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Mob Programming whole team collaboration - November 13, 2018 Nick Goede // Anthony Sciamanna @ngoede @asciamanna

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Passionate about Extreme Programming (XP), Lean Software Development, and Modern Agile. Expertise in helping teams and development organizations improve how they work, the quality of their code, and their ability to deliver value to their customers. Focusing on technical excellence, continuous improvement, and continuous learning. Over a decade of experience using and teaching XP software practices and software design. Passionate about teams that work together and across different roles to produce value for customers. Anthony Sciamanna Software Developer, Engineering Coach, blogger & organizer of the PhillyXP user group. @asciamanna About Us Nick Goede Software Engineer and Coach. Co-Organizer of @phillyXP. Advocate for humane software development practices. @ngoede

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What is Mob Programming? Mission Control Center, Houston, 1965

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Mob programming is a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer. - Woody Zuill “ ”

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Discovered at Hunter Industries in 2011 by a team coached by Woody Zuill 2011 A Brief History of Mob Programming Discovered at Hunter Industries in 2011 by a team coached by Woody Zuill

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2011 2016 A Brief History of Mob Programming Discovered at Hunter Industries in 2011 by a team coached by Woody Zuill By 2016 more than eight mob teams exist at Hunter. The first Mob Programming conference takes place at MIT

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A Brief History of Mob Programming 2011 2016 Today Discovered at Hunter Industries in 2011 by a team coached by Woody Zuill By 2016 more than eight mob teams exist at Hunter. The first Mob Programming conference takes place at MIT Adoption continues to increase as companies discover the value of whole team collaboration

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Hunter Industries – Mob Programming 2012

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Hunter Industries – Mob Programming 2016

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Adoption has increased significantly since 2011

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Lean Manufacturing / Toyota Production System (TPS) Extreme Programming (XP) Lean Software Development 1948 - 1975 1996 2003 Mob Programming builds on the principles and practices of…

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This can’t possibly work!!!

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Woody identifies a 10x productivity improvement on his teams at Hunter Industries…How? This can’t be efficient?!? Typing ISN’T the bottleneck 1/12th of software development is typing* *Programming Is Mostly Thinking - Tim Ottinger

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What are the Bottlenecks? Solving Problems Communication Waste (muda) Rework

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Solving Problems Missing expertise Lack of customer contact Lack of decision makers No time to experiment or learn Only solving part of the problem

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Waste Building the wrong thing Scrapped work Inventory / Partially done work Waiting / Handoffs Extra processing Extra features The Eight Forms of Waste – Lean Software Development

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Always 7% Often 13% Sometimes 16% Rarely Used 19% Never Used 45% Standish Group Study, reported by CEO Jim Johnson, XP2002 64% Never or Rarely Used 20% Always or Often Used Feature Usage The danger of specifying all requirements up front

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Rework Bugs in Production Failed Releases / Hotfixes Work Moving Backwards Unplanned Work (Failure Demand)

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Solve Problems Communicate Minimize Waste Minimize Rework Mob programming helps teams effectively…

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Non-Existent on Beginner Agile Teams

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Mob programming optimizes for the flow the work over the output of an individual. -Woody Zuill, Stopping the Enterprise Death Spiral with Mob Programming “ ”

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Why is it Important? Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) at the conclusion of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission

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Limit Work in Process (WIP)

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Avoid Handoffs

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Wait Time % Resource Busy Wait Time = %Busy / %Idle

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Keep work flowing in the RIGHT direction

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Multiple Brains Write Better Code

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Combined Learning

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Knowledge Sharing

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Deming’s 85/15 rule Worker Effectiveness System Worker's Skill

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Mob Programming Practices First Space Shuttle Mission – Columbia – STS-1 – April 12, 1981

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Use a Mob Programming Tool

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Short Switching Intervals Start with seven minutes

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Disciplined Break Taking via the Pomodoro Technique Taking Breaks in a Disciplined Way – Tim Ottinger

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Pair Mob Programming with TDD Fast feedback cycles and team-based flow supports working a small batches and taking breaks

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Strong-Style Pairing Model For an idea to go from your head into the computer it MUST go through someone else’s hands. -Llewellyn Falco – The Strong-Style Pairing Golden Rule “ ”

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Full Team Participation

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Pressure to Split the Mob “We need to go faster, let’s work individually or in smaller groups”

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Individual Work Feels Faster But … • Increases WIP • Increases defects / rework • Increases time in meetings • Increases Handoffs • Increases non-value add activities Slows down the flow of work Work in Process Trap

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Waste Snake Improving daily work is even more important than doing daily work. -Gene Kim - The DevOps Handbook

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Learnings Board

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Avoid Runaway Drivers

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Debate in Code When unsure what direction to go try both versions AND THEN debate the merits. Don’t get lost in abstract discussion Nasa Scientists posing for Life Magazine in 1961 in front of board of calculations

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Shared Team Settings Streamline working together by having shared key mappings and settings

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Invite the Bosses Having managers experience the team’s impediments in real- time will help them address organizational causes

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For More Information @asciamanna @ngoede