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GitOps: Introduction to Atlantis

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Bruno Russi Lautenschlager ● SRE @ iFood ● AWS Community Builder ● Pai de pet

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What is Infrastructure as Code ● Define your infrastructure as code instead of creating it manually ● Infrastructure can be easily reproduced

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Types of IaC Not only infrastructure ● Network as Code ● Policy as Code ● Configuration as Code ● Security as Code

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How usually people use IaC Not on a git repository ● Create and test locally infra files ● Execute from local machine

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How usually people use IaC I have a repository but commit and push all on main/master No Review/Approval process ● No pull requests ● No code review ● No collaboration ● No automated tests

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How usually people use IaC Apply the infrastructure locally ● Tooling version variations from one machine to another ● Many people have access to the infrastructure ● Difficulty tracking changes ○ Hard to know who performed it and when ○ No visibility of what is being applied and what has been applied

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How usually people use IaC No defined environment ● No development/test environment for infra ● You will find the problems only after applying

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Infra as code is very good and has many benefits, but often the process is 💩

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Gitops: requirements Git repository - Version controlled - Team collaboration CI/CD - Lint Process - Test Process

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GitOps: workflow 1. Make infrastructure changes 2. Create pull request (Visibility, RFC) 3. CI Pipeline (Lint, tests) 4. Approve by team (Review from team) 5. Applies infra files on infrastructure (Atlantis)

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What is Atlantis? Atlantis is open-source

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How Atlantis works? ● Atlantis is self-hosted. Your credentials don't leave your infrastructure ● Runs as a Golang binary or Docker image ● Can be deployed on VMs, Kubernetes, Fargate, etc ● Listens for webhooks from GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket/Azure DevOps ● Runs terraform commands remotely and comments back with their output

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How to configure? - Git Host - Create git access credentials - Deploy Atlantis - Configure webhooks - Configure provider credentials

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How to configure Atlantis server? All the Altantis flags can be configured using: - Environment variables - Config yaml file - Flags on execution command

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How to customize Atlantis workflows? ● Customize on server side with repos.yaml config file

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How to customize Atlantis workflows? ● Customize on terraform repo with atlantis.yaml config file

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Atlantis workflow: apply requirements Atlantis allows you to require certain conditions be satisfied before an Atlantis apply command can be run: ● Approved ● Mergeable

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How to deploy?

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How to deploy?

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How Atlantis works? ● Atlantis plan example

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Demo ⚡

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Benefits - Automated process - No tolling version variation - No human failures - More transparent - Team collaboration - More quality in code - Any person can send a PR and propose a change - Greater security - Only the pipeline has access to infra - Centralized - Git is the source of truth (everything that passes is applied) - Just revert a commit and open an MR for rollback - Infra reflect what's in git

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󰢨 Questions? 󰢡

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Reference ● ● ● ● ●

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