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Rails Developer Foundation ver.Open Learn Model Again

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CONSULTANT × SPEAKER 蒼時弦也 YouTube Coding Live Blog Discord Discuss about Ruby Introduce About Me

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Coding Happier About Me Senior 60% +10% Junior 18% +3% Junior 18% +3% Avg - 37% VS Senior 60% +3% Junior 18% +15% Junior 18% +15% Avg - 43%

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What we talk about Overview What is Model What is Model How to Modeling Case Study

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What we talk about Overview What is Model How to Modeling How to Modeling Case Study

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What we talk about Overview What is Model How to Modeling Case Study Case Study

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What is Model The Model What is Model Anyone have can sharing about it?

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What is Model The Model Float 100.0 String TWD VS Money TWD $100.0

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What is Model The Model Information A model is an informative representation of an object, person or system.

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What is Model The Model Float 100.0 String TWD VS Money TWD $100.0 Which one can “Pay” Pay

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How to Modeling Modeling Modeling How to "modeling"

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Value Object Modeling Data Amount=100.0 + Data Currency=TWD Value Composite Value Money=TWD,100.0

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Value Object Modeling class Money attr_reader :currency, :amount def initialize(currency, amount) @currency = currency @amount = amount end end

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Entity Modeling Value ID=1 + Value Money Entity Composite Entity ID=1, Balance=Money

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Entity Modeling class Wallet attr_reader :id, :balance def initialize(id, balance) @id = id @balance = balance end end

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Method Modeling Entity ID=1, Balance=Money Deposit(Money) Entity ID=1, Balance=Money

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Entity Modeling class Wallet attr_reader :id, :balance def initialize(id, balance) @id = id @balance = balance end end sig { params(amount: Money).returns(Money) } def deposit(amount) @balance += amount end

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The Payment App Case Study The Payment App The usage of “Model” in the real-world

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Analytics Case Study Customer Pay Command Transfer to Merchant System Paid Event Failed Event

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Analytics Case Study Customer Pay Command Transfer to Merchant System Paid Event Failed Event Given threre have a customer “Aotoki” And I logged as “Aotoki”

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Analytics Case Study Customer Pay Command Transfer to Merchant System Paid Event Failed Event When I pay for the merchant “FamilyMart”

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Analytics Case Study Customer Pay Command Transfer to Merchant System Paid Event Failed Event Then I can see “Pay for FaimlyMart successful”

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Analytics Case Study Customer Pay Command Transfer to Merchant System Paid Event Failed Event Then I can see “Pay for FaimlyMart failed”

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Specs Case Study Feature: Scenario: Given And And When Then Payment Pay to the merchant there have a custoemr there have a merchant I logged as I pay for the merchant I can see “Aotoki” “FamilyMart” “Aotoki” “FamilyMart” “Pay for FamilyMart successful”

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Specs Case Study RSpec.describe do describe subject before do end it is_expected to have_text end end , type: :request do { post payment_path, } customer = create(:customer, ) sign_in customer create(:merchant, ) { . ( ) } ‘Payment’ ‘POST /payment’ merchant_id: ‘fmart’, amount: 100 name: ‘Aotoki’, balance: 100 id: ‘fmart’ ‘Pay for FamilyMart successful’

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Specs Case Study RSpec.describe do describe subject it is_expected to have_text end end , type: :request do { post payment_path, } { . ( ) } ‘Payment’ ‘POST /payment’ merchant_id: ‘fmart’, amount: 100 ‘Pay for FamilyMart successful’

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Example Code Case Study def create render text: ‘Pay for FamilyMart successful’ end

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Example Code Case Study class Merchant include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Attributes attribute :name, :string alias_attribute :to_s, :name end

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Example Code Case Study def create render text: end merchant = ‘FamilyMart’) “Pay for #{merchant} successful”

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Example Code Case Study class Customer include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Attributes attribute :name, :string attribute :balance, :integer def withdraw(amount) raise ArgumentError, ‘insufficient balance’ if amount > self.balance self.balance -= amount end end

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Example Code Case Study class Merchant include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Attributes attribute :name, :string alias_attribute :to_s, :name end attribute :balance, :integer def deposit(amount) self.balance += amount end

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Example Code Case Study def create merchant = ‘FamilyMart’) render text: “Pay for #{merchant} successful” end customer = ‘Aotoki’, balance: 100) payment_amount = params.require(:amount) customer.withdraw(payment_amount) merchant.deposit(payment_amount)

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Example Code Case Study class Merchant def deposit(amount) self.balance += amount end end < ApplicationRecord

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Example Code Case Study class Customer def withdraw(amount) raise ArgumentError, ‘insufficient balance’ if amount > self.balance self.balance -= amount end end < ApplicationRecord

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Example Code Case Study def create payment_amount = params.require(:amount) merchant.deposit(payment_amount) render text: “Pay for #{merchant} successful” end merchant = Merchant.find_by!(id: params[:merchant_id]) current_customer.withdraw(payment_amount) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do!! end

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Example Code Case Study def create merchant = Merchant.find_by!(id: params[:merchant_id]) payment_amount = params.require(:amount) current_customer.withdraw(payment_amount) merchant.deposit(payment_amount) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do!! end render text: “Pay for #{merchant} successful” end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid render text: “Pay for #{merchant} failed”

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Example Code Case Study class Money include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Attributes attribute :value, :integer def +(other) self.value + other.value) end def -(other) raise ArgumentError, ‘Money cannot be negative’ if other.value > self.value self.value - other.value) end end

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Example Code Case Study class Merchant < ApplicationRecord def deposit(amount) self.balance += amount end end composed_of :balance, class_name: ‘Money’, mapping: %[balance value]

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Example Code Case Study class Customer < ApplicationRecord def withdraw(amount) self.balance -= amount end end composed_of :balance, class_name: ‘Money’, mapping: %[balance value]

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Example Code Case Study def create merchant = Merchant.find_by(id: params[:merchant_id]) current_customer.withdraw(payment_amount) merchant.deposit(payment_amount) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do!! end render text: “Pay for #{merchant} successful” rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid render text: “Pay for #{merchant} failed” end payment_amount = params.require(:amount))

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Example Code Case Study def create merchant = ‘FamilyMart’) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do!! end render text: “Pay for #{merchant} successful” rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid render text: “Pay for #{merchant} failed” end context = input = merchant, from: current_customer, amount: input.amount)

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