Slide 17
Slide 17 text
Day 1 – 16 Breakout Sessions
Session Title HoloLens 2
HoloLens 2 Hardware Deep Dive Y
Eye Tracking Y
Input & Interaction Crash Course: Articulated Hands
HoloLens (1st generation) to HoloLens 2 Porting Guide: What
Weʼve Learned from Early ISV Porting
From the Trenches: Tips & Tricks from Dynamics 365 Mixed
Reality Developers
The Latest from HP Reverb & The Future of VR
Intro to Microsoft Co-Cell: Activating Microsoft Scale Engine for
your Company
Fireside Chat with Don Box
Developing Mobile AR Applications with Azure Spatial Anchors Y
Intro to Developing for Azure Kinect Y
Developing for Windows Mixed Reality and VR Y
Getting Started with the Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) Y
HoloLens 2: Practical Porting Experience Sharing Y
Maps for Mixed Reality Y