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1 Lucas Dohmen @moonbeamlabs ! the multi-purpose NoSQL Database !

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2 Lucas Dohmen @moonbeamlabs ! the multi-purpose NoSQL Database !

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Lucas Dohmen ‣ From Cologne in Germany ‣ ArangoDB Core Team ‣ ArangoDB Foxx & Ruby Stuff ‣ Open Source Developer, Podcaster & CoderDojo Cologne Organizer 3 /\ (~( ) ) /\_/\ ( _-----_(@ @) ( \ / /|/--\|\ V " " " "

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Also… ‣ I don’t speak Spanish :( ‣ Will start learning it with Duolingo now ‣ Thanks to the interpreters <3 4

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Main Features 5 ‣ Open source and free ‣ Multi model database ‣ AQL ‣ Extendable through JS ‣ Replication & sharding ‣ High performance & space efficiency ‣ Powerful Admin Interface ‣ Ashikawa & Guacamole ‣ Started in Sep 2011 ‣ Current Version: 2.2

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Free and Open Source ‣ Apache 2 License ‣ On Github ‣ Do what you want with it ‣ ... and don‘t pay a dime! 6

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NoSQL is not “one thing” ‣ Almost all statements about ‘all NoSQL databases’ are probably wrong ‣ “NoSQL databases can’t do joins” ‣ “NoSQL databases don’t support transactions” ‣ A lot of different categories ‣ Graph Databases ‣ Data Structure Servers ‣ Aggregate Oriented Databases ‣ Time Series Databases ‣ … 7

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Aggregate Oriented Database ‣ Martin Fowler’s Description of Key-Value, Document & Column Family ‣ Aggregate Oriented DB: Store an aggregate as one unit ‣ Aggregate: “A cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit” ! ArangoDB ‣ Is an aggregate oriented database ‣ Allow to save documents with logical similarity in collections ‣ Automatic schema recognition for efficient memory handling 8

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‣ Example: Computer Science Bibliography ! ! ! ! ! ArangoDB ‣ Is a graph database that supports property graphs ‣ Custom traversals and built-in graph algorithms Graph Database 9 Type: inproceeding Title: Finite Size Effects Type: proceeding Title: Neural Modeling Type: person Name: Anthony C. C. Coolen Label: written Label: published Pages: 99-120 Type: person Name: Snchez-Andrs Label: edited

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Multi model database 10 I type: spaceshuttle v name: alice Ownership since: 2003

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Why is that useful? 11 Entity Value Object Identified by… ID Value State is… Mutable Immutable Embed me! Add an edge to me!

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AQL ‣ AQL is a relational algebra ‣ It features Joins ‣ Simple Example: FOR user IN users FILTER == true RETURN { name: } ‣ Other ways of querying: ‣ Query by Example ‣ Graph Traversals ‣ Foxx for extending your API 12

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Why you may want a more expressive query language 13 Source: users friends commenter liker many many many many one one posts comments likes

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users friends commenter liker many many many many one one posts comments likes Why you may want a more expressive query language 14 ‣ Model it as you would in a SQL database ‣ comments gets a commenter_id – then do a join

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users friends commenter liker many many many many one one posts comments likes Why you may want a more expressive query language 15 ‣ Model it as you would in a document store ‣ posts embed comments as an array

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users friends commenter liker many many many many one one posts comments likes Why you may want a more expressive query language 16 ‣ Model it as you would in a graph database ‣ users as nodes, friendships as edges

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Example for Aggregation ‣ Retrieve cities with the number of users: FOR u IN users COLLECT city = INTO g RETURN { "city" : city, "numUsersInCity": LENGTH(g) } 17

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Example for Graph Query ‣ Paths: FOR u IN users LET userRelations = ( FOR p IN PATHS( users, relations, "OUTBOUND" ) FILTER p._from == u._id RETURN p ) RETURN { "user" : u, "relations" : userRelations } 18

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Extendable through JS ‣ JavaScript extends ArangoDB ‣ Multi Collection Transactions ‣ Extending the Web API ‣ Aggregate data from multiple queries into a single response ‣ Carry out data-intensive operations ‣ Individual Graph Traversals 19

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‣ Single Page Web Applications ‣ Native Mobile Applications ‣ ext. Developer APIs ! ‣ ArangoDB has an HTTP API ‣ What if you could talk to the database directly? ‣ It would only need an HTTP API. ‣ What if we could define this API in JavaScript? HTTP APIs 20

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ArangoDB Foxx 21 /\ (~( ) ) /\_/\ ( _-----_(@ @) ( \ / /|/--\|\ V " " " "

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Foxx - Simple Example 22 Foxx = require("org/arangodb/foxx"); ! controller = new Foxx.Controller(appContext); ! controller.get("/users ", function(req, res) { res.json({ hello: }); }); req.params("name"); /:name

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Foxx - More features ‣ Full access to ArangoDB‘s internal APIs: ‣ Simple Queries ‣ AQL ‣ Traversals ‣ … ‣ Automatic generation of interactive documentation ‣ Models and Repositories ‣ Central repository of Foxx apps for re-use and inspiration ‣ Background Worker ‣ Authentication Module (BasicAuth & OAuth 2.0) 23

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FoxxGenerator ‣ Something I’m working on right now ‣ Build your REST API as a state machine ‣ REST as described by Fielding, not DHH ‣ If you are interested in this topic: Talk to me 24

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Replication & Sharding ‣ Master/Slave Replication ✓ ‣ Sharding ✓ ‣ Get the whitepaper on our homepage ‣ Up Next: Auto-Failover 25

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High performance & space efficiency ‣ ArangoDB supports automatic schema recognition, so it is one of the most space efficient document stores. ‣ Although ArangoDB has a wide range of functions, such as MVCC real ACID, schema recognition, etc., it can compete with popular document stores. 26

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Powerful Admin Interface 27

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gem 'guacamole' ‣ Can’t believe that gem name was still free ‣ It’s a Data Mapper ‣ ! ‣ It uses the ArangoDB Driver Ashikawa::Core 28

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29 class PoniesCollection! include Guacamole::Collection! end! ! class Pony! include Guacamole::Model! ! attribute :name, String! attribute :color, String! ! validates :name, presence: true! end! ! pinkie = "Pinkie Pie")! pinkie

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Special Announcement 30 @horseconf (I’m @moonbeamlabs on Twitter, thanks!)