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try! Objective-C

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var texture: SKTexture { guard let videoBuffer: UnsafeRawPointer = emulatorCore.videoBuffer() else { fatalError() } let data = Data(bytes: videoBuffer, count: Int(bufferCount)) let size = CGSize(width: 256, height: 240) return SKTexture(data: data, size: size, flipped: true) }

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import AVFoundation // let destinationBuffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer! // Get source buffer let sourceBuffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: head.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int16.self), count: bufferLength) // Copy samples to AVAudioPCMBuffer for channel in 0..(start: destinationBuffer.floatChannelData?.pointee, count: bufferLength) for frame in 0..

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â–¸CoreMotion â–¸WKGestureRecognizer â–¸Tap â–¸LongPress â–¸Swipe â–¸Pan â–¸WKCrownDelegate, WKCrownSequencer INPUTS

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Touch Down Touch Up WKTapGestureRecognizer

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// super rapidly long press(1 frame) longPressGestureRecognizer.minimumPressDuration = 1.0 / 60.0 WKLongPressGestureRecognizer

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public enum Button: UInt32 { case a = 1 case b = 2 case select = 4 case start = 8 case up = 16 case down = 32 case left = 64 case right = 128 } if sender.state == .began { controllerState |= button.rawValue } else if sender.state == .ended { controllerState &= ~button.rawValue }

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Have a nice Pokémon GO Life!

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