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Don’t Go It Alone: Recruiting Contributors VP Community, Sensu Inc. Matt Broberg @mbbroberg Open Source 101

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A Favor Please & Thank You @mbbroberg

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Patterns @mbbroberg

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Ask* @mbbroberg

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@mbbroberg Responsible for the awareness, engagement and health of the Sensu Community. Matt Broberg VP Community, Sensu Inc 200+ Plugins On GitHub 10+ Maintainers Volunteering to make monitoring better Open Framework To connect all your monitoring pieces

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Open Source? @mbbroberg

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Ask @mbbroberg

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You @mbbroberg

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Asking for Help On GitHub ● License ● ● ● Pull Request Reviews ● Issues ● Labels ● Releases ● Milestones ● ● Templates (.github/) ● Permissions (Teams & .owners) ● Saved Replies Beyond GitHub ● Acronyms (LGTM) ● Continuous Integration (Travis) ● Chat (Slack/IRC/Gitter) ● Recognition (All Contributors) ● Social Media (Twitter, etc) ● Sharing (Blog, Podcast, Talk) Psychological ● Just ask (Ben Franklin Effect) ● Make it easy (Sunk cost) ● Tell a good story (survivor bias)

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!(All or Nothing) @mbbroberg

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Basics @mbbroberg

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Asking for Help Beyond GitHub ● Acronyms (LGTM) ● Continuous Integration (Travis) ● Chat (Slack/IRC/Gitter) ● Recognition (All Contributors) ● Social Media (Twitter, etc) ● Sharing (Blog, Podcast, Talk) Psychological ● Just ask (Ben Franklin Effect) ● Make it easy (Sunk cost) ● Tell a good story (survivor bias) Basics On GitHub ● License ● ● ● Pull Request Reviews ● Issues ● Labels ● Releases ● Milestones ● ● Templates (.github/) ● Permissions (Teams & .owners) ● Saved Replies

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Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer! License Basics Choose how open you are for contribution (and ownership). Permissive MIT Protective Apache 2.0 @mbbroberg

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Slide 21 text Basics WHAT, WHY and HOW Good Default: ## Overview ## Installation ## Getting Started ## How to Help (Advanced) ## Contributors (Advanced) @mbbroberg

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Advanced @mbbroberg mmunity#how-you-can-help

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Advanced all-contributors

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Pull Request Reviews Basics Do you accept PRs? Good default: ● Be responsive ● Have tests (advanced) @mbbroberg

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Basics @mbbroberg nnes/watch-all-your-repos

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Basics @mbbroberg

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Advanced @mbbroberg

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Issues Basics What do you hope to accomplish but haven’t yet? Good default: ● Any missing documentation ● Features you want to implement ● Ask for a Maintainer (Advanced) @mbbroberg

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Basics @mbbroberg endgrid/issues/1

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Advanced @mbbroberg ommunity/issues/80

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Psychology Basics How are you helping people help you? Good default: ● Accept contribution liberally ● Encourage repeat contribution (advanced) @mbbroberg

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Basics @mbbroberg

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Advanced @mbbroberg

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Comment: “Thank you for contributing @user! I made a couple comments in the review, do you have time to add them?” If they don’t get back to you ~3 days: “Hey again @user, no worries on these little things - I’ll merge this and add to it. Thanks again!” Then go to an open issue: “Hey @user, I wonder if you could help out by working on this issue. Wdyt?” Situation: Pull Request is missing something you’d like to see before merging. Advanced @mbbroberg

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Growth @mbbroberg

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Beyond GitHub ● Acronyms (LGTM) ● Continuous Integration (Travis) ● Chat (Slack/IRC/Gitter) ● Recognition (All Contributors) ● Social Media (Twitter, etc) ● Sharing (Blog, Podcast, Talk) Psychological ● Just ask (Ben Franklin Effect) ● Make it easy (Sunk cost) ● Tell a good story (survivor bias) On GitHub ● License ● ● ● Pull Request Reviews ● Issues ● Labels ● Releases ● Milestones ● Templates (.github/) ● Permissions (Teams & .owners) ● Saved Replies Asking for Help Growth Focus

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No content

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Don’t Trust Me @mbbroberg

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Bigger Q @mbbroberg

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Open Source? @mbbroberg

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Decision Tree (Simplified) Should I share? Yes @mbbroberg

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Decision Tree (Simplified) Should I share? Yes @mbbroberg

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Decision Tree (Expanded) Could I share? Yes Do I have to? No @mbbroberg

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Don’t Panic It’s a big world out there. @mbbroberg

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0.03% @mbbroberg

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0/42 @mbbroberg

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Survivorship Bias (via XKCD) @mbbroberg

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Your Reason Avoid other people’s @mbbroberg

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No content

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Asking for Help On GitHub ● License ● ● ● Pull Request Reviews ● Issues ● Labels ● Releases ● Milestones ● ● Templates (.github/) ● Permissions (Teams & .owners) ● Saved Replies Beyond GitHub ● Acronyms (LGTM) ● Continuous Integration (Travis) ● Chat (Slack/IRC/Gitter) ● Recognition (All Contributors) ● Social Media (Twitter, etc) ● Sharing (Blog, Podcast, Talk) Psychological ● Just ask (Ben Franklin Effect) ● Make it easy (Sunk cost) ● Tell a good story (survivor bias)

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Start Simple The basics are enough 99% of the time. @mbbroberg

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Ask @mbbroberg Don’t go it alone

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Learn Brains @mbbroberg They’re more important than algorithms

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Have Fun @mbbroberg If you’re not, rm -rf * and go for a walk

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Stay Healthy @mbbroberg It’s a marathon, don’t burnout for a sprint

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Show of Hands Please & Thank You @mbbroberg

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Thanks! VP Community, Sensu Inc. Matt Broberg @mbbroberg Open Source 101 Maintainer Bits ● Learn GitHub ( ● Readmes (awesome-readme) ● Advice for maintainers (thread) ● GitHub Maintainers program ● All Contributors project ● Sane GitHub Labels project Psychological Bits ● Ben Franklin Effect ● Buy the cognitive bias codex

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“In order to act, we need to be confident in our ability to make an impact and to feel like what we do is important.”

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We solve our problems with technology.

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We create new problems with technology.