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Use the power of standard web components in Salesforce Fabien Taillon, CTO at Texeï, Salesforce MVP 12:00 - 12:40 Developer Track Room - Hakim

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Fabien Taillon ● CTO at Texeï ● Salesforce MVP - Hall of Fame ● Paris Developer Group leader ● French Touch Dreamin team ● Serial speaker

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Agenda What is the promise of Web Components Who are using them/where to find them Use them on Salesforce

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What is the promise of Web Components “Web Component is a suite of different technologies allowing you to create reusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code — and utilize them in your web apps”. MDN -

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What is the promise of Web Components

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What is the promise of Web Components

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What is the promise of Web Components video element is made of several elements, buttons, div etc

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What is the promise of Web Components video element is made of several elements, buttons, div etc But you don’t care about the implementation. You just use it with one easy line of HTML

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What is the promise of Web Components The promise of Web Components is to bring the same ease of use to any custom code/component

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What is the promise of Web Components The promise of Web Components is to bring the same ease of use to any custom code/component ● standard ● reusable ● Encapsulated ○ external CSS won’t impact the design of your component, ie. your component will always look the same wherever it’s used ● Customizable via APIs ○ exposed and documented Properties, Methods, CSS Custom Properties…)

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Who is using Web Components Almost everyone actually

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Who is using Web Components Almost everyone actually

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Where to find Web Components ● Some websites list Web Components: ○

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Where to find Web Components ● Some websites list Web Components: ○ ● Some libraries used with a specific framework can be compiled to Web Components ○ ○ ○ ○ … SLDS

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How to use Web Components Obviously using these components as is with their native framework would be a nightmare to integrate ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠

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How to use Web Components They just don’t talk to each other natively

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How to use Web Components Web Components to the rescue !

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How to use it in Salesforce 2 ways to use a standard Web Component in Salesforce: ● Upload a third-party web component as a static resource. Load the component using the loadScript method from the lightning/platformResourceLoader module (5 MB per static resource) ● Add a third-party web component as an LWC module with a .js-meta.xml configuration file (maximum file size of 128 KB) m&release=246&type=5

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Limitations ● Size ● Common Salesforce limitations (can’t load external JS) ● Lightning Web Security: changing shadow root's mode from 'open' to 'closed' ○ shadowRoot will be undefined Doesn’t work: Does work:

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Resources Use standard Web Components inside Salesforce Build standard Web Components for use in Salesforce Standard Web Components in basic HTML Page

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