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Three+ Years GraphQL in Product Hunt Radoslav Stankov 21/02/2020

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Radoslav Stankov @rstankov

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early 2014 jQuery spaghetti October 2014 Backbone February 2015 React & Rails May 2015 custom Flux December 2015 Redux January 2016 React-Router April 2016 Redux Ducks Febuary 2017 GraphQL

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April 2019 Your Stack

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GraphQL First

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Have good defaults Have good code organization Isolate dependencies Extensibility and reusability Make common operations easy

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Have good defaults Have good code organization Isolate dependencies Extensibility and reusability Make common operations easy

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Frontend Stack

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Backend Stack

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GraphQL GraphQL (ruby) Apollo React Ruby on Rails Business Logic Business Logic frontend backend

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GraphQL GraphQL (ruby) Apollo React Ruby on Rails Business Logic Business Logic frontend backend Custom Utilities

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Library Your Utilities Application

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Library Specification for how to design you GraphQL schema

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Library Specification for how to design you GraphQL schema

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Node interface Connections Mutations GraphQL Relay Specification

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Node interface Connections Mutations GraphQL Relay Specification

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Connections Mutations GraphQL Relay Specification

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Connections Mutations GraphQL Relay Specification

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Connections query Name($cursor: String) { someField(first: 20, after: $cursor) {
 edges { cursor
 node {
 pageInfo {
 hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor
 } } }

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Connections query Name($cursor: String) { someField(last: 20, before: $cursor) {
 edges { cursor
 node {
 pageInfo {
 hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor
 } } }

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Connections + Total Count query Name($cursor: String) { someField(first: 20, after: $cursor) {
 edges { cursor
 node {
 pageInfo {
 hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor endCursor
 } } }

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import HomepageSidebarFragment from './Sidebar/Fragment'; import StackCardFragment from '~/components/StackCard/Fragment'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; export default gql` query HomePage($cursor: String, $loadMore: Boolean!) { homepageFeed(first: 20, after: $cursor) { edges { node { id ...StackCardFragment } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } ...@skip(if: $loadMore) { ...HomepageSidebarFragment }
 } ${StackCardFragment} ${HomepageSidebarFragment} `;

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import HomepageSidebarFragment from './Sidebar/Fragment'; import StackCardFragment from '~/components/StackCard/Fragment'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; export default gql` query HomePage($cursor: String, $loadMore: Boolean!) { homepageFeed(first: 20, after: $cursor) { edges { node { id ...StackCardFragment } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } ...@skip(if: $loadMore) { ...HomepageSidebarFragment }
 } ${StackCardFragment} ${HomepageSidebarFragment} `;

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import HomeSidebarFragment from './Sidebar/Fragment'; import StackCardFragment from '~/components/StackCard/Fragment'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; export default gql` query HomePage($cursor: String, $loadMore: Boolean!) { homepageFeed(first: 20, after: $cursor) { edges { node { id ...StackCardFragment } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } ...@skip(if: $loadMore) { ...HomepageSidebarFragment }
 } ${StackCardFragment} ${HomeSidebarFragment} `;

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export default createPage({ query: QUERY, queryVariables: { cursor: null, loadMore: false }, title: 'YourStack', titleNoPrefix: true, component({ data, fetchMore }) { return ( }> {(use, i) => } ); }, });

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wraps Apollo query handles page state (loading, loaded, error) handles errors handles authentication handles authorization handles SEO tags handles feature flags type safe createPage createPage({ component: query: queryVariables: requireLogin: requirePermissions: requireFeature: tags: title: titleNoPrefix: );

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export default createPage({ query: QUERY, queryVariables: { cursor: null, loadMore: false }, title: 'YourStack', titleNoPrefix: true, component({ data, fetchMore }) { return ( }> {(use, i) => } ); }, });

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knows how to map connection knows how to read "pageInfo" fetches more pages type safe InfiniteScroll {(item) => ...}

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How many SQL queries are performed here?

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + N * 4

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + N * 4

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[{ id: 1, isLiked: true }, { id: 2, isLiked: false }, { id: 3, isLiked: false }]

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[{ id: 1, isLiked: "SELECT * FROM likes WHERE stack_item_id=1 and user_id={user_id}" }, { id: 2, isLiked: "SELECT * FROM likes WHERE stack_item_id=2 and user_id={user_id}" }, { id: 3, isLiked: "SELECT * FROM likes WHERE stack_item_id=3 and user_id={user_id}" }]

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gem "graphql-batch"

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SELECT * FROM likes WHERE stack_item_id IN {ids} and user_id={user_id} [{ id: 1, isLiked: [Promise to check(1)] }, { id: 2, isLiked: [Promise to check(2)] }, { id: 3, isLiked: [Promise to check(3)] }]

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, null: false
 field :product, ProductType, null: false end end

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, null: false
 field :product, ProductType, null: false end end

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class Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked < Resolvers::Base type Boolean, null: false def resolve user = context.current_user return false if user.nil? Loader.for(user).load(object) end class Loader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader def initialize(user) @user = user end def perform(items) ids = @user.likes.where(stack_item_id: items.each do |items| fulfill item, ids.include?( end end end end

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class Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked < Resolvers::Base type Boolean, null: false def resolve user = context.current_user return false if user.nil? Loader.for(user).load(object) end class Loader < GraphQL::Batch::Loader def initialize(user) @user = user end def perform(items) ids = @user.likes.where(stack_item_id: items.each do |items| fulfill item, ids.include?( end end end end

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + N * 4

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + N * 3

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, null: false
 field :product, ProductType, null: false end end

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, null: false
 field :product, ProductType, null: false end end

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, null: false
 field :product, ProductType, null: false end end SELECT * FROM product WHERE id={id}

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, null: false
 field :product, ProductType, null: false end end SELECT * FROM product WHERE id={id}

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked field :profile, ProfileType, resolve: field :product, ProductType, resolve: end end

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module Types class StackItemType < BaseRecord field :note, String, null: false field :is_liked, resolve: Graph::Resolvers::IsLiked 
 association :profile, ProfileType
 association :product, ProductType end end

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How many SQL queries are performed here?

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + N * 3

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How many SQL queries are performed here? 1 1 ‼

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Connections Mutations GraphQL Relay Specification

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mutation ProductLikeCreate($input: ProductLikeCreateInput!) { productLikeCreate(input: $input) { node { id ...LikeButtonFragment } errors { name messages } } } Mutations Mutations

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mutation ProductLikeCreate($input: ProductLikeCreateInput!) { productLikeCreate(input: $input) { node { id ...LikeButtonFragment } errors { name messages } } } Mutations Mutations

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mutation ProductLikeCreate($input: ProductLikeCreateInput!) { productLikeCreate(input: $input) { node { id ...LikeButtonFragment } errors { name messages } } } Mutations Mutations

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mutation ProductLikeCreate($input: ProductLikeCreateInput!) { productLikeCreate(input: $input) { node { id ...LikeButtonFragment } errors { name messages } } } Mutations Mutations

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[namespace][object][action] Mutation Naming Convention

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 ProductLikeDestroy TeamInviteAccept TeamInviteCreate TeamInviteDecline
 UserSettingsUpdate Mutation Naming Convention

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module Mutations class ProductLikeCreate < BaseMutation argument_record :product, Product authorize returns Types::ProductType def perform(product:) Like.find_or_create_by!( product: product, current_user: current_user ) end end end Mutations::BaseMutation

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Mutations::BaseMutation module Mutations class ProductUpdate < BaseMutation argument_record :product, Product, authorize: :manage argument :name, String, required: true
 argument :tagline, String, required: true argument :topic_ids, String, required: true
 returns Types::ProductType def perform(product:, **attributes) Products::Form.submit(
 current_user: current_user, product: product, attributes: attributes ) end end end

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Mutations::BaseMutation ensures proper mutation format - node and errors handles loading of records handles authenication handles authorization handles model validations handles error case handles server validation

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import gql from 'graphql-tag'; export default gql` fragment ProductLikeButtonFragment on Product { id isLiked likesCount } `; ~/components/ProductLikeButton/Fragment.ts

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import FRAGMENT from './Fragment'; export const CREATE_MUTATION = gql` mutation ProdutLikeCreate($input: ProductLikeCreateInput!) { productLikeCreate(input: $input) { node { ...ProductLikeButtonFragment } } } ${FRAGMENT} `; export const DESTROY_MUTATION = gql` mutation ProductLikeDestroy($input: ProductLikeDestroyInput!) { productLikeDestroy(input: $input) { node { ...ProductLikeButtonFragment } } } ${FRAGMENT} `; ~/components/ProductLikeButton/Mutation.ts

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interface IProps { product: ProductLikeButtonFragment; } export default function ProductLikeButton({ product }: IProps) { return ( {product.likesCount} ); } ~/components/ProductLikeButton/index.tsx

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Button.Mutation wraps our internal Button component wraps Apollo mutation handles authentication handles confirms handles mutation responses

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wraps a form library (FinalForm) wraps Apollo mutation ensures consistent form look support for custom inputs executes mutation handles success case handles error case handles cache updates 

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GraphQL can help you write both cleaner frontend and backend code integrate your backend and frontend don't be afraid to build custom tools solve core concerns on top level naming conventions page lifecycle performance validations auth [...]

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