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Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive How to convey backend types to the frontend 30 days of AWS Amplify 2024/11/13 Kihara, Takuya (@tacck) 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 1

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 2 Kihara, Takuya 木原 卓也 / @tacck / Sapporo, Japan CO-OP Sapporo 生活協同組合コープさっぽろ Software Engineer / Flutter, TypeScript, Vue.js, React Amplify Japan User Group Co-organizer Yuru-Web@Sapporo Organizer (Sapporo local community) AWS Community Builder Since Q2 2021 / Category: Front-end Web and Mobile Community

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Amplify Japan User Group ■ We run a Japanese website about Amplify and hold meetups. 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 3

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Talk about ■ Amplify Gen2 – What is the AWS Amplify ? – Developer Experience – What is Sandbox ? – Relation from Backend to Frontend, CDK ■ Deep Dive in Codes – Backend Resource about Data – Convey backend types to Frontend – Deploy Resources by CDK 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 4

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AMPLIFY GEN2 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 5

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What is the AWS Amplify ? ■ Service and tools for Frontend Application development – Hosting with CI/CD – Multi-environment based on Git branches – Libraries for AWS Resources (Cognito, S3, AppSync, etc) – Web Frontend ■ React / Next.js / Angular / Vue / JavaScript – Smartphone Application ■ React Native / Flutter / Android / Swift 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 6

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Developer Experience ■ Development with TypeScript – Web Frontend library using TypeScript – Resource definition using TypeScript files – Lambda functions can be written in TypeScript – etc... ■ Sandbox (Development environment on AWS) – Run CDK with hotswapping 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 7

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What is Sandbox ? 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 8 ■ For development environment on your local machine – Providing an environment on AWS for each team member – Quick resource deployment by hotswaping

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Relation from Backend to Frontend, CDK 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 9

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Relation from Backend to Frontend, CDK 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 10

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Relation from Backend to Frontend, CDK 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 11

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Relation from Backend to Frontend, CDK 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 12

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DEEP DIVE IN CODES 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 13

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Steps ■ Target – Data Resources (amplify/data/resource.ts) ■ Check Fields, Models, Schema ■ Frontend Type-hinting ■ Run CDK on Sandbox command 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 14

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Check Fields, Models, Schema 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 15

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 16 Field type is “ModelField”. amplify/data/resource.ts Fields

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 17 resource.ts string() is defined ModelField.ts string(). And return _field(). node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelField.ts Fields

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 18 Filed methods like require() is defined this method. And return type is “ModelField”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelField.ts Fields

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 19 Filed methods type is defined here. If you use require() in resource, “UsedMethod” has “required” and omit from type-hinting. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelField.ts Fields

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 20 Model type is “ModelType”. amplify/data/resource.ts Models

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 21 resource.ts model() is defined ModelType.ts model(). And return _model(). node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelType.ts Models

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 22 _model() return type is “ModelType”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelType.ts Models

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 23 Model methods type is defined here. If you use authorization() in resource, “UsedMethod” has “authorization” and omit from type-hinting. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelType.ts Models

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 24 Schema type is “ModelSchema”. amplify/data/resource.ts Schema

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 25 resource.ts schema() is defined ModelSchema.ts schema. The actual method is bindConfigToSchema(). node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelSchema.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 26 bindConfigToSchema() return type is “SchemaReturnType”. And, SchemaReturnType’s actual type is ModelSchema. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelSchema.ts Schema

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 27 Schema methods type is defined here. If you use authorization() in resource, “UsedMethod” has “authorization” and omit from type-hinting. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelSchema.ts Schema

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 28 Check bindConfigToSchema() again. This method returns _ddbSchema(). node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelSchema.ts Schema

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 29 This method defines a Schema object. For example, the “models” field includes “Todo”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelSchema.ts Schema

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Frontend Type-hinting 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 30

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 31 “Schema” is from resource.ts. “Todo” is from resource.ts too. Where is “type” from? amplify/data/resource.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 32 Type argument “Schema” is ModelSchema, which was seen previously. ModelSchema has the same object as GenericModelSchema. So, this type is InternalClientSchema. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/index.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 33 Type argument “CustomerSchema” is extended by ModelSchemaContents. So, the property type is ClientSchemaProperty. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/index.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 34 Type “T[K]” is extended by ModelType. So, the valid type is RemapModel. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/index.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 35 Here is the type check sequence. For the specific type, see “ClientModel”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/index.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 36 The first "type" we saw was here. And the value type is “ClientFields”. For the specific type, see “ResolveFields”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/Core/ClientModel.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 37 The value’s type is defined as “ResolveIndividualField”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/utilities/ResolveField.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 38 Check the type argument T is extended “BaseModelField”. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ClientSchema/utilities/ResolveField.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 39 The substance of the BaseModelField type is the ModelField type. node_modules/@aws-amplify/data-schema/src/ModelField.ts

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Run CDK on Sandbox command 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 40

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 41 “ampx” command uses “yargs”. So, check “createMainParser”. packages/cli/src/ampx.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 42 Focus on the sandbox. So, check "createSandboxCommand". packages/cli/src/main_parser_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 43 There are two main points. One is "defining command handler", and another is "defining calling CDK". packages/cli/src/commands/sandbox/sandbox_command_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 44 This one is "define calling CDK". packages/cli/src/commands/sandbox/sandbox_command_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 45 This one is "define command handler”. Check this. packages/cli/src/commands/sandbox/sandbox_command_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 46 "SandboxCommand" is used "yargs". When we need to run the sandbox command, we run "npx ampx sandbox" on the terminal. The argument "sandbox" hits "this.command = 'sandbox'" in this code. packages/cli/src/commands/sandbox/sandbox_command.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 47 "yargs" calls the handler in this code. In the handler, call "sandbox.start". “sandbox” is from the first argument. packages/cli/src/commands/sandbox/sandbox_command.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 48 Go back to "createSandboxCommand". The first argument, "sandboxFacory", is "SandboxSingletonFactory". It is "defining calling CDK". packages/cli/src/commands/sandbox/sandbox_command_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 49 The substance of the processing is in “getInstance”. And it calls “FileWatchingSandbox”. packages/sandbox/src/sandbox_singleton_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 50 “sandbox.start” in “SandboxCommand” is defined in this code. packages/sandbox/src/file_watching_sandbox.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 51 The "start" method calls the "deployAndWatch" method. packages/sandbox/src/file_watching_sandbox.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 52 The “deployAndWatch” method calls the “this.deploy” method. packages/sandbox/src/file_watching_sandbox.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 53 The “this.deploy” method calls the “this.executor.deploy” method. packages/sandbox/src/file_watching_sandbox.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 54 “this.executor” is the second argument. packages/sandbox/src/file_watching_sandbox.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 55 Go back to “SandboxSingletonFactory”. The second argument, “executor”, is “AmplifySandboxExecutor”. packages/sandbox/src/sandbox_singleton_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 56 packages/sandbox/src/sandbox_executor.ts “this.executor.deploy” in “FileWatchingSandbox” is defined in this code. And it calls “this.backendDeployer.deploy”.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 57 packages/sandbox/src/sandbox_executor.ts “this.backendDeployer” is the first argument.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 58 Go back to “SandboxSingletonFactory”. The first argument, “backendDeployer”, is “BackendDeployerFactory”. packages/sandbox/src/sandbox_singleton_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 59 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer_singleton_factory.ts The substance of the processing is in “getInstance”. And it calls “CDKDeployer”.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 60 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer.ts “this.backendDeployer.deploy” in “AmplifySandboxExecutor” is defined in this code.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 61 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer.ts The “deploy” method calls the “this.tryInvokeCdk” method.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 62 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer.ts The “this.tryInvokeCdk” method calls the “this.invokeCdk” method.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 63 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer.ts The “this.invokeCdk” method calls the “this.executeCommand” method.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 64 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer.ts The “this.executeCommand” method calls the “this.packageManagerController.runWithPacka geManager” method.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 65 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer.ts “this.packageManagerController” is the third argument.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 66 packages/backend-deployer/src/cdk_deployer_singleton_factory.ts Go back to “BackendDeployerFactory”. The third argument, “packageManagerController”, is the first argument of the base class.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 67 Go back to “SandboxSingletonFactory” again. The first argument, “packageManagerController”, is “BackendDeployerFactory”. packages/sandbox/src/sandbox_singleton_factory.ts

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 68 packages/cli-core/src/package-manager-controller/package_manager_controller_factory.ts “getPackageManagerController” is a method that returns a class based on the package manager. Here, check “NpmPackageManagerController”.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 69 packages/cli-core/src/package-manager-controller/npm_package_manager_controller.ts “NpmPackageManagerController” constructor calls super. So, check “PackageManagerControllerBase”.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 70 packages/cli-core/src/package-manager-controller/package_manager_controller_base.ts We search “runWithPackageManager” in “CDKDeployer” and find here. And it calls “this. executeWithDebugLogger”.

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30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 71 packages/cli-core/src/package-manager-controller/execute_with_debugger_logger.ts Finally, we find the CDK execution place. execa is the package that runs the system command.

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Relation from Backend to Frontend, CDK (revisited) 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 72

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Wrap up ■ Backend resources (i.e. “amplify/data/resource.ts”) convey helpful types to the frontend. – It is worked with type definitions of TypeScript. ■ Sandbox is watching files changed and running the CDK command in the ampx command. 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 73

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END 30 days of AWS Amplify / #30DaysOfAmplify / Amplify Gen2 Deep Dive 74