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Espresso ʙίʔώʔยखʹUIςετʙ Android Test Casual Talks #1 2013-12-13 ! ೔ຊAndroidͷձ ொాࢧ෦ @ngsw_taro

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ࣗݾ঺հ • ͨΖ͏ @ngsw_taro • ೔ຊAndroidͷձ ொాࢧ෦ • ʮເͱຐ๏ͷ଴ͪ࣌ؒʯ։ൃऀ • ࣗশKotlinΤόϯδΣϦετ

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ເͱຐ๏ͷ଴ͪ࣌ؒ • σxζχʔϥϯυͷ଴ͪ࣌ؒΛௐ΂ΔΞϓϦ • ໿18ສDL • ධՁ 4.4 / 5.0

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Kotlin • JetBrainsൃͷJVMݴޠ • Android StudioͰ࢖͑Δʂ • kotlinAndroidLib var clicked = false! button.setOnClickListener {! ! clicked = true! }

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ຊ୊ Espresso࢖ͬͯΈͨ

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Espressoͱ͸ •UIςετͷҝͷAPIηοτ •Ϣʔβࢹ఺ͷςετ޲͚

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UIςετͷҝͷAPIηοτ • ViewMatcher: ViewΛरͬͯ • ViewAction: ViewΛૢ࡞ͯ͠ • ViewAssertion: Viewͷঢ়ଶΛ͔֬ΊΔ

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Ϣʔβࢹ఺ͷςετ޲͚ • ໨ʹݟ͑Δ෦෼Λςετ͢Δ • ϥΠϑαΠΫϧʁϞοΫʁɹɹɹ ͦΜͳΜ஌ΒΜ

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• ໊લΛೖྗ͢ΔͱϘλϯ͕༗ޮʹͳΔ • ϘλϯΛԡ͢ͱѫࡰจ͕දࣔ͞ΕΔ(ผActivity)

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } ViewInteractionΛฦ͢ɻ ͜Εʹରͯ͠ΞΫγϣϯΛૹͬͨΓɺ Ξαʔτͨ͠Γ͢Δɻ nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } ViewMatcherɻ View༻ʹಛԽ͞ΕͨMatcher͕͋Δɻ ͜͜Ͱ͸ResourceIDͰViewΛऔಘɻ nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } ViewInteractionͷϝιουɻ checkͱperformͷ2ͭ͋Δɻ checkͰ͸ViewAssertionΛऔΔɻ nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } ViewAssertionɻ ViewMatcherΛऔͬͯɺ Ϛον͢Δ͔ݕূ͢Δɻ nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } ViewMatcherɻ View͕ը໘಺ʹશͯදࣔ͞Ε͍ͯΕ͹ Ϛον͢Δɻ nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText("")));! } ςΩετ ϑΥʔΧεΛ࣋ͬͯΔ nameEditTextͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialGreetButton() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(not(isEnabled())))! .check(matches(withText("Greet!")));! } greetButtonͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ

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public void testInitialGreetButton() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(not(isEnabled())))! .check(matches(withText("Greet!")));! } greetButtonͷॳظঢ়ଶͷςετ ࠷ॳ͸Ϙλϯ͕ԡͤͳ͍͜ͱΛ֬ೝ

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public void testInputNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .perform(typeText(“Taro"));! ! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isEnabled()));! } nameEditTextʹೖྗ͢Δςετ

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public void testInputNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .perform(typeText(“Taro"));! ! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isEnabled()));! } nameEditTextʹೖྗ͢Δςετ ςΩετΛೖྗ͢Δ Viewʹରͯ͠ΞΫγϣϯΛૹΔ Ϙλϯ͕༗ޮ͔֬ೝ

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onView(withId(! .perform(typeText("Taro"));! onView(withId(! .perform(click());! ! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(withText("Hello, Taro!"))); greetButtonΛԡ͢ςετ

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onView(withId(! .perform(typeText("Taro"));! onView(withId(! .perform(click());! ! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(withText("Hello, Taro!"))); greetButtonΛԡ͢ςετ ΫϦοΫʂ

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onView(withId(! .perform(typeText("Taro"));! onView(withId(! .perform(click());! ! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(withText("Hello, Taro!"))); greetButtonΛԡ͢ςετ ৽͘͠ىಈ͢ΔActivityͷ ViewΛ֬ೝ͢Δʂ

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͖ͬ͞ςετͯ͠ͳ͍ Hintͱͯ͠ʮNameʯ͕ ઃఆ͞Ε͍ͯΔ͔֬ೝ͍ͨ͠

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public void testInitialNameEditText() {! onView(withId(! .check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))! .check(matches(hasFocus()))! .check(matches(withText(“”)))! .check(matches(withHint(“Name”)))! } API͕ఏڙ͞Ε͍ͯͳ͍ The method withHint(String) is undefined

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public static Matcher withHint(final String hint) {! final Matcher stringMatcher = is(hint);! checkNotNull(stringMatcher);! return new BoundedMatcher(EditText.class) {! @Override! public void describeTo(Description description) {! description.appendText("with hint: ");! stringMatcher.describeTo(description);! }! ! @Override! protected boolean matchesSafely(EditText editText) {! return stringMatcher.matches(editText.getHint().toString());! }! };! } ͳ͍ͳΒࣗ෼Ͱ࡞Ε͹ʢry

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public static Matcher withHint(final String hint) {! final Matcher stringMatcher = is(hint);! checkNotNull(stringMatcher);! return new BoundedMatcher(EditText.class) {! @Override! public void describeTo(Description description) {! description.appendText("with hint: ");! stringMatcher.describeTo(description);! }! ! @Override! protected boolean matchesSafely(EditText editText) {! return stringMatcher.matches(editText.getHint().toString());! }! };! } ͳ͍ͳΒࣗ෼Ͱ࡞Ε͹ʢry ཁ͸hamcrestͷ MatcherΛఆٛ͢Ε͹͍͍͚ͩ

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ྫ͑͹ϑϥάϝϯτ Fragment

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ྫ֎͕ى͜Δ onView(withId(! .check(matches(withText(“”))); 'with id: is <2131230720>' matches multiple views in the hierarchy. Ϗϡʔ֊૚ͰಉҰID͕ෳ਺͋Δ͔Β

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௥Ճ৚݅ͰߜΓࠐΉ onView(allOf(! withId(,! hasSibling(withText("Preview: ")! ))).check(matches(withText("")));

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௥Ճ৚݅ͰߜΓࠐΉ onView(allOf(! withId(,! hasSibling(withText("Preview: ")! ))).check(matches(withText(""))); ෳ਺ͷMatcherΛऔΔ “Preview: ”ͱදࣔͯ͠Δ ࢞ຓϏϡʔΛ࣋ͭ

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ςετࣦഊ onView(withId(! .check(matches(withText(“Greet!”))); Expected: with text is “Greet!” Actual: with text is “Greet”

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Espresso͞Μ͕ు͘Ϩϙʔτ .base.DefaultFailureHandler $AssertionFailedWithCauseError: 'with text: is "Greet!"' doesn't match the selected view. Expected: with text: is "Greet!" Got: "Button{id=2131230722, res-name=greetButton, visibility=VISIBLE, width=275, height=145, has- focus=false, has-focusable=true, has-window- focus=true, is-clickable=true, is-enabled=false, is- focused=false, is-focusable=true, is-layout- requested=false, is-selected=false, root-is-layout- requested=false, has-input-connection=false, x=142.0, y=240.0, text=Greet, input-type=0, ime- target=false}"

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Espresso͞Μ͕ు͘Ϩϙʔτ .base.DefaultFailureHandler $AssertionFailedWithCauseError: 'with text: is "Greet!"' doesn't match the selected view. Expected: with text: is "Greet!" Got: "Button{id=2131230722, res-name=greetButton, visibility=VISIBLE, width=275, height=145, has- focus=false, has-focusable=true, has-window- focus=true, is-clickable=true, is-enabled=false, is- focused=false, is-focusable=true, is-layout- requested=false, is-selected=false, root-is-layout- requested=false, has-input-connection=false, x=142.0, y=240.0, text=Greet, input-type=0, ime- target=false}"

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Espresso͞Μ͕ు͘Ϩϙʔτ .base.DefaultFailureHandler $AssertionFailedWithCauseError: 'with text: is "Greet!"' doesn't match the selected view. Expected: with text: is "Greet!" Got: "Button{id=2131230722, res-name=greetButton, visibility=VISIBLE, width=275, height=145, has- focus=false, has-focusable=true, has-window- focus=true, is-clickable=true, is-enabled=false, is- focused=false, is-focusable=true, is-layout- requested=false, is-selected=false, root-is-layout- requested=false, has-input-connection=false, x=142.0, y=240.0, text=Greet, input-type=0, ime- target=false}"

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ʊਓਓਓਓਓਓਓʊ ʼɹಡΈͮΒ͍ɹʻ ʉY^Y^Y^Y^Y^Yʉ

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·ͱΊ • Espresso͸ViewʹಛԽͨ͠ςετAPI • hamcrest͔ͩΒҠߦίετ௿͘ɺ֦ுੑߴ͠ • ͍͔ʹMatcherΛ૊Έ߹ΘͤΔ͔͕ॏཁͬΆ͍ • ϨϙʔτಡΈͮΒ͍ • Kotlin͸ૉ੖Β͍͠ݴޠ

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͝ਗ਼ௌ͋Γ͕ͱ͏͍͟͝·ͨ͠ɻ @ngsw_taro ເͱຐ๏ͷ଴ͪ࣌ؒ