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Kotlin Mobile for Teams Kevin Galligan 4/8/2023 ready for production

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Welcome to Kotlin Church

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Kevin Galligan Founder/Technical Partner Touchlab Kotlin GDE

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Touchlab & Kotlin Mobile • iOS Native in 2017 • First production apps in 2018 • Fully dedicated to KMP in 2018 • Directly built several apps • (Commercially) advised several more • (Community) advised 101 our background

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Different Teams di ff erent approaches

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Shared code “modes”

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(Sort of) Complexity/ Sophistication models don’t think of them too linearly

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Mode 1 - Shared Module

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Mode 1 - Shared Module AKA SDK- f low

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Android Shared Kotlin Xcode Framework

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Rather Complex need production Android, iOS, and Kotlin con f iguration experience

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Why KMMBridge Exists

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Mode 2 - Shared Architecture

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Individuals and smaller teams “Everybody builds Kotlin”

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Stock Kotlin

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Pros • Everybody gets exposed to Kotlin • Can more easily edit, debug, etc • More code shared, up to the screen Cons • Many iOS teams do not want to experiment this way • Can have a signi f icant, negative impact on iOS tooling • Feature dev harder to coordinate as teams grow

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Shared UI == Failure!

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Shared Logic == Computers

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People remember this

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Not UI well, not necessarily UI

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Nothing is prime time (yet)

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Nothing is prime time (yet)

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Photo @antonarhipov

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Compose UI on iOS did Droidcon last year

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Other Examples

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Redwood/Treehouse See Jake’s talk a bit later

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SwiftUI run by Compose we’re experimenting

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OK. What’s “optionally”?

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80/20 mostly native UX, mostly shared code

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Apple Health Main Feed Settings

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Android - 100 Everything is Kotlin. Everything is “native”.

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iOS - 80/20 Shared architecture and some UI

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Possible with “other” tech? Yes, but “possible” and “designed for” are not the same.

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We’re excited about this Lot’s to f igure out

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Shared UI is Hard but done well?

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Optionally Shared UI is a better cross-platform (if successful) this will be a default option in a year

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Photo @sebi_io

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(More on the future later…)

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Mode 4 - Shared Everything

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Not discussed basically Flutter

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Compose UI and tooling will make this possible but, to me, the “optional” potential, even if not used, is important

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Zero Sum?

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Zero Sum? (not scienti f ic, obv)

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UX Complexity/Sensitivity 2014 Not-Native Native

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UX Complexity/Sensitivity 2018 Not-Native Native

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UX Complexity/Sensitivity 2022 Not-Native Native

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UX Complexity/Sensitivity The boring middle Not-Native Native

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UX Complexity/Sensitivity 2026? Not-Native Native

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Zero Sum? Kotlin vs Flutter?

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Kotlin, Flutter, RN, etc vs Native

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Integration Approaches

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How to integrate Kotlin iOS? of course…

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It depends

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Depends on what? ๏ Team Size ๏ Repo Organization ๏ KMP Experience ๏ iOS team “acceptance” ๏ Tooling ๏ Time (next year di ff erent than last year, 5 years from now, etc…)

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Smaller Teams • Generally more f lexible • Can “rip o ff the band aid” more easily • Less institutional inertia • Work through “interface” issues • Modes 1+ (possible)

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Larger Teams • More coordination issues • More inertia/risk averse • Specialized dev focus • More politically “entrenched” • Mode 1 to start (and maybe forever)

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New Apps • Fresh start • Pick architecture, CI, etc • Monorepo (if you want) • More f lexibility with options

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Existing Apps • Lots of existing code • Maybe multiple repos • CI is “robust” (AKA complex to change) • Existing procedures • Existing test coverage (or lack thereof)

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Everybody can do Mode 1

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Versioned SDK - Pros ๏ Minimally disruptive to the iOS team ๏ No extra tooling ๏ Don’t need to learn Kotlin ๏ Start small and “prove” the technology ๏ Versioned SDK unlikely to break builds

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Versioned SDK - Cons ๏ Limiting to shared e ff iciency ๏ iOS never gets “ownership” ๏ Slow feature and bug- f ix cycle ๏ “Unwelcome Guest”

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Everybody* starts with Mode 1 Many stay there (and that’s OK)

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Stock tools for local dev What do teams do?

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(I’ve seen this movie)

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All that before you “start” Many points of failure (or, really, scuttle)

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KMMBridge was part of something more “ambitious”…

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Wide adoption needs publishing (and SPM)

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KMMBridge Publishes XCFrameworks SPM and Cocoapods, public or private, to GitHub Packages, JetBrains Space, Artifactory, etc

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But… Also local dev!

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Close the PLATFORM GAP ™ “ f lip a switch”

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From Platform Engineers to Mobile Engineers

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Consume remote frameworks *(With Kotlin tools installed, of course) Easily build/debug local builds*

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Also local SPM dev SPM is *critical* for Kotlin on iOS

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After Mode 1?

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“Hey, how do you solve this problem?” “Oh, damn. I was going to ask you…”

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Everybody builds local Shared code actually “shared”

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Pros • Less rigid • Closer to feature dev • Can share much more code Cons • Breaking the “other platform” • Feature implementation *must* be in lockstep • All engineers *must* be “mobile engineers” • Breaking the “other platform” • Feature implementation *must* be in lockstep!!! • All engineers *must* be “mobile engineers”

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The Secret?

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“Hey, how do you solve this problem?” “Oh, damn. I was going to ask you…”

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Possible Solutions (shout out to Marc Reichelt) ๏ Embrace breaking changes (good tests, f ix things) ๏ All engineers must at least test/avoid breaking on both platforms ๏ Tag-team feature PR’s ๏ Just pull versions and deal ๏ Something more complicated…

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After that? (these are broad generalizations)

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However… “Flutter doesn’t have that problem”

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Another win with OSUI (need another acronym)

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The Interop

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms. Oh, and JetBrains!

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Kotlin iOS Interop * relative to other cross-platform languages It’s amazing!*

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It’s Objective-C iOS devs *generally* don’t love Objc

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Kotlin -> Objc -> Swift

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Swift Interop Discussed and (presumably) coming

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Kotlin != Swift

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Kotlin • Sealed Classes • Data Classes • Generics • Default Parameters • Unchecked exceptions • Basic Types (Int, etc) • Coroutines Swift • Enums with associated values • Structs • Sure, but super di ff erent • Again, yeah, but • What?! • Well, sure, but • Similar-ish

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Assume Objc for a while

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Kotlin • Sealed Classes • Data Classes • Generics • Default Parameters • Coroutines • Continued… Interop • Just classes • Just classes • No comment • No • Suspend, callbacks, no Flows* Today

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The Kotlin Sophistication Journey ๏ Android engineer(s) mostly code Kotlin ๏ Don’t quite grasp why the output is rough ๏ Work around output “quirks” ๏ Incorporate some tools ๏ Write wrappers ๏ (Maybe) write in-house tooling

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API Anxiety

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(Pitch Time)

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Touchlab Pro Velocity in a box

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Touchlab Pro Velocity in a box?

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Touchlab Pro Velocity in a box?

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SKIE * maybe Enhancer Swift/Kotlin Interface Extender*

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SKIE * maybe Enhancer Swift/Kotlin Interface Extender*

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Translations Enums, Sealed Classes, Default Parameters

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Reactive Interface Suspend, Flow

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Packaging Same Framework

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Licensing TBD

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1000+ libraries

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SKIE Info and demos

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Other options

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Complexity growth isn’t linear

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SKIE Info and demos

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Presenting to a Team

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Presenting to a(n iOS) Team

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Start with empathy

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The problems they bring up are problems

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Accept that you may not succeed

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Understand the issues, and be prepared to address them

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Start with a module (AKA Mode 1, AKA SDK- f low)

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What module? Pick something nobody wants to do…

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Find an ally (or co-conspirator)

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People stuff is hard

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Other Stuff

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Modularization 1 Framework, 1 Namespae

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Adapter and _Adapter

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Adapter and _Adapter and __Adapter

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@ObjCName kotlin.native/-obj-c-name/

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Still need multiple frameworks/ namespaces I’ve heard positive things…

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Formal SPM Support

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Best practices for shared code

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Ongoing quality of life Compiler Speed Swift Interop Debugger Improvements Header/API Reload (in Xcode) Publishing tools Gradle Con f ig Library Developer Best Practice

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Don’t get caught up with the problems It’s amazing tech, it is the future

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The Future

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Go Watch the Keynote

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WASM and Compose Web

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WASM on the Server

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WASM needs a default language…

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Compose UI and OSUI (obv)

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Really open web Sandboxed container vs quirky JS-only API’s and tech

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Simply better ways to build and deliver products

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Different Teams di ff erent approaches

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Optionally Shared UI is a better cross-platform (if successful) this will be a default option in a year

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SKIE * maybe Enhancer Swift/Kotlin Interface Extender*

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The Future ❤ Kotlin

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SKIE Info, demos, and Touchlab...