViewModel.loadImage() ui.trimmingView.baseMatrix = editImageViewModel.baseMatrix }

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix = Matrix() }; private fun loadImageAndBaseMatrixFromViewModel() { ui.trimmingView.imageBitmap = editImageViewModel.loadImage() ui.trimmingView.baseMatrix = editImageViewModel.baseMatrix }

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) }

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@Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) } View Event Does Not Align With Compose Not Working As Expected… $

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix = Matrix() override fun onSizeChanged() { super.onSizeChanged() resetMatrix() } }

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Anko Create View OnSizeChanged Reset Matrix Set Bitmap Set Base Matrix

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Anko Compose Create View Set Bitmap Set Base Matrix OnSizeChanged Reset Matrix

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Anko Compose Create View Set Bitmap Set Base Matrix OnSizeChanged Reset Matrix Create View Data Binding Create View OnSizeChanged Reset Matrix Set Bitmap Set Base Matrix Update Block

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context).apply { onSizeChangeListener = TrimmingView.OnSizeChangeListener { trimmingView.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } } }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap } )

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context).apply { onSizeChangeListener = TrimmingView.OnSizeChangeListener { trimmingView.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } } }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap } ) class TrimmingView { override fun onSizeChanged() { super.onSizeChanged() resetMatrix() onSizeChangeListener.onSizeChanged() } }

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context).apply { onSizeChangeListener = TrimmingView.OnSizeChangeListener { trimmingView.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } } }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap } ) class TrimmingView { override fun onSizeChanged() { super.onSizeChanged() resetMatrix() onSizeChangeListener.onSizeChanged() } } Create View Set Bitmap Set Base Matrix OnSizeChanged Reset Matrix

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View Event Does Not Align With Compose AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context).apply { onSizeChangeListener = TrimmingView.OnSizeChangeListener { trimmingView.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } } }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap } ) class TrimmingView { override fun onSizeChanged() { super.onSizeChanged() resetMatrix() onSizeChangeListener.onSizeChanged() } } Create View Set Bitmap Set Base Matrix OnSizeChanged Reset Matrix

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Android View Internal State Restoration @Composable fun SampleComposable( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, ) { val stateToPreserved = rememberSaveable { } }

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Android View Internal State Restoration @Composable fun SampleComposable( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, ) { val stateToPreserved = rememberSaveable { } } Will be restored when recreation

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Android View Internal State Restoration class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix;=;Matrix(); };

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Android View Internal State Restoration class TrimmingView { var baseMatrix;=;Matrix(); val transformMatrix = Matrix() };

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Android View Internal State Restoration class TrimmingView { val transformMatrix = Matrix() override fun onSaveInstanceState(): Parcelable { val parentState: Parcelable? = super.onSaveInstanceState() return bundleOf( KEY_TRANSFORM_MATRIX to transformMatrix.getValues(), KEY_PARENT_STATE to parentState ) } override fun onRestoreInstanceState(state: Parcelable?) { // … val transform = (state as Bundle).getFloatArray(KEY_TRANSFORM_MATRIX) transformMatrix.setValues(transform) // … } };

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Android View Internal State Restoration @Composable private fun TrimmingComposable( bitmap: Bitmap, baseMatrix: Matrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier ) { AndroidView( modifier = modifier, factory = { TrimmingView(context) .apply { id = // … } }, update = { view -> view.bitmap = bitmap view.baseMatrix = baseMatrix } ) }

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What’s happening next? Release Strategy and Feature Work

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Developer Experience x User Experience Migration is Inevitable What if…? User get Affected " Migration Side Effect ❌ Migration Started for Developer Needs

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Release Strategy - Release feature-by-feature

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Release Strategy - Outage monitoring - Release feature-by-feature

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Release Strategy - Outage monitoring - Fix issue or Quick rollback with feature flag - Release feature-by-feature

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Future Works Remove Anko completely Replace Fragment-based structure Release Remove Improve Implement

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The Technical Debt - diff Anko-Layout Android-Support-Library - Bottleneck for introducing new-comers - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature

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The Technical Debt - diff Anko-Layout Android-Support-Library - Bottleneck for introducing new-comers - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature - Compose Preview

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The Technical Debt - diff Anko-Layout Android-Support-Library - Jetpack Library Support - Bottleneck for introducing new-comers - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature - Compose Preview

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The Technical Debt - diff Anko-Layout Android-Support-Library - Jetpack Library Support - Bottleneck for introducing new-comers - Spotlighted topic in Android community - Anko Layout is lack of UI Preview feature - Compose Preview

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Migration is Inevitable - Developers are the main beneficiary of the migration, but we should keep user in mind We should…

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Migration is Inevitable - Plan from the beginning and plan for the worst case - Developers are the main beneficiary of the migration, but we should keep user in mind We should…

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Migration is Inevitable - Plan from the beginning and plan for the worst case - Focus on the goal as a team - Developers are the main beneficiary of the migration, but we should keep user in mind We should…

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Migration is Inevitable

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Migration is Tough " - Tidying up Fragment class with 1000+ lines of code % - Facing bug with no previous case study & - Trying to understand mysterious legacy code $

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Migration is Tough "

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Migration Can Also Be … Fun! ' - Developers get their hands on the newest technology

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Migration Can Also Be … Fun! ' - Knowledge sharing between developers has become more proactive - Developers get their hands on the newest technology

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Migration Can Also Be … Fun! ' - Knowledge sharing between developers has become more proactive - Enjoy the Challenges - Developers get their hands on the newest technology

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Thank you