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the technical story of From 1 to 20 million users

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Matthieu Moquet @MattKetmo web engineer at

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Leader ride-sharing service Our goal is to become the 1st travel platform

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Why this talk? ❖ History of the BlaBlaCar platform ❖ Overview our main technical choices ❖ Understand of our culture & methodologies

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v1.0 2005–2006

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The prototype

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v2.0 (2008) – Plain PHP

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2008 2010 2011 2012 v2.0

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Homemade framework + No code convention + Messy = Not maintainable in the long term

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$  wc  -­‐l  lib.trip.php Longest method: 1000+ lines 3678

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No tests

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Going further will be a pain Hiring will be hard We need to change things

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Refactor all the code

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Symfony 2.0

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Because community matters

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Attract new talented 
 & motivated people

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Separation of Concerns Dependencies Injection Integration & Unit tests etc. Embrace best practices

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Update product design

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Agility is our best strength

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— Eberhardt Von Kuenheim « The big will not always eat the small, 
 but the fast ones will overtake the slow ones »

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10+ deployments per day

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DEVOPS… before it was cool « if you break it you fix it »

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Automation Automatize as much as possible to reduce the time between dev and prod

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Simple development workflow Master Branch

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git push origin feat-awesome Deploy on staging environment is as simple as

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Staging env. for QA & product owners

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Continuous Integration

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Localization Update translations on the fly

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Frontend server Databases Backoffice Sync translations Update translations

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Download last translations when app boot Update translations Mobile app CDN Backoffice

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Progressive Rollout ❖ Open new countries with v3 one by one ❖ It took about 2.5 years to run v3 everywhere ❖ Today we can deploy new features for a set of users (by attributes or random)

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Departure to new horizons…

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Opportunity to change backend But we still keep the same primary database

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Database Updates Sync replication & No Master SPOF

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Better archiving strategy

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Photo Storage Don’t store static BLOB into MySQL. Use an elastic filesystem storage. MySQL AWS S3

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elasticsearch ❖ Horizontally scalable ❖ Geo type index ❖ Aggregations

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Varnish Fast reverse proxy cache 30% HIT/MISS Firemode to handle high traffic (TTL) Be careful with authenticated user blocks (Javascript is your friend)

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SPDY (HTTP 2.0) Fast API calls for (compliant) mobile clients ngx_http_spdy_module

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Asynchronous jobs Command Command Handlers Commands Queueing Ack

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workers/      mail      sms      push      image-­‐resize      indexer      cache-­‐invalidation      elasticsearch-­‐indexation      trip-­‐publication      ...

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Horizontal scalability

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Event dispatcher Every business events is dispatched into RabbitMQ Easy to watch the events (in real-time or batchs)

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Data Warehouse Log every business event into Hadoop user.register user.edit_bio user.left_rating user.post_trip ...

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user.register user.edit_bio user.left_rating user.post_trip ... user.register user.post_trip ... Real-Time dashboard Log every business event into Elasticsearch

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Such performances. Many users. Wow.

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How to serve the product worldwide?

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Datacenter centric One datastore to rule them all? It ain’t gonna work. ?? ??

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Monolithics Micro-Services

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Today we are mainly Monolithics But we would love using more Micro-Services Easier to deploy Development workflow Legacy database Smaller teams Faster deployments Easier to scale out

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Gateway Principles (Clean Architecture) Decouple models (not db) Isolate business & data accesses (in the Monolytics to better decouple in micro services) Restrictive rules Enter the

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Gateway RegisterUser PublishTrip PostMessage UpdateBio PostRating Users Messages Trips Business Data

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But this is a long term project…

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caching In the short term we invested on

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Points of presence & Varnish

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Mobile First

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But how to cache the API? GET  /api/trips?from=Paris&to=Berlin   Authorization:  Bearer  7c82e855b0415f27bd92d   HTTP/1.1  200  OK   {          "trips":  [...]   }

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{ Reverse proxy is useless if only the app knows the authorizations Reverse Proxy Client User Scopes Access Token

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Let the reverse proxy check authorization directly Reverse Proxy But here is a latency problem

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Use of stateless token Reverse Proxy So we don’t need a database anymore

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Json Web Token

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What mobile apps send GET  /api/trips?from=Paris&to=Berlin   Authorization:  Bearer  eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI...

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What backend servers receive GET  /api/trips?from=Paris&to=Berlin   X-­‐Auth-­‐User:  1337   X-­‐Auth-­‐Client:  android   X-­‐Auth-­‐Scope:  user_info,messages

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App gets an Access Token from the origin Reverse Proxy App submit request with Access Token Reverse Proxy transform Access Token header into custom X-Auth headers

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Cachable response HTTP/1.1  200  OK   Content-­‐Type  application/json   Vary:  X-­‐Auth-­‐Scope   ! {  "trips":  [  ...  ]  }

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Long term solution to deliver data close to the client

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❖ Manage massive amounts of data ❖ High Availability ❖ Multi Datacenter replication

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‣ Know the read requests before creating your data models ‣ Create as many tables (KeySpaces) than you have views ‣ Denormalize the data (no join allowed)

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CQRS & Event Sourcing ❖ Separate Read & Write ❖ Eventual consistency ❖ But hard to do with legacy software / database See talk PHPTour 2015 at

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C* C* C* Primary Data C* Read Data User post message Endpoint

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Messaging (micro) service Expose an HTTP API

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2008 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2 6 15 30+ … ?

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Thank You Slides available at Leave feedbacks at @MattKetmo