Slide 6
Slide 6 text
Attacks Landscape Is Changing Continuously
Connection: 1Gbps – 10Gbps
Cores: high end / lots
Attacktypes: complex
Connection: 10Mbps – 100Mbps
Cores: simple / low
Attacktypes: simple
Mirai, IoTrooper etc
IoT Botnet Server-Based Botnet
Connection: 10Mbps – 1Gbps
Cores: all types
Attacktypes: simple and complex
#OpBeast, #OpIcarus, #OpMonsanto
Volunteer Botnet
Connection: 1Gbps – 10Gbps
Cores: high end / lots
Attacktypes: simple and complex
Stealth Raven, DD4BC
Ransom Groups
Frankfurt, 28.11.2017
London Web Performance –Lightning Talks Christmas 2017 LINK11 // Oliver Adam