Slide 1
Slide 1 text
Monday, 6th January 2014
08:50 Plenary I - Salle Michel Payot - Chair : C. Robert
C. Holmes - Computational challenges arising in modern biomedical research
09:50 Coffee Break
10:10 Invited session
Salle Michel Payot
Convergence of MCMC and
adaptive MCMC algorithms I
Chair : G. Fort
Speakers :
G. Jones
J. Hobert
K. Łatuszyński
E. Moulines
Contributed session
Salle Paul Payot
Sequential Monte Carlo for
static learning
Chair : R. B. Gramacy
Speakers :
C. Drovandi
C. Anagnostopoulos
L. Bornn
M. Pratola
Contributed session
Salle Théodore Bourrit
Bayesian computation in
Chairs : N. Chopin
Speakers :
T. Johnson
E. Fox
A. Johansen
L. Paninski
12:00 Break
16:15 Invited session
Salle Michel Payot
MCMC for Bayesian non
Chair : A. Lijoi
Speakers :
S. Favaro
Y. W. Teh
R. Adams
Contributed session
Salle Paul Payot
Sampling and data
assimilation for large models
Chair : H. Haario
Speakers :
K. Law
T. El Moselhy
A. Solonen
Contributed session
Salle Paul Payot
Computational and
methodological challenges in
evidence synthesis and
Chair : S. Richardson
Speakers :
M. Plummer
D. Lunn
C. Paciorek
17:45 Coffee Break
18 :00 Invited session
Salle Michel Payot
Bayesian microsimulation
Chair : B. Carlin
Speakers :
L. Hatfield
C. Jackson
Y. Hagar
Contributed session
Salle Paul Payot
Approximate 1nférence
Chair : D. Simpson
Speakers :
N. Chopin
T. G. Martins
C. McGrory
Contributed session
Salle Paul Payot
Pseudo-marginal and particle
MCMC methods
Chair : M. Vihola
Speakers :
C. Andrieu
G. Karagiannis
G. Nicholls
19 :30 Break
21 :00 Poster Session
Tuesday, 7th January 2014
08 :50 Plenary II – Salle Michel Payot – Chair : A. Mira
M. Parrinello – Advanced Sampling Methods in Physics and Chemistry
09 :50 Coffee Break
10:10 Invited session
Salle Michel Payot
Advances in Sequential
Monte Carlo methods
Chair : C. Andrieu
Speakers :
P. Jacob
N. Whiteley
A. Johansen
A. Lee
Contributed session
Salle Paul Payot
Innovative Bayesian
Computing in Astrophysics
Chair : D. A. van Dyk
Speakers :
E. B. Ford
P. Baines
R. Trotta
S. Seehars, J. Akeret
Contributed session
Salle Théodore Bourrit
Differential geometry for
Monte Carlo algorithms
Chairs : K. Mengersen
Speakers :
S. Reich
Y. Marzouk
S. Byrne
M. Betancourt
12:00 Break