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Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin

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Andrew Godwin Hi, I'm Django core developer Senior Software Engineer at Apparently now does software architecture

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The Monolith

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The Monolith Only one version of any dependency Everything can import everything Deployed all at once No separation Side-effects from other code

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No content

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Services Code split up by purpose/team Defined cross-boundary API Deployed separately Can use different versions of dependencies Isolated from each other

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Why services?

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Easier to manage Smaller, self-contained problems

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Independent Scaling And easier performance analysis

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Faster Individual Deployment Less to deploy at once

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Complex Interdependencies Harder to deploy & track bugs

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Requires great communication Teams need calling contracts and APIs

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More points of failure Not just one set of homogenous servers

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No more quick hacks Separation forces a level of code design

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Switching To Services Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Monolith

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Identify the "cut points" You might need to make some

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Allocate inventory Calculate Price & Charge card Finalise order Make Order Row &

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Make Order Row Allocate inventory Calculate Price Charge card Finalise inventory Finalise order

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Make Order Row Allocate inventory Calculate Price Charge card Finalise inventory Finalise order

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Define APIs between services Behave like all other teams are third-party

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Separate Datastores & Servers Make them as separate as possible

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Communication & Transport

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Service 2 Service 3 Service 1

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Service 2 Service 3 Service 1 Direct Communication (20 services? 190 connections!)

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Service 2 Service 3 Service 1 Direct with discovery Orchestrator

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Service 2 Service 3 Service 1 Centralised Routing Router

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Service 2 Service 3 Service 1 Message Bus

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Centralised Comms Tradeoffs Distributed Comms Single point of failure Nasty partial failures

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At-least-once delivery Tradeoffs At-most-once delivery Some messages duplicated Some messages lost

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First-In-First-Out Tradeoffs First-In-Last-Out Easily backlogged Wide range of latencies

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Channels & ASGI

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Channel Layer Interface Server Worker Server Process 1 ASGI ASGI Asynchronous socket handling Synchronous Django project Interface Server Worker Server ASGI ASGI Worker Server ASGI Process 2 Process 3 Process 4

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Service 2 Service 3 Service 1 Channel Layer

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Service Client inventory.request response.aF53Vds21

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At-most-once delivery ASGI's Tradeoffs You have to design for potential loss Low-latency but non-persistent Good for protocols, bad for important task queues Capacity, Backpressure and FIFO Informs producers quickly about pileups in the queue

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Top Service-Oriented Architecture Tips

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Per-request "correlation IDs" Track a set of service calls through the stack

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Feature Flag message headers Bundle them in, don't have every service query them

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Source Of Truth Each data model has a service that owns (& caches) it

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Metrics. Metrics everywhere. Both performance and network health

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Design for failure Don't assume two things will both succeed

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DO NOT START OFF WITH SERVICES Write separate Python libraries instead

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Thanks. Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin