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@LaravelConf Taiwan 2021 Deep Dive into Laravel Octane Albert Chen

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About Me { "data": { "human": { "name": "Albert Chen", "occupation": "Software Architect", "website": "", "interests": [ "traveling", "programming", "cooking" ] }, "tags": [ "Laravel Artisan", "Swoole Enthusiast", "Open Source Contributor" ] } }

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Outline • Lifecycle in PHP and Laravel • Introduction of Octane • Reminders in Long-Lived PHP • Service Container • Concurrent Tasks • Other Features in Octane • Blocking I/O in PHP • Coroutine • Benchmark • Q&A

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Why PHP Performs Poorly in High Concurrency?

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Lifecycle in PHP

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Lifecycle in Laravel Autoload Load App Bootstrap Register Service Providers Boot Service Providers Http Kernel Middleware Dispatch by Router Routes Match Controller Response Terminate 
 Middleware Request public/ index.php

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How many files are required for one request in Laravel? 426 get_included_files() In Laravel 8.52

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Stateless PHP • How do we serve PHP today? • PHP-FPM • mod_php for Apache
 • Both patterns are all stateless

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Stateless PHP • Pros • Easy scaling • Simple, less risk causing memory leaks • Cons • States can't be shared between requests • States must rely on external storages • Resources can't be reused e ffi ciently • Connection cost is expensive (like database) • Not good for high performance

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Laravel Octane

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Laravel Octane • Published in April 2021 • Maintained by o ff i cial Laravel team • Supports Swoole and Roadrunner • Requires Laravel 8 and PHP 8 • Becoming more friendly in long-lived app • Hot reload support • Brings additional features

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What is RoadRunner? • Built with Golang • A replacement for web server and PHP-FPM • Works on both Linux and Windows • HTTPS and HTTP/2 support (including HTTP/2 Push, H2C) • No external PHP dependencies

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What is RoadRunner? (Process Manager) Request HTTP Handler Load Balancer PSR-7 
 Consumer Workers Pool RoadRunner

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What is Swoole? • A C extension for PHP • An asynchronous network engine for PHP • Features: • Event-driven non-blocking I/O • HTTP / HTTP2 / Websocket / TCP / UDP • Coroutine (CSP Model) • Excellent performance for high concurrency

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Server Structure in Swoole

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Lifecycle in Octane Reset Prepare Sandbox Request WarmUp Middleware Dispatch by Router Routes Match Controller Response Terminate 
 Middleware Run only once

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PHP Lifecycle in Octane Run only once!

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Reminders in Long-Lived PHP • Global States Pollution • Global states will be shared in di ff erent requests. • Use global variables carefully unless you know what you’re doing in long-lived PHP. • You need to reset these states in the beginning of request if you don’t want to share them.

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• Potential Memory Leaks Reminders in Long-Lived PHP

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• Don’t exit in your PHP code Reminders in Long-Lived PHP

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Static variables in Laravel?

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Laravel’s Service Container $resolved = []; $aliases = []; $bindings = []; $instances = []; $serviceProviders = []; $loadedProviders = []; Container

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Laravel’s Service Container protected static $app; protected static $resolvedInstance; Facades Service Container • $app->singleton(‘event’, …) • $app->singleton(‘db’, …) • $app->singleton(‘auth’, …) Service Provider event db auth

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Containers in Octane • Warm Up Initial Container Container Auth Cache Con fi g Cookie DB Encrypt Files Hash Log Router Routes Session Trans Url View Default Services Register

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Containers in Octane • Container Dependencies Http Kernel App Router Container Routes Collection Route Container Route Container

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Containers in Octane • Setup Sandbox Container Clone Initial Container Sandbox Reset States Replace Container Register Other Services Handle Request

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• Container dependencies in singleton Reminders in Octane

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• Container dependencies in singleton Reminders in Octane

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• Container dependencies in singleton Reminders in Octane

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Concurrent Tasks

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• PHP’s Blocking I/O Model Concurrent Tasks Process Send API A Send API B Query DB A Query DB B 50ms 50ms 20ms 20ms 140ms in total Request

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Concurrent Tasks • PHP’s Blocking I/O Model Process 50ms Child Child Child Child Fork Return Send API request A Query DB A Query DB B 50ms Send API request A 20ms 20ms Request

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Concurrent Tasks • Concurrent Tasks in Octane (Swoole Only) Process Task Worker Dispatch Task Worker Task Worker Task Worker Workers Pool Send API request A Send API request B Query DB A Query DB B Return Request

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Concurrent Tasks • Concurrent Tasks in Octane (Swoole Only)

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Other Features in Octane (Only support Swoole)

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• Ticker • You can set a timer to execute periodic tasks (e.g. Report your server states every 10 seconds) Other Features in Octane

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• Cache & Table • High performance swoole table driver shared by di ff erent workers without external storage Other Features in Octane

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• Cache & Table • High performance swoole table driver shared by di ff erent workers without external storage Other Features in Octane

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• What will this counter number be? Process Communication 1 2 3 1 4 1

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• Each worker has its own memory space Process Communication Worker Memory Worker Memory Worker Memory Worker Memory

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• Use Swoole Table for Sharing Data Process Communication Worker Memory Worker Memory Worker Memory Worker Memory Swoole Table

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Blocking I/O in PHP • PHP is originally created as glue layer to call C functions • The I/O model is blocking by default • Almost all client-side libraries involving I/O are blocking • Multiple process for handling blocking I/O • I/O bound concurrency depends on process number • Cost for context switch in processes is expensive

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Blocking I/O in PHP • Resource can't be reused • I/O requests are blocking • 80% time cost on blocking I/O

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Concurrency Problem • 100 requests at the same time need 100 processes • 100 connections will be established as well • Scale to increase concurrency

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Coroutine in Swoole

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Coroutine in Swoole • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine automatically. PHP is the best Swoole is awesome! Hello world!

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Coroutine in Swoole Hello Swoole • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine automatically.

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Coroutine in Swoole … • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine automatically. Hello Swoole!

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Coroutine in Swoole Hello Swoole! • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine automatically. …

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Coroutine in Swoole • CSP Model 1 2 3 4 5

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Does Octane Support Coroutine?

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• Does Octane support coroutine? Coroutine in Octane Coroutine A Coroutine B Coroutine C Process Request Request Request Yield & Resume

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• Does Octane support coroutine? Coroutine in Octane Coroutine A Coroutine B Coroutine C Process Request Request Request Yield & Resume ContainerA ContainerB ContainerC Container ???

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• Does Octane support coroutine? Coroutine in Octane

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Laravel’s Container Is Not Friendly to Coroutine

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• Swoole’s New Concurrency Mode Coroutine in Octane

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• Concurrent Tasks in Coroutine Coroutine in Octane Process Coroutine A Yield & Resume Coroutine B Coroutine C Coroutine D Send API request A Send API request B Query DB A Query DB B Request max_concurrency=1

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• Concurrent Tasks in Coroutine • Connection pool support for database • No global variable modi fi cations in coroutines • Only one request in one worker at the same time • Still not e ff ective enough unless container supports coroutine Coroutine in Octane

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• Environment • MacBook Air 2020 • Core i5 1.1GHz (4 Cores) Benchmark

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• PHP-FPM + Nginx Benchmark

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• Laravel Octane Benchmark

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Some Facts about Swoole • There’s knowledge gap for traditional PHP developers.

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