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Security on Cloud

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About:me Fon - Kamolphan Liwprasert Senior Machine Learning Engineer @Sertis Master in Computer Science student About:me

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What I will cover: ● Cloud security ○ Why it’s important ● Security compliance ○ PDPA / GDPR ● Secured data on GCP ○ IAM & Organizational structure ○ Service Account ○ Object life cycle ○ Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) ○ Data encryption options ○ Secured practice for BigQuery ● Tips & Tricks ● Q&A

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Cloud Security

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Why it’s important? 1. Security breaches are always big news 2. All service providers aren’t equal 3. Know where your data is stored 4. Security roles should be clearly defined 5. Backing up data is just as important

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How secured a cloud is?

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Security Ecosystem

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Mitigate the loss

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“Security is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link”

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Security Compliance

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Data Protection Policy

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PDPA in Thailand

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Data Protection Guideline -Guides/Guide-to-Data-Protection-by-Design-for-ICT-Systems -(310519).pdf -Guides/Technical-Guide-to-Advisory-Guidelines-on-NRIC-Nu mbers---260819.pdf

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Secure Data on GCP

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1 Cloud IAM and Organizational Structure

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Cloud IAM

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Use Groups, with logical names

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Organization Structure Organization Resource Projects Folders Resources

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Match resources to company structure Organization Resource Projects Folders Resource TIPS: Verbose project names provide clarity on resource structure and ownership i.e. company-sales-clientinsight-prod

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2 Service Accounts

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Service Account

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Service Account Tips Don’t rely on default Service Account

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How many Service Accounts

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We should centralize the service account creation and rotation!

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3 Object Life Cycle

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cannot be undeleted. Lifecycle configuration Delete Multi-Regional Storage/ Regional Storage Nearline Storage Coldline Storage Archive Storage OR

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Storage Classes

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How to add a Lifecycle rule

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How to add a Lifecycle rule (2)

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How to add a Lifecycle rule (3) Done :)

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Bucket Lock & Retention Policy Retention Policy To keep it at a certain amount of time before be able to delete. ** be careful, some action cannot be undone

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4 Cloud Data Loss Prevention

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What can happen?

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PII Personally Identifiable Information

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● SSN / ID ● Name ● Date of Birth ● Phone number ● Email ● Photos ● . . . Personally Identifiable Information

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Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Provides methods for detection, risk analysis, and de-identification of privacy-sensitive fragments in text, images, and Google Cloud Platform storage repositories.

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Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

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5 Data Encryption Options

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Data Encryption Options ● Google managed key ○ Encryption by Default ○ AES-256 standard ● Customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) ○ Store keys within Cloud KMS ● Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) ○ Data encryption key (DEK): A key used to encrypt data. ○ Key encryption key (KEK): A key used to encrypt, or "wrap", a data encryption key.

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6 Security Practice for BigQuery

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Big Data Reference Architecture Cloud Composer

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BigQuery - Project BigQuery workshop

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BigQuery - Datasets BigQuery workshop

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BigQuery - Tables BigQuery workshop

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BigQuery - Jobs BigQuery workshop

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Tips and Tricks

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New Arrival!

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Tips and Tricks 1. Least Privileges! > Only allow the necessity roles. No more than that. 2. Least Privileges. Same to people in project. > Only allow people 3. Don’t use default firewall rule > It allows port 22 (default-allow-ssh). Should be removed 4. Don’t use default service account in production > The permission in default service account can be changed without notice. 5. Delete the unused projects! > Cause it co$t money $$$$! > CONSULT YOUR TEAM, PM, AND ANYONE RELATED FIRST! 6. Keep updating :) -gcp/

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Resources ● ources/google_infrastructure_whitepaper_fa.pdf ● r-enterprise-organizations ● ● mer-supplied-encryption-keys/ ● r-managed-keys ● roducing-google-clouds-secret-manager ● ● PDPA%20Presentation_CyberSecurity%20Week%20201 9.pdf

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“Security is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link”

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Q & A

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Thanks! Kamolphan Liwprasert (Fon) [email protected] Sertis is hiring :)

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