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Bringing a WordPress Product into the Market @CHRISLEMA

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2 @CHRISLEMA New products costs a lot to make, with no guarantee of success.

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3 @CHRISLEMA And while not all of them will go up in flames, some will. Literally.

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4 @CHRISLEMA You might think that’s the worst that can happen. But no. Leakage. That’s worse.

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5 @CHRISLEMA People will tell you that it’s all about market research. TIME AWARENESS OF NEED Few people know they have a need. The need is obvious and multiple folks are working competitively.

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6 @CHRISLEMA What if we turn elsewhere for our new product development innovation?

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7 @CHRISLEMA Build a Different Product

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8 @CHRISLEMA Take two product attributes that have never been connected, and connect them. Connect the Dots

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9 @CHRISLEMA The Three Point Line

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10 @CHRISLEMA 30 Minutes or it’s Free!

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11 @CHRISLEMA Simplify your product by using the features of other products that are nearby. Leverage What’s Nearby

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12 @CHRISLEMA That’s how we got these.

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13 @CHRISLEMA Take two products found in regular proximity, and create a new combined product. Connect What’s Nearby

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14 @CHRISLEMA Who needs cables?

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15 @CHRISLEMA Existing products are fantastic sources of insight for new product development.

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16 @CHRISLEMA Use a Different Business Model

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17 @CHRISLEMA Beyond the product definition, you can make other changes. Change the customer segment. Change the offer and pricing. Change the distribution model. Change the architecture.

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18 @CHRISLEMA Change Segment

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19 @CHRISLEMA Change Offer & Pricing

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20 @CHRISLEMA Change Distribution

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21 @CHRISLEMA Change Architecture

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22 @CHRISLEMA Improve Your Marketing

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23 @CHRISLEMA Core needs- why you buy groceries. Improvements- why you pay for counseling. Pain reduction- why you pay the doctor. Risk reduction- why you buy car insurance. Goal acceleration- why you buy books. Long-term savings- why you join Costco. Larger payouts- why you invest in stocks. Entertainment- why you to go the movies. Experiences- why you go on vacation. Remember why people pay for stuff

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24 @CHRISLEMA Be very clear who you are selling to. “Everyone” isn’t an answer.

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25 @CHRISLEMA Be clear what motivation you’re selling to. Selling to a developer is often just goal acceleration (less value).

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26 @CHRISLEMA Your product and its features are a small part of the decision criteria. Tell a better story.

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27 @CHRISLEMA Help your customers “Cross the Bridge.”

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28 @CHRISLEMA Chris Lema VP of Products Liquid Web @CHRISLEMA