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Designing cloud-native microservices using patterns By Jeremy Perkins From Unsplash

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Who am I? Felix Coutinho @ CI&T Canada

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Design Patterns

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Design patterns “A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. A design pattern isn't a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.” - Alexander Shvets on Dive into Design Patterns

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Design patterns The problem “An intersection between two roads is causing issues. People are getting injured and traffic is getting slow.”

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A traffic light By Jean Carlo Emer From Unsplash The Solution #1

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A roundabout By Lucas Miguel From Unsplash The Solution #2

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Design patterns “A design pattern isn't a finished design that can be transformed directly into code” - Alexander Shvets on Dive into Design Patterns You need to identify the problem, understand the scenario and choose the best solution

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You need to design By Scott Graham from Unplash

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Cloud Native

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Cloud Native Definition “Cloud-native applications are a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services.” * Small * Independent * Loosely Coupled

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“Cloud Native Is about Culture, Not Containers” Holly Cummins Innovation Leader, IBM

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Microservices Design Patterns

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Problem How to decompose an application into services?

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Decompose by subdomain * Small * Loosely Coupled Solution Define services corresponding to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) subdomains.

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Source Łukasz. 2018. "The nature of Domain Driven Design - what the heck is it?" Braintelligence, Accessed on May 2021

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Data management

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Problem What’s the database architecture in a microservices application?

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Database per service * Loosely Coupled Solution Keep each microservice’s persistent data private to that service and accessible only via its API.

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A service’s transactions only involve its database.

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Problem How to implement a query that retrieves data from multiple services in a microservice architecture?

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(CQRS) Command Query Responsibility Segregation * Independent Solution Define a view database, which is a read-only replica that is designed to support that query. The application keeps the replica up to data by subscribing to Domain events published by the service that own the data.

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Source Accessed on May 2021

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Code Duplication Eventual Consistency

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Problem How to query data from different services without couple the services?

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Materialized Views * Independent * Loosely Coupled Solution Generate, in advance, a view that materializes the data in a format suited to the required results set

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Eventual Consistency

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Problem How to reliably/atomically update the database and publish messages/events?

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Event sourcing / Fan-out * Independent * Loosely Coupled Solution Whenever the state of a business entity changes, a new event is appended to the list of events. When a service saves an event in the event store, it is delivered to all interested subscribers.

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Eventual Consistency

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Problem How to understand the behavior of several application instances and troubleshoot the problems?

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Distributed tracing * Independent Solution Assigns each external request a unique id and includes this id in all log messages associated.

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Source Accessed on May 2021

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It costs a lot of money

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Problem How to communicate the identity of the requestor to the services that handle the request?

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Access Token * Independent * Loosely Coupled Solution User a access token (possible JWT) that securely identifies the requestor in each request to the services.

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That’s all folks

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Quer dar um upgrade no seu setup? A CI&T te ajuda! Participe do nosso sorteio e concorra a R$2.000,00 em créditos para equipar o seu home office. Inscreva-se no formulário do estande CI&T.

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Who am I? Felix Coutinho @ CI&T Canada

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References Books Dive into Design Patterns - Alexander Shvets Microservices patterns - Chris Richardson Domain-Driven Design - Eric Evans Designing Distributed Systems - Brendan Burns Monolith to Microservices - Sam Newman Building Microservices - Sam Newman Beyond the Twelve-Factor App - Kevin Hoffman Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design - Scott Millett, Nick Tune Cloud Design Patterns - Alex Homer, John Sharp, Larry Brader, Masashi Narumoto, Trent Swanson Building Event-Driven Microservices - Adam Bellemare Links

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Problem How do you migrate a legacy monolithic application to a microservice architecture?

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Strangler application Solution Incrementally developing a new (strangler) application around the legacy application.

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Source Accessed May 2021