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⋆ Kenji Saito, Kayo Kobayashi, Waki Takekoshi, Atsuki Hashimoto, Nobukazu Hirai, Akifumi
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RPG Generation/Play with a Large Language Model for Their Deeper Engagement in Social
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Computer Science 14309, 2023, pp.274–289
Kenji Saito, Yutaka Soejima, Toshihiko Sugiura, Yukinobu Kitamura, Mitsuru Iwamura,
“Is Ethereum Proof of Stake Sustainable? — Considering from the Perspective of Competition
Among Smart Contract Platforms —”, arXiv:2309.11394, Sep. 2023
⋆ Kenji Saito, “A Path to Meta-Nature : Automated Environment Where Even Pencils Grow on A
Tree”, CCRC Conference 2022 – Towards a Cyber Civilization Risks and Opportunities, February
Kenji Saito, Satoki Watanabe, “Lightweight selective disclosure for verifiable documents on
blockchain”, ICT Express, Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2021, pp.290-294
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