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The Angular Router Hello Trivandrum! TRIVANDRUM TECHCON20

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Nishu Goel @DcoustaWilson Developer, UI Garage, IBM Blog: GitHub: NishuGoel

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1. Agenda ➔ What is Angular Router? ➔ Router Lifecycle Events, guards, resolvers ➔ Lazy Loading of routes dynamically load modules ➔ Updates in Latest versions Angular version 7, 8, 9

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Angular Router the official library for routing in the angular-based web applications. It comes packaged as @angular/router.

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- Navigates to the configured routes for the components which are routable. - import the RouterModule - configure the router states - navigate from one view to another

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Import the RouterModule import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)] }) Tip With a separate routing module, AppRoutingModule, export the RouterModule in the exports array.

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const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'connect', component: ConnectComponent }, { path: 'profile', component: ProfileComponent, }, { path: ‘**’, component: WildCardComponent } Tip Do not place the wildcard route before any other, as the route states are checked in the order defined in the configuration. configure the router states

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navigate! route from template:
route from code: this._router.navigate(['errorpage']); @DcoustaWilson

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It is like a placeholder for the next view. Tip Only see the route change but not view? place it exactly where you want the next component view.

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Try this out here.

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Wildcard route?

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Router lifecycle let us understand the

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observing the life cycle constructor(private router: Router) { (event: RouterEvent) => console.log(event)) } Tip RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES, { enableTracing: true }); For debugging purpose

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Give this a try here.

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events: - NavigationStart - RoutesRecognized (signalled when URL matched, or redirected)

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navigate! but, wait!

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Are we allowed to navigate? check for guards

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If the guard fails, the router emits a NavigationCancel event.

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before proceeding to the next router event, let us look at other guards: the order of execution of guards

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canActivate( route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot ): Observable|Promise|boolean|UrlTree { return this.permissions.canActivate(this.currentUser,; } Create a guard ng g guard canActivate guard function always runs before fetching the data, pointless to load data before ensuring if activation will take place.

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Without route resolvers

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resolvers prefetch component data during routing @DcoustaWilson

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With route resolvers

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Finally, activation! private updateTargetUrlAndHref(): void { this.href = this.locationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl(this.router. serializeUrl(this.urlTree)); } events: ActivationStart, ActivationEnd, ChildActivationStart, ChildActivationEnd NavigationEnd - update the URL in the browser

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Lazy Loading asynchronously load the feature module for routing whenever required.

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{path: ‘user’, loadChildren: () => import(‘./users/user.module’).then(m => m.UserModule)}; canLoad guard load a particular module only if it can be loaded. This means that check the criteria before loading it Read about preloading strategies here: uter#how-preloading- works

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Lazy loading bundle difference

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Lazy load routes here.

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Updates in the router (v7, v8, v9)

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v7 - add pathParamsChange mode for runGuardsAndResolvers runGuardsAndResolvers: ‘ paramsChange’ - Return UrlTree from guard const tree: UrlTree = this.router.parseUrl(url); - Guard priority using prioritizedGuardValue Observable

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v8 - Dynamic import of lazy loaded routes Earlier: {path: ‘user’, loadChildren: ‘./users/user.module#UserModule’} Now: {path: ‘user’, loadChildren: () => import(‘./users/user.module’).then(m => m.UserModule)}; - add hash-based navigation option to setUpLocationSync setUpLocationSync(ngUpgrade: UpgradeModule, urlType: "path" | "hash" = 'path')

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v9 - make routerLinkActive work with query params which contain arrays Object.keys(containee).every(key => containee[key] === container[key]); //changed to Object.keys(containee).every(key => equalArraysOrString(container[key], containee[key]));

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Resources - Angular changelog - Angular documentation - Angular router series, Nate Lipinski - Book - Step by Step Angular Routing @DcoustaWilson

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Dive deeper into the router here:

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Thank you so much! @DcoustaWilson