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 a year-in-review Sergei Egorov Kraków, 15-17 May 2019 @bsideup

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Top ques!ons (0) Room 11 Join at #geecon2019 Join at #geecon2019 Room 11 slido com Ask questions at
 room 1

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Tweet photos

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About me • Testcontainers co-maintainer • Staff Engineer at Pivotal’s Spring R&D, working on Project Reactor ⚛ • Berlin Spring User Group co-organizer • Developer tools geek @bsideup

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Integration testing Why it matters?

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Integration testing Real-world, but isolated testing Spot the issues before the real environment Can be run during the development You have to start real databases Should be cross-platform Slower than Unit testing Pros Cons @bsideup

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Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Mocking Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Mocking Local DBs Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Mocking Local DBs VMs
 (Vagrant) Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Mocking Local DBs VMs
 (Vagrant) Docker Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Mocking Local DBs VMs
 (Vagrant) Docker Fig
 (aka Docker Compose) Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Mocking Local DBs VMs
 (Vagrant) Docker Fig
 (aka Docker Compose) Docker API Integration testing transformation @bsideup

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Abstraction layer

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CI friendly

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Docker Compose FTW! redis:
 image: redis
 - "6379:6379"
 image: postgres
 - "5432:5432"
 image: elasticsearch:5.0.0
 - "9200:9200"

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Declarative YAML redis:
 image: redis
 - "6379:6379"
 image: postgres
 - "5432:5432"
 image: elasticsearch:5.0.0
 - "9200:9200"

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ports randomization? redis:
 image: redis
 - "6379:6379"
 image: postgres
 - "5432:5432"
 image: elasticsearch:5.0.0
 - "9200:9200"

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Container per test? redis:
 image: redis
 - "6379:6379"
 image: postgres
 - "5432:5432"
 image: elasticsearch:5.0.0
 - "9200:9200"

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IDE integration? @bsideup

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Fighting with Docker environment

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There is no place like

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There is no place like … unless there is

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Can we improve that?

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Testcontainers • • Wraps docker-java library • Docker environment discovery (Win, Mac, Linux) • Containers cleanup on JVM shutdown @bsideup

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As simple as PostgreSQLContainer postgresql = new PostgreSQLContainer()
 GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:3")
 .withExposedPorts(6379) @bsideup

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1.6.x Jan, 2018 @bsideup

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1.6.x • Kafka module Jan, 2018 @bsideup try (KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer()) { kafka.start(); testKafkaFunctionality(kafka.getBootstrapServers()); }

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1.6.x • Kafka module • “Ryuk” Jan, 2018 @bsideup

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1.7.x Apr, 2018 @bsideup

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1.7.x • Maven BOM Apr, 2018 @bsideup org.testcontainers testcontainers-bom 1.11.2 bom import

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1.7.x • Maven BOM • DockerCompose
 wait strategies Apr, 2018 @bsideup new DockerComposeContainer(new File("docker-compose.yml")) .withExposedService( "redis_1", REDIS_PORT, Wait.forListeningPort() ) .withExposedService( "db_1", 3306, Wait.forLogMessage(".*ready for connections.*\\s", 1) );

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1.7.x • Maven BOM • DockerCompose
 wait strategies • Daemon threads Apr, 2018 @bsideup kiraThread.setDaemon(true); kiraThread.start();

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1.7.x • Maven BOM • DockerCompose
 wait strategies • Daemon threads • MockServer module Apr, 2018 @bsideup try (MockServerContainer mockServer = new MockServerContainer()) { mockServer.start(); String expectedBody = "Hello Default World!"; MockServerClient client = new MockServerClient( mockServer.getContainerIpAddress(), mockServer.getServerPort() ); client.when(request("/hello")).respond(response(expectedBody)); // ... }

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1.8.x Jun, 2018 @bsideup

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1.8.x • OkHttp transport Jun, 2018 @bsideup

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1.8.x • OkHttp transport • Test framework
 agnostic Jun, 2018 @bsideup public interface Startable extends AutoCloseable { void start(); void stop(); } public interface TestLifecycleAware { default void beforeTest(TestDescription description) {} default void afterTest( TestDescription description, Optional throwable ) {} }

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1.8.x • OkHttp transport • Test framework
 agnostic • Docker cred. helpers Jun, 2018 @bsideup { "auths": { }, "HttpHeaders": { "User-Agent": "Docker-Client/18.03.0-ce (darwin)" }, "credHelpers": { "": “helper" } }

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1.8.x • OkHttp transport • Test framework
 agnostic • Docker cred. helpers • copyFileToContainer Jun, 2018 @bsideup GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("alpine:latest") // Look, Ma! No volumes mounting! .withCopyFileToContainer( MountableFile.forClasspathResource(“/mappable-resource/"), containerPath )

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1.8.x • OkHttp transport • Test framework
 agnostic • Docker cred. helpers • copyFileToContainer • Pulsar module • Couchbase module • Cassandra module Jun, 2018 @bsideup

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1.9.x Sep, 2018 @bsideup

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default Sep, 2018 @bsideup

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support Sep, 2018 @bsideup No longer needed

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support • Registry auth on Windows Sep, 2018 @bsideup

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support • Registry auth on Windows • Fix local Docker Compose
 on Windows Sep, 2018 @bsideup new DockerComposeContainer(new File("docker-compose.yml")) .withExposedService("redis_1", REDIS_PORT) .withExposedService("db_1", 3306) .withLocalCompose(true);

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support • Registry auth on Windows • Fix local Docker Compose
 on Windows • Host ports exposing Sep, 2018 @bsideup @BeforeClass public static void setUp() { localPort = server.getAddress().getPort(); Testcontainers.exposeHostPorts(localPort); } @Rule public BrowserWebDriverContainer browser = new BrowserWebDriverContainer() .withCapabilities(new ChromeOptions()); @Test public void testContainerRunningAgainstExposedHostPort() { RemoteWebDriver webDriver = browser.getWebDriver(); webDriver.get( String.format("http://host.testcontainers.internal:%d/", localPort)); final String pageSource = webDriver.getPageSource(); assertTrue(pageSource.contains("Hello from the host!")); }

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support • Registry auth on Windows • Fix local Docker Compose
 on Windows • Host ports exposing • Random ports in Couchbase Sep, 2018 @bsideup

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support • Registry auth on Windows • Fix local Docker Compose
 on Windows • Host ports exposing • Random ports in Couchbase Sep, 2018 @bsideup

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1.9.x • OkHttp by default • Windows npipe support • Registry auth on Windows • Fix local Docker Compose
 on Windows • Host ports exposing • Random ports in Couchbase • ClickHouse and Postgis modules Sep, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support Nov, 2018 @bsideup @Testcontainers class MyTestcontainersTests { // will be shared between test methods @Container static final MySQLContainer MYSQL_CONTAINER = new MySQLContainer(); // will be started before and stopped after each test method @Container PostgreSQLContainer postgresqlContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer() .withDatabaseName("foo") .withUsername("foo") .withPassword(“secret"); @Test void test() { assertTrue(MYSQL_CONTAINER.isRunning()); assertTrue(postgresqlContainer.isRunning()); } }

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support • New docs & more examples Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support • New docs & more examples • Env var to turn off Ryuk
 (for public CIs) Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support • New docs & more examples • Env var to turn off Ryuk
 (for public CIs) • shm + TmpFS settings Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support • New docs & more examples • Env var to turn off Ryuk
 (for public CIs) • shm + TmpFS settings • Auto dependency updates
 with Dependabot Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support • New docs & more examples • Env var to turn off Ryuk
 (for public CIs) • shm + TmpFS settings • Auto dependency updates
 with Dependabot Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.10.x • JUnit 5 support • New docs & more examples • Env var to turn off Ryuk
 (for public CIs) • shm + TmpFS settings • Auto dependency updates
 with Dependabot • Neo4j and Elasticsearch modules Nov, 2018 @bsideup

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1.11.x Mar, 2019 @bsideup

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1.11.x • Chaos Testing (toxiproxy) Mar, 2019 @bsideup @Rule public GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:5.0.4") .withExposedPorts(6379) .withNetwork(network); @Rule public ToxiproxyContainer toxiproxy = new ToxiproxyContainer() .withNetwork(network); @Test public void testLatencyViaProxy() throws IOException { ContainerProxy proxy = toxiproxy.getProxy(redis, 6379); Jedis jedis = new Jedis( proxy.getContainerIpAddress(), proxy.getProxyPort() ); proxy.toxics() .latency("latency", ToxicDirection.DOWNSTREAM, 1_100) .setJitter(100); jedis.get("somekey"); }

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1.11.x • Chaos Testing (toxiproxy) • fsync=off for PostgreSQL Mar, 2019 @bsideup

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1.11.x • Chaos Testing (toxiproxy) • fsync=off for PostgreSQL • Drop Netty transport Mar, 2019 @bsideup

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1.11.x • Chaos Testing (toxiproxy) • fsync=off for PostgreSQL • Drop Netty transport Mar, 2019 @bsideup

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1.11.x • Chaos Testing (toxiproxy) • fsync=off for PostgreSQL • Drop Netty transport • Rework shading Mar, 2019 @bsideup

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new DSL

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What’s wrong with the current one?

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)) .withEmbeddedZookeeper() .withEnv("FOO", "BAR") .withStartupAttempts(5); Current DSL @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)) .withEmbeddedZookeeper() .withEnv("FOO", "BAR") .withStartupAttempts(5); Current DSL GenericContainer @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)) .withEmbeddedZookeeper() .withEnv("FOO", "BAR") .withStartupAttempts(5); Current DSL KafkaContainer @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)) .withEmbeddedZookeeper() .withEnv("FOO", "BAR") .withStartupAttempts(5); Current DSL GenericContainer @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)) .withEmbeddedZookeeper() .withEnv("FOO", "BAR") .withStartupAttempts(5); Current DSL GenericContainer @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)) .withEmbeddedZookeeper() .withEnv("FOO", "BAR") .withStartupAttempts(5); Current DSL GenericContainer public SELF withStartupAttempts(int attempts) { this.startupAttempts = attempts; return self(); } @bsideup

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public class KafkaContainer extends GenericContainer {} public class GenericContainer> /* */ {} @bsideup

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public class KafkaContainer extends GenericContainer {} public class GenericContainer> /* */ {} @bsideup

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❌ Hard to maintain @bsideup

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❌ Hard to maintain ❌ Does not work with Kotlin/Scala @bsideup

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❌ Hard to maintain ❌ Does not work with Kotlin/Scala ❌ Externally mutable objects @bsideup

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❌ Hard to maintain ❌ Does not work with Kotlin/Scala ❌ Externally mutable objects ❌ “setX” isn’t supported, only “withX” (think collections) @bsideup

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❌ Hard to maintain ❌ Does not work with Kotlin/Scala ❌ Externally mutable objects ❌ “setX” isn’t supported, only “withX” (think collections) ❌ No imperative “if-else” with the fluent style @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() { @Override protected void initialize() { withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)); withEmbeddedZookeeper(); withEnv("FOO", "BAR"); withStartupAttempts(5); } }; New “DSL”? @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() { @Override protected void initialize() { withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)); withEmbeddedZookeeper(); withEnv("FOO", "BAR"); withStartupAttempts(5); } }; New “DSL”? Or even… @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() {{ withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)); withEmbeddedZookeeper(); withEnv("FOO", "BAR"); withStartupAttempts(5); }} New “DSL”? @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() {{ withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)); withEmbeddedZookeeper(); withEnv("FOO", "BAR"); withStartupAttempts(5); }} New “DSL”? public void withStartupAttempts(int attempts) { this.startupAttempts = attempts; } @bsideup

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KafkaContainer kafka = new KafkaContainer() {{ withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log)); withEmbeddedZookeeper(); withEnv("FOO", "BAR"); withStartupAttempts(5); }} New “DSL”? public void withStartupAttempts(int attempts) { this.startupAttempts = attempts; } @bsideup

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✓ Super easy to maintain @bsideup

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✓ Super easy to maintain ✓ Works with any JVM language @bsideup

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✓ Super easy to maintain ✓ Works with any JVM language ✓ “Controllable mutability” - no modifications outside of “initialize” @bsideup

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✓ Super easy to maintain ✓ Works with any JVM language ✓ “Controllable mutability” - no modifications outside of “initialize” ✓ Void-retuning “setX” can easily be used @bsideup

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✓ Super easy to maintain ✓ Works with any JVM language ✓ “Controllable mutability” - no modifications outside of “initialize” ✓ Void-retuning “setX” can easily be used ✓ Can use “if-else” @bsideup

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GraalVM focus

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@bsideup application-3aa2273bf3bb

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@bsideup // JavaScript var GenericContainer = Java.type(’org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer’); var container = new GenericContainer("nginx"); container.setExposedPorts([80]); container.start(); console.log(container.getContainerIpAddress() + ‘:’ + container.getMappedPort(80)); application-3aa2273bf3bb

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@bsideup // JavaScript var GenericContainer = Java.type(’org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer’); var container = new GenericContainer("nginx"); container.setExposedPorts([80]); container.start(); console.log(container.getContainerIpAddress() + ‘:’ + container.getMappedPort(80)); application-3aa2273bf3bb // Python import java generic = java.type('org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer') container = generic('nginx') container.setExposedPorts([80]) container.start(); print('%s:%s' % (container.getContainerIpAddress(), container.getMappedPort(80)));

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“container core”

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Testcontainers 1.x architecture Core
 (Docker, GenericContainer, 
 JUnit 4 int, test lifecycle) @bsideup

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Testcontainers 1.x architecture Core
 (Docker, GenericContainer, 
 JUnit 4 int, test lifecycle) JUnit Jupiter int. @bsideup

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Testcontainers 1.x architecture Core
 (Docker, GenericContainer, 
 JUnit 4 int, test lifecycle) JUnit Jupiter int. Modules like MySQL/Kafka/… @bsideup

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Testcontainers 2.x architecture Container-core
 (GenericContainer) @bsideup

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Testcontainers 2.x architecture Container-core
 (GenericContainer) Test Frameworks JUnit 4 JUnit Jupiter Scala test? … @bsideup

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Testcontainers 2.x architecture Container-core
 (GenericContainer) Test Frameworks JUnit 4 JUnit Jupiter Scala test? … Executing engines Container-core-docker
 (env discovery, networks, …) Container-core-k8s? … @bsideup

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Modules like MySQL/Kafka/… Testcontainers 2.x architecture Container-core
 (GenericContainer) Test Frameworks JUnit 4 JUnit Jupiter Scala test? … Executing engines Container-core-docker
 (env discovery, networks, …) Container-core-k8s? … @bsideup

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Usability Flexibility Speed Features @bsideup

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Usability Flexibility Speed Features @bsideup

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Usability Flexibility Speed Features @bsideup

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Please welcome…

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Reusable containers

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Reusable containers

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✓ Ultra-fast ITDD (Integration Test Driven Development) @bsideup

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✓ Ultra-fast ITDD (Integration Test Driven Development) ✓ Minimal effort for the users @bsideup

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✓ Ultra-fast ITDD (Integration Test Driven Development) ✓ Minimal effort for the users ✓ Works for most of the containers @bsideup

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✓ Ultra-fast ITDD (Integration Test Driven Development) ✓ Minimal effort for the users ✓ Works for most of the containers ✓ Eventually cleanups stale containers
 (unlike Docker Compose) @bsideup

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✓ Ultra-fast ITDD (Integration Test Driven Development) ✓ Minimal effort for the users ✓ Works for most of the containers ✓ Eventually cleanups stale containers
 (unlike Docker Compose) ✓ Available later this year. Pre-order now for $0 @bsideup

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Takeaways • • Works on Linux, Mac and Windows • …including CIs like Jenkins, Travis, CircleCI, BitBucket, AzurePipelines, … • Provides a great balance between 
 flexibility, usability, speed and features

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@bsideup bsideup