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Reactive Data Access with RxJava …and N1QL! Michael Nitschinger, Couchbase Inc. @daschl

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 2 § New challenges §  React to user load §  React to failure §  Be responsive under load and failure § Need new solutions §  Decoupled, event-driven architectures §  Optimal resource utilization Reactive? 2

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 3 3

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 4 §  RxJava 1 §  Reactive Streams ( §  RxJava 2 §  Reactor 3 §  Akka Streams The Reactive Landscape 4

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 5 Detour: N1QL 5 §  Declarative Query Language §  Extends SQL for JSON §  Query UI Built-In §  Full SDK Support §  Based on performant Global Secondary Indexes

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 6 Detour: N1QL 6

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 7 Detour: N1QL 7

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 8 Detour: Async Java Client Stack 8

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 9 Detour: Smart Batching Source: 9

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 10 Detour: Smart Batching Source: 10

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RxJava 101 A Gentle Introduction

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 12 §  Java implementation for Reactive Extensions §  A library to compose asynchronous and event-driven programs through observable sequences. RxJava: Introduction single multiple sync T Iterable async Future Observable 12

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 13 §  Observables are the duals of Iterables §  They describe both Latency and Error side effects. RxJava: Introduction event Iterable (pull) Observable (push) data retrieval T next() onNext(T) error discovery throws Exception onError(Exception) completion returns onCompleted() 13

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 14 Consuming Observables 14 §  The Subscriber subscribes and receives events. §  A cold Observable starts when subscribed. §  onNext can be called 0..N times

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 15 Single 15 §  Behaves like an Observable §  Emits only a single successful value or an error

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 16 Completable 16 §  Signals Completion or Error for a deferred computation.

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 17 RxJava: Creating Observables just 17

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 18 RxJava: Creating Observables 18

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 19 RxJava: Creating Observables 19

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 20 RxJava: Creating Observables 20

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 21 RxJava: Filtering Observables 21

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 22 RxJava: Filtering Observables 22

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 23 RxJava: Filtering Observables 23

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 24 RxJava: Filtering Observables 24

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 25 RxJava: Transforming Observables 25

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 26 RxJava: Transforming Observables 26

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 27 RxJava: Transforming Observables 27

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 28 RxJava: Transforming Observables 28

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 29 RxJava: Transforming Observables 29

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 30 RxJava: Transforming Observables 30

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 31 RxJava: Transforming Observables 31

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Reactive N1QL Cranking Queries up to Eleven!

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 33 § Simple §  Executes a single N1QL statement, no options available. § Parameterized §  Executes a parameterized query with positional or named params §  Prepared Query supported through adhoc(false) Query Types 33

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 34 § (Async) N1qlQueryResult §  Observable rows() §  Observable errors() §  Observable info() §  Observable signature() §  Observable finalSuccess() §  Observable status() §  boolean parseSuccess() §  String requestId() §  String clientContextId() Query Response 34

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 35 Simple Query 35

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 36 Parameterized Query 36 § Named Params

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 37 Parametrized Query 37 § Positional Params

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 38 Index Handling 38

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 39 Index Handling 39

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 40 Conditional Index Creation 40

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 41 Transparent Query Caching 41

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Error Handling with RxJava

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 43 § Things will go wrong, so better plan for it § Do not trust integration points (including the SDK) § Synchronous retry & fallback is too damn hard § RxJava provides (almost) everything you need to §  fallback §  retry §  fail fast Preparing to Fail 43

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 44 Timeouts 44 § The network is unreliable § Servers fail § The SDK contains bugs § Always specify timeouts and deal with them! § The synchronous wrapper defines them for you all the time.

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 45 Timeouts: Simple 45

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 46 Timeouts: Synchronous API 46

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 47 Timeouts: Complex Example 47

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 48 Timeouts: Complex Example 48

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 49 Coordinated Retry 49 §  Fail fast §  Don’t let your system get stuck §  Shed load with backpressure § Retry §  immediately won’t help §  either linear or exponential back-off necessary §  have a strategy if retry also doesn’t work (Fallbacks!)

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 50 Coordinated Fallback 50

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©2016 Couchbase Inc. 51 Coordinated Retry: Builder 51 §  Declarative API instead of complicated retryWhen

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