# 環境構築(kind)
# https://madhuakula.com/kubernetes-goat/docs/how-to-run/kind
git clone https://github.com/madhuakula/kubernetes-goat.git
cd kubernetes-goat/platforms/kind-setup
bash setup-kind-cluster-and-goat.sh
# Kubernetes Goat home へのアクセス
# https://madhuakula.com/kubernetes-goat/docs/getting-started
cd ../..
bash access-kubernetes-goat.sh
Slide 7
Slide 7 text
✅ Sensitive keys in codebases
✅ DIND (docker-in-docker) exploitation
✅ SSRF in the Kubernetes (K8S) world
✅ Container escape to the host system
✅ Docker CIS benchmarks analysis
✅ Kubernetes CIS benchmarks analysis
✅ Attacking private registry
✅ NodePort exposed services
✅ Helm v2 tiller to PwN the cluster - [Deprecated]
✅ Analyzing crypto miner container
✅ Kubernetes namespaces bypass
✅ Gaining environment information
✅ DoS the Memory/CPU resources
✅ Hacker container preview
✅ Hidden in layers
✅ RBAC least privileges misconfiguration
✅ KubeAudit - Audit Kubernetes clusters
✅ Falco - Runtime security monitoring & detection
✅ Popeye - A Kubernetes cluster sanitizer
✅ Secure network boundaries using NSP
Slide 8
Slide 8 text
Slide 9
Slide 9 text
Container escape to the host system
✅ 定番とも言えるコンテナエスケープを体験する
✅ 初級者向けだが事前知識は必要
✅ より高度なテクニックや、脆弱性を突く攻撃もある
✅ サンプルコマンド動かないかも